Welcome to OmnipotentS stats database Version 2

Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Minus-KitchenSink-Randomizer
on Sat, Mar 08 2025, 10:23:39 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 04s CIA Connected
-1m 04s CIA Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 04s nautikal Connected
-1m 04s ROGER Connected
-1m 04s nautikal Team Change to Red Team
-1m 04s ROGER Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
-1m 03s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s Vugluskr Connected
-1m 03s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
-1m 03s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s jezbel Connected
-1m 03s jezbel Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s OH_NO Connected
-1m 02s OH_NO Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s The_Gimp Connected
-1m 02s The_Gimp Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s Laser_monkey Connected
-1m 01s Laser_monkey Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s Player 4 Connected
-1m 01s Player 4 Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s BUSCHMASTER Connected
-1m 01s BUSCHMASTER Team Change to Red Team
-1m 00s N.X. Connected
-1m 00s N.X. Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s EbNo Connected
-1m 00s EbNo Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s V4N Connected
-0m 59s V4N Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 56s Merc Connected
-0m 56s Merc Team Change to Red Team
-0m 55s BIG_FloPPies Connected
-0m 55s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 55s TFSN Connected
-0m 55s TFSN Team Change to Red Team
-0m 53s Jeffery_Lorenzo Connected
-0m 53s Jeffery_Lorenzo Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 51s ChefBoyardee Connected
-0m 51s ChefBoyardee Team Change to Red Team
-0m 44s The_Gimp Disconnected
-0m 33s Unicorn_Vomit we have to play dria tonight
-0m 30s Wine Connected
-0m 30s Wine Team Change to Red Team
-0m 27s bros.4LeafClover Connected
-0m 27s bros.4LeafClover Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 27s El_Commandante(Co30) k
-0m 23s V4N ~-stopwhining
-0m 23s TFSN beg
-0m 18s Wine Disconnected
-0m 16s ROGER ROGER is now ready.
-0m 15s ChefBoyardee no
-0m 11s ROGER ROGER is no longer ready.
-0m 10s V4N ~-suckgolfball
-0m 06s V4N ~-sw-force
-0m 04s Unicorn_Vomit mine either
-0m 03s V4N ~-sw-faith
-0m 02s ROGER illegals cannot vote
-0m 02s ChefBoyardee ok
-0m 01s Wine Connected
-0m 01s Wine Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s jezbel Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s OH_NO Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Laser_monkey Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s BUSCHMASTER Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s N.X. Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s V4N Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s V4N ~-subzero
0m 00s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s ChefBoyardee Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s TFSN -clickclickboom
0m 02s Unicorn_Vomit rofl
0m 03s kelpy Connected
0m 03s kelpy Team Change to Blue Team
0m 05s Vugluskr Telefragged bros.4LeafClover
0m 29s Unicorn_Vomit wait, don't we have to have the user.ini file?
0m 33s bros.4LeafClover Killed V4N with a Flak Cannon
0m 35s ROGER Headshot TFSN with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
0m 35s BIG_FloPPies Killed CIA with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
0m 36s BLA$TER Connected
0m 36s BLA$TER Team Change to Red Team
0m 41s BIG_FloPPies Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
0m 42s BUSCHMASTER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
0m 45s Laser_monkey Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
0m 47s Unicorn_Vomit hmmm
0m 48s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player 4 with a Redeemer
0m 49s N.X. Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
0m 54s Unicorn_Vomit intrestinmg
0m 55s nautikal Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Railgun
0m 56s EbNo Killed Vugluskr with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
1m 00s BUSCHMASTER Killed OH_NO with a MinotaurKill
1m 05s ROGER Killed TFSN with a DamTypeDragonBomb
1m 06s BUSCHMASTER Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
1m 06s ChefBoyardee Suicided
1m 06s ChefBoyardee Disconnected
1m 08s nautikal Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
1m 13s Player 4 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamType_HTankShell
1m 15s nautikal Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Railgun
1m 23s V4N Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeTurretFlames
1m 24s kelpy Killed EbNo with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
1m 26s V4N Killed ROGER with a DamTypeTurretFlames
1m 30s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed OH_NO with a Goliath
1m 30s nautikal Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Railgun
1m 33s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Laser_monkey with a Goliath
1m 39s CIA Killed V4N with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
1m 43s V4N lol
1m 47s BIG_FloPPies Killed jezbel with a Goliath
1m 48s nautikal Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Railgun
1m 50s BIG_FloPPies Killed CIA with a Goliath
1m 52s Unicorn_Vomit hmmmm
1m 54s nautikal Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Railgun
1m 56s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
2m 00s EbNo Killed kelpy with a Raptor
2m 04s Unicorn_Vomit hmmm
2m 04s nautikal Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Railgun
2m 05s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeHeavyShell
2m 11s nautikal Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
2m 16s GuythatkillsU Connected
2m 16s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
2m 17s Player 4 Killed V4N with a DamType_HTankRocket
2m 22s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
2m 23s N.X. Killed CIA with a DamTypeCerberusMissile
2m 24s Player 23 Connected
2m 25s OH_NO Headshot ROGER with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
2m 28s BIG_FloPPies Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
2m 29s nautikal Killed jezbel with a Railgun
2m 31s OH_NO Fell to their death
2m 31s EbNo Suicided with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
2m 34s bros.4LeafClover Killed nautikal with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
2m 38s nautikal there u go
2m 42s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed V4N with a Goliath
2m 43s CIA Killed Merc with a Lightning Gun
2m 47s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
2m 47s Player 4 Killed BLA$TER with a DamType_LaserBeam
2m 48s ROGER Carjacked a FlareRaptor
2m 50s BIG_FloPPies Killed ROGER with a Goliath
2m 51s TFSN Killed kelpy with a Flak Cannon
2m 51s kelpy Killed TFSN with a Flak Cannon
2m 53s bros.4LeafClover Killed nautikal with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
2m 55s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
2m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
3m 05s BIG_FloPPies Killed CIA with a Goliath
3m 08s Player 23 Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
3m 11s kelpy Killed Laser_monkey with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
3m 13s BIG_FloPPies Killed ROGER with a Goliath
3m 18s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
3m 18s The_Gimp Connected
3m 18s The_Gimp Team Change to Red Team
3m 21s BIG_FloPPies Killed kelpy with a Goliath
3m 23s GuythatkillsU Killed OH_NO with a FalconPlasma
3m 26s bros.4LeafClover Killed TFSN with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
3m 27s Wine Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Shock Rifle
3m 30s Player 4 Killed BLA$TER with a DamType_HTankRocket
3m 30s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed GuythatkillsU with a Minigun
3m 37s Vugluskr Killed N.X. with a FireBall
3m 39s BUSCHMASTER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLinkTank3Roadkill
3m 44s EbNo Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurTurretkill
3m 48s nautikal Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
3m 48s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Wine with a Goliath
3m 50s Laser_monkey Killed jezbel with a BiotankKill
3m 53s ROGER Killed EbNo with a MinotaurKill
3m 54s The_Gimp Killed Player 23 with an AuroraCombo
3m 54s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeHeavyShell
3m 57s Merc Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeDragonBomb
4m 00s Merc Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeDragonBomb
4m 05s CIA Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 08s CIA Killed nautikal with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 09s GuythatkillsU Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a PVWDamTypeMercuryHeadHit
4m 13s CIA Killed Laser_monkey with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 14s ROGER Killed EbNo with a MinotaurKill
4m 15s Unicorn_Vomit Killed The_Gimp with a Railgun
4m 21s CIA Killed Merc with a Shock Rifle
4m 22s Unicorn_Vomit Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
4m 22s The_Gimp Killed GuythatkillsU with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
4m 25s The_Gimp Killed bros.4LeafClover with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
4m 28s Vugluskr Killed TFSN with a FireBall
4m 29s BUSCHMASTER Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
4m 33s The_Gimp Killed ROGER with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypePrimary
4m 35s Player 23 Killed BLA$TER with a Redeemer
4m 35s The_Gimp Killed Vugluskr with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypePrimary
4m 38s V4N Killed Player 23 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 40s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Flak Cannon
4m 41s ChefBoyardee Connected
4m 41s ChefBoyardee Team Change to Blue Team
4m 43s V4N Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 45s TFSN Fell to their death
4m 46s The_Gimp Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
4m 53s OH_NO Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Rocket Launcher
5m 00s Wine Killed Player 4 with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
5m 04s kelpy Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeDragonBomb
5m 06s ChefBoyardee Just tried deleting UT2004.ini, no luck.
5m 07s TFSN Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
5m 07s BIG_FloPPies Killed Vugluskr with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
5m 09s El_Commandante(Co30) Headshot kelpy with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
5m 11s The_Gimp Killed bros.4LeafClover with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
5m 12s Unicorn_Vomit Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
5m 12s Unicorn_Vomit Killed EbNo with a Railgun
5m 12s ChefBoyardee Can't find user.ini
5m 14s Javiar Connected
5m 14s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
5m 16s Player 23 no, delete user.ini
5m 22s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 25s BLA$TER Killed ROGER with a Goliath
5m 27s Player Connected
5m 27s The_Gimp Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypePrimary
5m 30s Player 23 oh, i think it's next to the one u deleted
5m 31s ChefBoyardee ok, gotta find it first
5m 34s Merc Killed GuythatkillsU with a Redeemer
5m 35s bros.4LeafClover Killed nautikal with a HeatRay
5m 37s Vugluskr Killed The_Gimp with a Goliath
5m 38s Wine Killed CIA with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
5m 41s ROGER Killed V4N with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
5m 42s Merc Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
5m 42s Vugluskr Killed Laser_monkey with a Goliath
5m 43s nautikal Killed jezbel with a Flak Cannon
5m 43s Player 23 just do search
5m 44s CIA system files
5m 46s Wine Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
5m 46s OH_NO Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
5m 46s Vugluskr Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Goliath
5m 48s Player 4 Killed TFSN with a DamType_HTankRocket
5m 55s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
5m 55s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
5m 56s ROGER Suicided with a Redeemer
5m 59s N.X. Killed Player 23 with a DamTypeCerberusMissile
6m 00s Javiar Carjacked a ONSArmadillo
6m 02s Vugluskr Killed OH_NO with a Goliath
6m 02s Wine Killed Javiar with a Rocket Launcher
6m 05s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
6m 06s ChefBoyardee Disconnected
6m 08s Player 4 Fell to their death
6m 09s BUSCHMASTER Killed EbNo with a DamTypeMirageChainGun
6m 12s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
6m 13s Wine Killed Javiar with a Lightning Gun
6m 13s N.X. Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeCerberusMissile
6m 13s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Merc with a Railgun
6m 17s Wine Killed Player 4 with a Lightning Gun
6m 17s BLA$TER Killed kelpy with a Goliath
6m 19s Wine Headshot Javiar with a Lightning Gun
6m 26s Wine Killed Javiar with a Lightning Gun
6m 26s Vugluskr Killed Wine with an AuroraCombo
6m 28s OH_NO Killed kelpy with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
6m 29s phred Connected
6m 29s phred Team Change to Blue Team
6m 30s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed ROGER with a FalconPlasma
6m 33s nautikal Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeDragonBomb
6m 33s Player Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurKill
6m 34s BLA$TER Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Goliath
6m 40s EbNo Killed CIA with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
6m 43s BUSCHMASTER Killed BLA$TER with a Flak Cannon
6m 43s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Laser_monkey with a Railgun
6m 44s EbNo Carjacked a StirgeFlyer
6m 45s Player 4 Killed OH_NO with a MinotaurKill
6m 45s Player 4 Killed The_Gimp with a MinotaurKill
6m 46s Player 23 Killed TFSN with a Minigun
6m 49s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
6m 52s OH_NO Killed Player 23 with a Shock Rifle
7m 01s Player 4 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurDamTypeRoadkill
7m 01s Player 4 Suicided with a MinotaurKill
7m 03s BIG_FloPPies Killed Javiar with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
7m 04s ^oblio^ Connected
7m 05s ROGER Headshot BLA$TER with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
7m 07s BIG_FloPPies Killed kelpy with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
7m 08s V4N Killed CIA with a FireBall
7m 12s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Merc with a Railgun
7m 12s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed The_Gimp with a Railgun
7m 16s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireBall
7m 19s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHeavyShell
7m 24s bros.4LeafClover Killed Laser_monkey with a CerberusRear
7m 29s Player 4 Killed TFSN with a DamTypeTurretFlames
7m 31s Player Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
7m 32s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
7m 34s N.X. Killed ROGER with a DamTypeCerberusMissile
7m 36s Player Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
7m 37s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a CentaurBeams
7m 38s Unicorn_Vomit -bitch
7m 41s nautikal Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeDragonBomb
7m 45s Player Killed CIA with a MinotaurKill
7m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Carjacked a LinkBadger
7m 49s The_Gimp Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeFlash
7m 50s Player Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
7m 51s ROGER Killed Player with a Goliath
7m 53s OH_NO Killed kelpy with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProximityExplosion
7m 54s Vugluskr Suicided with a DamTypeHeavyShell
7m 54s jezbel Suicided with a Redeemer
7m 55s Unicorn_Vomit Killed EbNo with a Rocket Launcher
7m 57s GuythatkillsU Killed OH_NO with a Link Gun
7m 59s phred Killed Merc with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
8m 07s nautikal Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeDragonBomb
8m 08s CIA Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CerberusLaser
8m 14s V4N Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
8m 15s The_Gimp Killed ROGER with a DamTypeFlash
8m 19s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with a Shock Rifle
8m 19s Player Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
8m 21s V4N Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
8m 23s bros.4LeafClover Killed The_Gimp with a Shock Rifle
8m 24s Wine Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
8m 27s phred Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
8m 28s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a BioBadgerBeamKill
8m 29s ^oblio^ Killed Player 23 with a Redeemer
8m 30s EbNo Killed Vugluskr with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
8m 37s Player Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
8m 38s jezbel Killed OH_NO with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
8m 42s Laser_monkey Killed CIA with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
8m 42s Laser_monkey Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
8m 44s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed phred with a Rocket Launcher
8m 44s Player Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
8m 46s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with a Lightning Gun
8m 46s nautikal Killed jezbel with a Lightning Gun
8m 49s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a BioBadgerBeamKill
8m 52s Player Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
8m 53s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
8m 55s Laser_monkey Killed ROGER with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
9m 00s Vugluskr Killed ^oblio^ with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 01s Laser_monkey Killed Player 23 with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
9m 01s Wine Killed jezbel with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
9m 02s GuythatkillsU Killed Merc with a BioBadgerBeamKill
9m 05s bros.4LeafClover Killed Laser_monkey with a Shock Rifle
9m 10s GuythatkillsU Killed N.X. with a BioBadgerBeamKill
9m 10s Player 4 Killed BLA$TER with a Railgun
9m 12s Wine Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
9m 15s BIG_FloPPies Killed ROGER with a Redeemer
9m 15s BIG_FloPPies Killed kelpy with a Redeemer
9m 16s Javiar Killed TFSN with a Flak Cannon
9m 18s OH_NO Killed Javiar with a Paladin
9m 19s BUSCHMASTER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BiotankKill
9m 23s V4N Killed jezbel with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
9m 27s Vugluskr Killed nautikal with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
9m 29s OH_NO Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProjectile
9m 29s phred Killed Player with a DamTypeTankTurretShell
9m 32s The_Gimp Killed Player 23 with a Goliath
9m 35s The_Gimp Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Goliath
9m 35s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed V4N with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
9m 37s Vugluskr Suicided with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
9m 40s CIA Killed Merc with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
9m 43s snarf Connected
9m 43s snarf Team Change to Blue Team
9m 46s Unicorn_Vomit -calmdownchuck
9m 48s kelpy Killed EbNo with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
9m 48s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Raptor
9m 52s OH_NO Killed Javiar with a Paladin
9m 53s =patty Connected
9m 53s =patty Team Change to Blue Team
9m 54s V4N Killed ROGER with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypePrimary
9m 55s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a BioBadgerBeamKill
9m 58s The_Gimp Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
9m 59s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BioBadgerBeamKill
10m 00s Wine Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
10m 02s Unicorn_Vomit Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
10m 07s Player Killed jezbel with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
10m 08s nautikal Headshot kelpy with a Manta
10m 10s bros.4LeafClover Killed Merc with an AuroraLaser
10m 13s V4N Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamType_HTankRocket
10m 14s nautikal Carjacked a LinkBadger
10m 16s kelpy Died from a Scorpion
10m 18s The_Gimp Killed Vugluskr with an AuroraCombo
10m 18s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
10m 22s The_Gimp Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
10m 24s Unicorn_Vomit Killed ^oblio^ with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
10m 25s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Railgun
10m 26s The_Gimp Killed CIA with a Shock Rifle
10m 29s Player Killed jezbel with a Raptor
10m 30s EbNo Killed =patty with a MinotaurKill
10m 30s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a MinotaurKill
10m 34s GuythatkillsU Killed Laser_monkey with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
10m 36s Javiar Carjacked a LinkBadger
10m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed Merc with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
10m 38s The_Gimp Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Shock Rifle
10m 40s N.X. Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeFlareBomb
10m 42s 11:11 Connected
10m 42s 11:11 Team Change to Red Team
10m 42s CIA Killed The_Gimp with a FlameKill
10m 45s Wine Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
10m 46s V4N Killed ROGER with a DamType_HTankRocket
10m 46s OH_NO Killed CIA with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
10m 46s V4N Killed =patty with a DamType_HTankRocket
10m 51s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
10m 51s N.X. Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeFlash
10m 58s snarf Killed Wine with a DamTypeHeavyShell
10m 59s EbNo Killed Player 4 with a MinotaurKill
11m 01s snarf Killed nautikal with a DamTypeHeavyShell
11m 02s EbNo Killed CIA with a MinotaurKill
11m 03s Unicorn_Vomit Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
11m 05s EbNo Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
11m 05s EbNo Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
11m 09s Unicorn_Vomit Killed TFSN with a Railgun
11m 09s The_Gimp Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypePrimary
11m 10s nautikal Killed kelpy with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
11m 12s Merc Headshot ROGER with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaHeadshot
11m 14s Laser_monkey Suicided with a Redeemer
11m 14s V4N Killed Player 23 with a Destroyed Vehicle
11m 15s Unicorn_Vomit Killed OH_NO with a Railgun
11m 16s EbNo Killed Player 4 with a MinotaurKill
11m 22s EbNo Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
11m 23s Player 4 lame
11m 24s Red Team Captured a Point!
11m 25s Player 4 again
11m 25s V4N Killed =patty with a DamType_HTankRocket
11m 28s V4N -gg
11m 29s TFSN -joints
11m 32s Merc -haha
11m 38s TFSN Suicided
11m 38s TFSN Disconnected
11m 39s phred Telefragged Javiar
11m 39s BLA$TER Telefragged Player
11m 44s 11:11 Telefragged nautikal
11m 54s phred Fell to their death
11m 55s Unicorn_Vomit Suicided
11m 55s Unicorn_Vomit Disconnected
12m 03s snarf Fell to their death
12m 07s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
12m 07s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
12m 12s 11:11 Headshot Vugluskr with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
12m 16s Player 5 Connected
12m 17s Player 23 Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
12m 17s Player 23 Headshot BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
12m 19s Unicorn_Vomit game crashed
12m 23s phred Disconnected
12m 23s 11:11 Died from an UAMDamTypeChangeTeam
12m 23s 11:11 Team Change to Blue Team
12m 23s snarf Disconnected
12m 24s snarf Connected
12m 25s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a FalconV3Omni
12m 26s =patty Killed Merc with a Shock Rifle
12m 29s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player 4 with a MinotaurKill
12m 29s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a MinotaurKill
12m 31s phred Connected
12m 31s phred Team Change to Blue Team
12m 31s Player Suicided with a Redeemer
12m 32s Player 5 Disconnected
12m 34s kelpy Killed EbNo with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
12m 34s BUSCHMASTER Killed BLA$TER with a WaspYJFlak
12m 35s =patty Killed OH_NO with a Lightning Gun
12m 38s N.X. Killed kelpy with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
12m 39s Merc Killed ROGER with a Rocket Launcher
12m 39s ^oblio^ Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
12m 39s bros.4LeafClover Killed N.X. with a FalconPlasma
12m 40s Player 23 search the whole pc
12m 40s 11:11 Disconnected
12m 42s Unicorn_Vomit it's in the systems fold
12m 44s ChefBoyardee Connected
12m 47s bros.4LeafClover Killed Merc with a FalconPlasma
12m 48s Vugluskr Killed The_Gimp with a Railgun
12m 48s phred Killed Laser_monkey with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
12m 48s snarf Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Shock Rifle
12m 52s snarf Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
12m 53s nautikal Killed Javiar with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypePrimary
12m 56s ROGER Killed V4N with a WyvernBeams
12m 58s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 4 with an AuroraCombo
13m 02s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with a DamTypePheonixBurst
13m 03s nautikal Killed ROGER with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
13m 03s CIA Suicided from Reckless Driving
13m 04s N.X. Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Rocket Launcher
13m 05s BUSCHMASTER Killed Merc with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
13m 11s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
13m 12s snarf Carjacked a FalconV3Omni
13m 13s GuythatkillsU Killed snarf with a Paladin
13m 13s ChefBoyardee Killed phred with a Goliath
13m 16s ChefBoyardee Carjacked a TurtleOmni
13m 16s GuythatkillsU nopw
13m 17s CIA Carjacked a ONSFirefly
13m 19s ^oblio^ Killed kelpy with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
13m 20s =patty Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Lightning Gun
13m 21s Unicorn_Vomit Died from a Cicada
13m 22s Player 4 Killed ^oblio^ with a MinotaurKill
13m 26s Player Killed Player 23 with a DamTypePheonixBurst
13m 29s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with a Shock Rifle
13m 29s phred Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
13m 32s jezbel Killed snarf with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
13m 35s =patty Killed Laser_monkey with a Shock Rifle
13m 35s BUSCHMASTER Killed N.X. with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
13m 38s Merc Killed CIA with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
13m 39s Unicorn_Vomit Carjacked a StingrayOmni
13m 40s =patty Killed Player with a Lightning Gun
13m 43s ^oblio^ Killed jezbel with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
13m 43s snarf Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Shock Rifle
13m 47s Player 4 Killed Wine with a MinotaurKill
13m 48s The_Gimp Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
13m 48s Merc Carjacked a SkyMiner
13m 48s OH_NO Killed Javiar with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
13m 49s GuythatkillsU Killed The_Gimp with a Shock Rifle
13m 50s BLA$TER Killed kelpy with a Railgun
13m 51s BIG_FloPPies Killed =patty with a WyvernBeams
13m 52s ROGER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
13m 52s Player 4 Killed V4N with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
13m 53s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Railgun
13m 56s =patty Killed nautikal with a Lightning Gun
13m 59s ^oblio^ Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
14m 03s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with an AuroraCombo
14m 06s OH_NO Killed CIA with a Shock Rifle
14m 07s Player 4 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
14m 07s Player 4 Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
14m 08s Merc Killed GuythatkillsU with an AuroraCombo
14m 08s Merc Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with an AuroraCombo
14m 10s Vugluskr Killed OH_NO with a Leviathan
14m 12s BUSCHMASTER Killed snarf with a DamTypePheonixBurst
14m 12s BLA$TER Killed ROGER with a Railgun
14m 13s phred Suicided from Reckless Driving
14m 15s CIA Killed Merc with a Lightning Gun
14m 15s Javiar Fell to their death
14m 17s Wine Killed jezbel with a BiotankKill
14m 22s Wine Killed Vugluskr with a BiotankKill
14m 24s EbNo Killed BUSCHMASTER with a WaspYJFlak
14m 25s Wine Killed phred with a BiotankKill
14m 30s nautikal Killed kelpy with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
14m 30s Player 4 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Vehicle Explosion
14m 34s jezbel Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
14m 34s BLA$TER Killed jezbel with a Railgun
14m 36s Javiar Disconnected
14m 36s Wine Killed bros.4LeafClover with a BioBeam
14m 39s ^oblio^ Killed =patty with a DamTypeFBOFlakShell
14m 39s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
14m 42s BUSCHMASTER Killed ^oblio^ with a WaspYJFlak
14m 45s Vugluskr Killed N.X. with a Railgun
14m 48s SoLZoot3d Connected
14m 48s SoLZoot3d Team Change to Blue Team
14m 49s BUSCHMASTER Killed OH_NO with a WaspYJFlak
14m 50s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
14m 50s Javiar Connected
14m 50s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
14m 55s Player 23 Killed Merc with a Redeemer
14m 56s ChefBoyardee Suicided with a Redeemer
14m 57s ChefBoyardee Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Redeemer
14m 57s Player Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a MinotaurKill
14m 58s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Railgun
15m 01s The_Gimp Killed Player 23 with a FalconPlasma
15m 02s Player Killed phred with a MinotaurKill
15m 03s CIA Killed V4N with a Lightning Gun
15m 05s Laser_monkey Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
15m 08s Vugluskr Killed Wine with a Railgun
15m 09s BLA$TER Killed kelpy with a Railgun
15m 13s Player Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
15m 13s Player Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
15m 13s Player Killed kelpy with a MinotaurKill
15m 15s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Railgun
15m 15s phred Killed nautikal with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
15m 16s Player Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
15m 18s Player 4 Killed N.X. with a MinotaurTurretkill
15m 18s Unicorn_Vomit damn ity
15m 20s Player Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
15m 20s Player Killed kelpy with a MinotaurKill
15m 20s phred Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
15m 22s GuythatkillsU Killed ^oblio^ with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
15m 24s The_Gimp Killed Vugluskr with a FalconPlasma
15m 25s jezbel Killed EbNo with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
15m 25s ROGER Headshot ChefBoyardee with a Manta
15m 25s Player 23 Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
15m 25s Player Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
15m 25s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
15m 25s Player Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
15m 27s snarf Killed phred with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 30s Player Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
15m 30s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
15m 34s BIG_FloPPies Killed jezbel with a Kraken_Rockets
15m 35s nautikal Killed ROGER with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
15m 36s Player Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
15m 39s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Laser_monkey with a Rocket Launcher
15m 39s Player 4 Killed EbNo with a MinotaurKill
15m 39s Player Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
15m 39s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
15m 39s snarf Killed CIA with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 41s =patty Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
15m 42s Player Killed phred with a MinotaurKill
15m 45s Player Killed CIA with a MinotaurKill
15m 45s Player Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
15m 46s BIG_FloPPies Killed SoLZoot3d with a Kraken_Rockets
15m 50s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
15m 52s Player 4 Killed EbNo with a MinotaurKill
15m 54s Wine Killed =patty with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
15m 55s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a Flak Cannon
15m 55s phred Killed Merc with a Shock Rifle
15m 55s Player 4 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
15m 56s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
16m 00s BUSCHMASTER Killed Wine with a Paladin
16m 01s The_Gimp Killed phred with a FalconPlasma
16m 01s ^oblio^ Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Rocket Launcher
16m 02s BUSCHMASTER Killed OH_NO with a Paladin
16m 04s ROGER Killed ^oblio^ with a Link Gun
16m 09s kelpy Killed snarf with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
16m 11s ChefBoyardee Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 13s Player Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
16m 13s Player Suicided with a MinotaurKill
16m 15s nautikal Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
16m 16s Laser_monkey Headshot Unicorn_Vomit with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaHeadshot
16m 19s EbNo Killed GuythatkillsU with an AuroraSkyMineKill
16m 19s CIA Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
16m 19s Player 4 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
16m 20s Wine Killed Player 4 with a DamType_LaserBeam
16m 22s The_Gimp Killed Javiar with a FalconPlasma
16m 26s SoLZoot3d Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
16m 27s N.X. Killed Vugluskr with a Rocket Launcher
16m 27s V4N Killed phred with a DamTypeCerberusSmallRocket
16m 31s ^oblio^ Killed ROGER with a WaspYJFlak
16m 33s Laser_monkey Killed kelpy with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
16m 34s CIA Killed EbNo with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
16m 36s ^oblio^ Suicided from Reckless Driving
16m 40s bros.4LeafClover Killed Player with a Shock Rifle
16m 42s snarf Killed CIA with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
16m 43s Wine Killed Player 4 with a DamType_LaserBeam
16m 43s Merc Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Shock Rifle
16m 46s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed EbNo with a Rocket Launcher
16m 51s Player 23 Killed EbNo with a Redeemer
16m 52s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeCerberusSmallRocket
16m 57s snarf Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
16m 58s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Railgun
16m 59s OH_NO Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a BiotankKill
17m 02s jezbel Killed ^oblio^ with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 04s BIG_FloPPies Killed Javiar with an AuroraCombo
17m 05s bros.4LeafClover Killed The_Gimp with an AuroraLaser
17m 06s ^oblio^ Disconnected
17m 08s jezbel Killed BLA$TER with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 11s N.X. Killed Vugluskr with a Leviathan
17m 14s jezbel Killed Merc with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 15s The_Gimp Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
17m 16s ChefBoyardee Suicided with a Redeemer
17m 18s OH_NO Killed ROGER with a BiotankKill
17m 22s snarf Killed kelpy with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
17m 23s N.X. Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Leviathan
17m 24s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a Link Gun
17m 28s Wine Killed jezbel with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
17m 28s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
17m 29s N.X. Killed Player 23 with a Leviathan
17m 32s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Wine with a Kraken_Missile
17m 32s Merc Killed =patty with a WaspYJFlak
17m 34s 11:11 Connected
17m 36s Merc Killed CIA with a WaspYJFlak
17m 36s snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
17m 40s ROGER Killed OH_NO with a Link Gun
17m 41s OH_NO Killed ROGER with a BiotankKill
17m 45s BLA$TER Killed Player 4 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
17m 47s nautikal Killed phred with a Shock Rifle
17m 48s Vugluskr Killed The_Gimp with a FalconPlasma
17m 49s CIA Killed nautikal with a Raptor
17m 49s bros.4LeafClover Killed V4N with a WaspYJFlak
17m 49s Player Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
17m 51s SoLZoot3d Killed Laser_monkey with a KrakenLasers
17m 53s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
17m 57s kelpy Carjacked a Centaur
17m 57s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with a Raptor
17m 58s BIG_FloPPies Killed CIA with a Raptor
17m 59s =patty Killed N.X. with a DamTypeVenomBBQ
18m 00s ChefBoyardee Died from a CerberusRoadkill
18m 00s bros.4LeafClover Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a WaspYJFlak
18m 01s SoLZoot3d Killed BLA$TER with a KrakenLasers
18m 04s snarf Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Destroyed Vehicle
18m 05s Player Killed Player 4 with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 06s GuythatkillsU Killed snarf with a WyvernBeams
18m 11s SoLZoot3d Killed Merc with a KrakenLasers
18m 16s CIA Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 18s Vugluskr Killed Wine with a FalconPlasma
18m 19s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a Link Gun
18m 21s N.X. Fell to their death
18m 21s The_Gimp Killed Player 4 with a FalconPlasma
18m 21s nautikal Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
18m 24s CIA Killed nautikal with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
18m 26s kelpy Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
18m 27s Player 23 Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
18m 30s CIA Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 31s The_Gimp Killed BUSCHMASTER with a FalconPlasma
18m 31s The_Gimp Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a FalconPlasma
18m 31s The_Gimp Killed SoLZoot3d with a FalconPlasma
18m 31s The_Gimp Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a FalconPlasma
18m 31s Laser_monkey Killed phred with a MinotaurKill
18m 31s Unicorn_Vomit Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Kraken_Missile
18m 33s The_Gimp Killed CIA with a FalconPlasma
18m 34s The_Gimp Killed Javiar with a FalconPlasma
18m 39s Player Killed =patty with a Lightning Gun
18m 45s GuythatkillsU Killed OH_NO with a WyvernBeams
18m 46s snarf Killed jezbel with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
18m 47s N.X. Killed Vugluskr with a Rocket Launcher
18m 53s Javiar Killed nautikal with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
18m 54s bros.4LeafClover Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
18m 54s Laser_monkey Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
18m 54s SoLZoot3d Killed EbNo with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
18m 55s N.X. Killed GuythatkillsU with a Rocket Launcher
18m 56s CIA Killed The_Gimp with a Rocket Launcher
18m 57s Player 4 Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeRhinoLasers
19m 00s snarf Headshot Javiar with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
19m 00s V4N Killed SoLZoot3d with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
19m 00s Player Killed Player 4 with a Shock Rifle
19m 01s snarf Killed jezbel with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
19m 06s kelpy Killed EbNo with a Railgun
19m 06s Laser_monkey Killed CIA with a MinotaurKill
19m 07s snarf Killed Player 23 with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
19m 08s phred Killed Laser_monkey with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
19m 08s GuythatkillsU Killed snarf with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
19m 09s =patty Killed Merc with a Lightning Gun
19m 09s SoLZoot3d Suicided
19m 09s SoLZoot3d Disconnected
19m 14s =patty Killed Player with a Shock Rifle
19m 15s Vugluskr Killed OH_NO with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 16s nautikal Fell to their death
19m 18s The_Gimp Killed kelpy with a WaspYJFlak
19m 20s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Javiar with a BiotankKill
19m 21s bros.4LeafClover Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
19m 21s Vugluskr Killed V4N with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 28s ChefBoyardee Killed Player 23 with a Redeemer
19m 28s ChefBoyardee Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Redeemer
19m 28s ChefBoyardee Suicided with a Redeemer
19m 29s snarf Carjacked a SkyMiner
19m 30s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Javiar with a BiotankKill
19m 30s bros.4LeafClover Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
19m 31s The_Gimp Killed CIA with a WaspYJFlak
19m 37s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BUSCHMASTER with a BiotankKill
19m 37s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Javiar with a BiotankKill
19m 37s Javiar Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Link Gun
19m 39s The_Gimp Killed ROGER with a WaspYJFlak
19m 41s Wine Killed bros.4LeafClover with a CentaurBeams
19m 42s =patty Killed Laser_monkey with a Lightning Gun
19m 43s Player 23 Disconnected
19m 46s The_Gimp Killed Vugluskr with a WaspYJFlak
19m 46s Player Killed =patty with a Raptor
19m 47s nautikal Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
19m 47s Merc Suicided with a Redeemer
19m 51s CIA Killed The_Gimp with a Shock Rifle
19m 55s ChefBoyardee Died from an UAMDamTypeChangeTeam
19m 55s ChefBoyardee Team Change to Blue Team
19m 55s GuythatkillsU teams
19m 57s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player with a DamTypePheonixBeam
19m 59s Wine Killed jezbel with a CentaurBeams
20m 01s BUSCHMASTER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypePheonixBurst
20m 03s EbNo Died from a Destroyed Vehicle
20m 05s Wine Killed bros.4LeafClover with a CentaurBeams
20m 09s CIA Killed BLA$TER with a Raptor
20m 12s nautikal Killed CIA with a Link Gun
20m 13s Laser_monkey Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
20m 14s Laser_monkey Killed ROGER with a DamTypeKamakaze
20m 14s nautikal Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Link Gun
20m 18s snarf Killed kelpy with an AuroraCombo
20m 19s CIA Killed EbNo with an AuroraCombo
20m 24s Blue Team Captured a Point!
20m 26s 11:11 Killed Player 4 with a Leviathan
20m 29s Unicorn_Vomit -fyeah
20m 31s Player 4 gg
20m 35s ROGER -leon-pampers
20m 38s gareau Connected
20m 39s N.X. Telefragged Merc
20m 53s =patty Fell to their death
21m 07s ROGER Killed gareau with an AVRiL
21m 09s Jeffery_Lorenzo Disconnected
21m 10s CIA Killed EbNo with a Shock Rifle
21m 11s =patty Disconnected
21m 13s Laser_monkey Killed phred with a Raptor
21m 14s kelpy Killed Laser_monkey with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
21m 15s =patty Connected
21m 15s =patty Team Change to Blue Team
21m 15s snarf Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
21m 16s gareau Suicided
21m 16s gareau Team Change to Blue Team
21m 16s ChefBoyardee teams
21m 19s nautikal Killed CIA with a MinotaurKill
21m 19s nautikal Killed Player 4 with a MinotaurKill
21m 19s nautikal Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
21m 19s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
21m 21s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
21m 25s bros.4LeafClover Killed EbNo with a MinotaurKill
21m 25s bros.4LeafClover Killed Laser_monkey with a MinotaurKill
21m 26s ChefBoyardee Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
21m 28s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Vugluskr with a CerberusChainGun
21m 31s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed GuythatkillsU with a CerberusChainGun
21m 34s Jeffery_Lorenzo Connected
21m 34s Jeffery_Lorenzo Team Change to Blue Team
21m 34s Javiar Suicided with a Redeemer
21m 35s nautikal Killed bros.4LeafClover with a MinotaurKill
21m 36s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BUSCHMASTER with a CerberusChainGun
21m 36s BUSCHMASTER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
21m 38s =patty Killed snarf with a Lightning Gun
21m 39s The_Gimp Killed ROGER with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
21m 41s ChefBoyardee Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
21m 42s gareau Suicided
21m 42s gareau Disconnected
21m 46s The_Gimp Killed phred with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
21m 48s N.X. Killed jezbel with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
21m 52s Wine Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeMantisBeam
21m 53s Player 4 Killed V4N with an Ion Plasma Tank
21m 54s The_Gimp Killed kelpy with a Lightning Gun
21m 54s gareau Connected
21m 54s gareau Team Change to Blue Team
21m 58s Player 4 Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeIonTankShockwave
21m 59s Laser_monkey Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
22m 00s bros.4LeafClover Killed nautikal with a Bio Rifle
22m 00s Laser_monkey Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeKamakaze
22m 01s Merc Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Leviathan
22m 02s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeHeavyShell
22m 04s BIG_FloPPies Killed =patty with a Raptor
22m 05s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
22m 05s Unicorn_Vomit Killed OH_NO with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
22m 07s Merc Killed CIA with a Leviathan
22m 08s Jeffery_Lorenzo Suicided with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
22m 11s phred Killed The_Gimp with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
22m 16s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
22m 17s ROGER Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 19s EbNo Killed GuythatkillsU with a Raptor
22m 20s Player 4 Killed Wine with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 20s nautikal Killed Player 4 with a Raptor
22m 21s 11:11 Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 23s The_Gimp Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
22m 25s Merc Killed gareau with a Leviathan
22m 27s ROGER Killed V4N with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 27s snarf Killed Javiar with a DamTypeHeavyShell
22m 29s jezbel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an AVRiL
22m 31s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Leviathan
22m 32s snarf Killed =patty with a DamTypeHeavyShell
22m 34s V4N Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
22m 36s Player Killed BUSCHMASTER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
22m 37s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed EbNo with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
22m 37s OH_NO Killed jezbel with a Raptor
22m 37s Wine Killed ROGER with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
22m 39s snarf Killed Javiar with a DamTypeHeavyShell
22m 39s snarf Killed gareau with a DamTypeHeavyShell
22m 41s V4N Telefragged BIG_FloPPies
22m 44s phred Killed OH_NO with a Shock Rifle
22m 46s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a DamTypeHeavyShell
22m 48s Vugluskr Killed The_Gimp with a DamTypeHeavyShell
22m 53s 11:11 Suicided from Reckless Driving
22m 53s Laser_monkey Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Destroyed Vehicle
22m 54s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
22m 55s GuythatkillsU Killed The_Gimp with a DamTypeKamakaze
22m 59s BUSCHMASTER Killed Laser_monkey with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
22m 59s nautikal Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Raptor
23m 08s Vugluskr Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 08s snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 10s snarf Killed gareau with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 12s nautikal Killed ChefBoyardee with a Shock Rifle
23m 13s OH_NO Killed ROGER with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
23m 13s BIG_FloPPies Killed =patty with a Cicada
23m 16s Wine Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
23m 18s snarf Killed jezbel with a DamTypeHeavyChainGun
23m 19s Vugluskr Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 22s snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 24s nautikal Killed phred with a Lightning Gun
23m 26s V4N Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeShockerRocket
23m 30s Wine Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
23m 30s V4N Killed Javiar with a DamTypeShockerRocket
23m 32s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 32s 11:11 Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeIonTankShockwave
23m 33s snarf Killed gareau with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 36s =patty Killed N.X. with a Lightning Gun
23m 36s BLA$TER Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamType_LaserBeam
23m 40s bros.4LeafClover Killed Laser_monkey with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
23m 41s BLA$TER Killed jezbel with a DamType_LaserBeam
23m 42s snarf Killed gareau with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 43s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed snarf with a LIPDamTypePlasmaFried
23m 44s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Vugluskr with a WyvernBeams
23m 44s phred Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeMantisBeam
23m 46s Wine Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
23m 47s nautikal Killed =patty with a Lightning Gun
23m 49s BUSCHMASTER Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
23m 50s bros.4LeafClover Killed Wine with a Shock Rifle
23m 53s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Merc with a LIPDamTypePlasmaFried
23m 53s The_Gimp Killed kelpy with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
24m 01s EbNo Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
24m 02s nautikal Killed ChefBoyardee with a Lightning Gun
24m 03s 11:11 Killed phred with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
24m 04s The_Gimp Suicided with a Redeemer
24m 05s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Player with a LIPDamTypePlasmaFried
24m 08s GuythatkillsU oops
24m 09s jezbel Killed BLA$TER with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
24m 14s ROGER Killed BLA$TER with a Leviathan
24m 14s GuythatkillsU Killed 11:11 with a Link Gun
24m 14s ROGER Killed The_Gimp with a Leviathan
24m 22s Merc Killed ROGER with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
24m 23s Vugluskr Killed OH_NO with a MinotaurKill
24m 23s gareau Died from a Cicada
24m 26s Merc Killed ChefBoyardee with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
24m 26s snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeMantisBeam
24m 26s nautikal Killed jezbel with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
24m 27s Laser_monkey Suicided from Reckless Driving
24m 28s =patty Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
24m 32s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Merc with a DamTypeShockerRocket
24m 35s snarf Killed phred with a DamTypeMantisBeam
24m 37s CIA Suicided from Reckless Driving
24m 38s EbNo Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
24m 38s bros.4LeafClover Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Bio Rifle
24m 39s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed snarf with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
24m 39s The_Gimp Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Raptor
24m 40s EbNo Suicided with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
24m 50s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a MinotaurKill
24m 52s CIA Killed Laser_monkey with an Ion Plasma Tank
24m 53s BLA$TER Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Raptor
24m 54s gareau Killed Player with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
24m 55s N.X. Killed jezbel with a DamTypeCerberusMissile
24m 56s Vugluskr Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
24m 58s The_Gimp Killed Vugluskr with a Raptor
25m 01s The_Gimp Killed Player 4 with a Raptor
25m 02s nautikal Killed Javiar with a Lightning Gun
25m 03s ROGER Killed snarf with a Raptor
25m 05s The_Gimp Killed gareau with a Raptor
25m 09s GuythatkillsU Killed EbNo with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
25m 09s GuythatkillsU Killed Merc with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
25m 12s ROGER Killed BLA$TER with a Raptor
25m 17s ChefBoyardee Killed nautikal with a Rocket Launcher
25m 17s Laser_monkey Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
25m 18s Laser_monkey Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeKamakaze
25m 18s Laser_monkey Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeKamakaze
25m 19s phred Killed The_Gimp with a CentaurBeams
25m 21s BIG_FloPPies Killed =patty with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
25m 22s Player Killed ROGER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
25m 25s OH_NO Killed Javiar with a Shock Rifle
25m 27s bros.4LeafClover Killed 11:11 with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
25m 33s snarf Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
25m 34s OH_NO Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
25m 35s ChefBoyardee Killed Merc with a Lightning Gun
25m 38s snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
25m 40s jezbel Suicided from Reckless Driving
25m 43s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
25m 45s gareau Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
25m 46s ROGER Killed Wine with a Cicada
25m 47s BUSCHMASTER Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
25m 49s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeShockerRocket
25m 50s Unicorn_Vomit Killed snarf with a DamTypeShockerRocket
25m 51s Javiar Killed EbNo with a Raptor
25m 51s Wine Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
25m 57s BLA$TER Killed phred with a DamType_LaserBeam
25m 58s Merc Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
25m 59s BIG_FloPPies Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
26m 00s Player Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Redeemer
26m 04s Player Killed =patty with a Lightning Gun
26m 05s Javiar Carjacked a StirgeFlyer
26m 06s 11:11 Killed CIA with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
26m 07s The_Gimp Killed jezbel with a Raptor
26m 09s BIG_FloPPies Killed GuythatkillsU with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
26m 09s Laser_monkey Killed Javiar with a DamTypeHeavyShell
26m 15s nautikal Killed Player 4 with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
26m 16s Vugluskr Suicided with an AVRiL
26m 17s BUSCHMASTER Killed Laser_monkey with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
26m 19s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
26m 20s The_Gimp Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
26m 20s gareau Killed Player with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
26m 23s phred Killed OH_NO with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
26m 28s BLA$TER Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
26m 29s BIG_FloPPies Killed bros.4LeafClover with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
26m 30s EbNo Killed phred with a Raptor
26m 31s 11:11 Headshot gareau with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
26m 37s 11:11 Killed Javiar with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
26m 37s Laser_monkey Killed kelpy with a Link Gun
26m 40s Unicorn_Vomit Killed N.X. with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
26m 41s The_Gimp Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
26m 42s CIA Killed BLA$TER with a Lightning Gun
26m 42s GuythatkillsU Killed 11:11 with a Leviathan
26m 45s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeShockerRocket
26m 46s The_Gimp Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
26m 49s Player 4 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Raptor
26m 51s BUSCHMASTER Telefragged gareau
26m 52s The_Gimp Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Shock Rifle
26m 55s Player Killed CIA with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
26m 57s Unicorn_Vomit Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeMirageMissle
26m 59s nautikal Killed phred with a Shock Rifle
27m 01s =patty Killed Player with a FireBadgerHeatRayKill
27m 01s GuythatkillsU Killed Merc with a Leviathan
27m 03s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeShockerRocket
27m 05s BIG_FloPPies Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
27m 07s EbNo Killed jezbel with a Raptor
27m 10s nautikal Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamType_LaserBeam
27m 10s =patty Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
27m 10s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed ChefBoyardee with a Raptor
27m 11s CIA Killed snarf with a MinotaurKill
27m 14s CIA Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
27m 14s phred Killed The_Gimp with a CentaurBeams
27m 21s =patty Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Lightning Gun
27m 22s bros.4LeafClover Killed nautikal with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
27m 24s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 4 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
27m 26s CIA Killed Laser_monkey with a MinotaurKill
27m 27s GuythatkillsU Killed N.X. with a Leviathan
27m 28s 11:11 Killed =patty with a MinotaurKill
27m 31s bros.4LeafClover Killed BLA$TER with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
27m 33s Player Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Bio Rifle
27m 33s 11:11 Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
27m 34s Player 4 Killed OH_NO with an Ion Plasma Tank
27m 38s 11:11 Killed =patty with a MinotaurKill
27m 38s 11:11 Killed Player 4 with a MinotaurKill
27m 41s bros.4LeafClover Killed Player with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
27m 42s The_Gimp Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
27m 42s Player Killed Javiar with a Redeemer
27m 43s EbNo Killed CIA with a Bio Rifle
27m 46s EbNo Killed gareau with a Raptor
27m 53s V4N Killed =patty with a DamTypeShockerRocket
27m 54s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed BLA$TER with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
27m 55s Player 23 Connected
27m 56s CIA Killed nautikal with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
27m 57s Jeffery_Lorenzo Suicided with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
27m 58s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
28m 04s Player Killed phred with a WyvernBeams
28m 04s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CerberusRear
28m 08s GuythatkillsU Killed Wine with a Bio Rifle
28m 08s ROGER Killed The_Gimp with a DamTypeMantisBeam
28m 09s V4N Killed Javiar with a DamTypeShockerRocket
28m 13s Unicorn_Vomit :-(
28m 14s 11:11 Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurKill
28m 17s ROGER Killed Player with a DamTypeMantisBeam
28m 18s =patty Killed snarf with a Lightning Gun
28m 18s EbNo Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Shock Rifle
28m 18s BLA$TER Killed bros.4LeafClover with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
28m 20s V4N Killed CIA with a DamTypeShockerRocket
28m 20s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 23 with a Rocket Launcher
28m 22s kelpy Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
28m 22s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
28m 23s snarf Killed Player 4 with a Lightning Gun
28m 23s bros.4LeafClover Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
28m 24s OH_NO Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 29s bros.4LeafClover Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
28m 32s snarf Killed bros.4LeafClover with a Lightning Gun
28m 32s Javiar Fell to their death
28m 39s ROGER Killed EbNo with a DamTypeMantisBeam
28m 42s Vugluskr Killed snarf with a Paladin
28m 42s Javiar Fell to their death
28m 43s 11:11 Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
28m 45s Merc Killed gareau with a Leviathan
28m 48s GuythatkillsU Killed Laser_monkey with a CerberusRear
28m 50s 11:11 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
28m 53s kelpy Killed EbNo with an AVRiL
28m 55s The_Gimp Killed Vugluskr with a Raptor
28m 55s jezbel Suicided from Reckless Driving
28m 57s OH_NO Killed =patty with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 59s ROGER Suicided from Reckless Driving
28m 59s GuythatkillsU Killed 11:11 with a Bio Rifle
29m 01s ChefBoyardee Killed snarf with a Flak Cannon
29m 01s nautikal Killed ChefBoyardee with a DamTypeHeavyShockCannon
29m 02s The_Gimp Killed GuythatkillsU with a Raptor
29m 04s OH_NO Killed Javiar with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
29m 08s snarf Killed CIA with an AuroraCombo
29m 09s Player 4 Killed Wine with a DamTypeShockerRocket
29m 12s N.X. Killed bros.4LeafClover with a DamTypeCerberusMissile
29m 16s Red Team Captured a Point!
29m 16s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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