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Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-MassDestructi)o(n-RhampedEdi
on Thu, Feb 20 2025, 8:43:11 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 06s jezbel Connected
-1m 06s jezbel Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 06s GuythatkillsU Connected
-1m 06s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Red Team
-1m 05s Azazel Connected
-1m 05s Azazel Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 05s p)o(oty Connected
-1m 05s p)o(oty Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s DUI_Hire Connected
-1m 03s DUI_Hire Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s Anonymous Connected
-1m 02s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s TFSN Connected
-1m 01s TFSN Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s 11:11 Connected
-1m 01s 11:11 Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s BIG_FloPPies Connected
-0m 59s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 55s Judas Connected
-0m 55s Judas Team Change to Red Team
-0m 54s p)o(oty happens on map load
-0m 53s nautikal Connected
-0m 53s nautikal Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 53s OH_NO Connected
-0m 53s OH_NO Team Change to Red Team
-0m 52s Rhamp Connected
-0m 52s Rhamp Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 50s PhariZwheel Connected
-0m 50s PhariZwheel Team Change to Red Team
-0m 47s gareau Connected
-0m 47s gareau Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 46s Player 48 Connected
-0m 46s Player 48 Team Change to Red Team
-0m 46s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
-0m 46s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 40s Azazel i assume its a 32bit limitation?
-0m 39s p)o(oty we were hoping removing the map previews would do it.
-0m 33s p)o(oty or an engine limitation
-0m 31s DUI_Hire this was still counting down. Died after "!" was said
-0m 31s TFSN -clickclickboom
-0m 29s Anonymous f5 > skins/models
-0m 24s DUI_Hire "1"
-0m 22s Anonymous ask nfo to use LAA ucc
-0m 21s Rhamp there is an attached garage behind the ion tank
-0m 21s El_Commandante(Co30) cool ty
-0m 17s Rhamp remember that there are tanks in there
-0m 08s Rhamp and also tanks can drive into the primary towers from behind
-0m 01s Rhamp you don't have to get out of them and walk
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Azazel Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s p)o(oty Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s 11:11 Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s OH_NO Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s gareau Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
0m 05s 7 Connected
0m 05s 7 Team Change to Red Team
0m 31s nautikal Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
0m 34s Anonymous Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurTurretkill
0m 43s Judas Killed TFSN with a MinotaurClassicKill
0m 52s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
0m 52s Azazel Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
0m 53s Judas Killed nautikal with a MinotaurClassicKill
1m 02s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
1m 02s Azazel Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurKill
1m 02s Azazel Killed jezbel with a MinotaurKill
1m 02s Azazel Suicided with a MinotaurKill
1m 06s Azazel gotcha anony!
1m 09s Anonymous ^1u ^2got ^3me
1m 09s nautikal Killed Judas with a MinotaurKill
1m 17s Anonymous Killed OH_NO with a Railgun
1m 19s nautikal Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
1m 20s SUPER_Buttface Connected
1m 20s Azazel hollow victory but ill take it
1m 20s SUPER_Buttface Team Change to Blue Team
1m 24s DUI_Hire Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
1m 25s SUPER_Buttface Disconnected
1m 37s nautikal Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurTurretkill
1m 37s Rhamp Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
1m 39s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided from Reckless Driving
1m 40s 11:11 Suicided with an OMFG
1m 43s Anonymous Killed DUI_Hire with a Railgun
1m 45s Rhamp Killed gareau with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
1m 49s p)o(oty Killed gareau with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
1m 56s Rhamp Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
2m 02s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
2m 11s TFSN Killed BIG_FloPPies with an AVRiL
2m 15s 11:11 Killed Anonymous with an Ion Plasma Tank
2m 22s PhariZwheel Killed 11:11 with a CentaurBeams
2m 27s jezbel Killed Azazel with a DamType_HTankShell
2m 27s Azazel terrible nodes
2m 29s nautikal Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
2m 32s BIG_FloPPies Killed DUI_Hire with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
2m 33s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
2m 37s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
2m 38s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed nautikal with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
2m 41s p)o(oty Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
2m 41s PhariZwheel Carjacked a Minigun Turret
2m 48s Azazel basically u made it so u can control any nodes whenever rhamp
2m 49s Anonymous Killed TFSN with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
2m 51s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a Flak Cannon
2m 58s BIG_FloPPies Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
2m 59s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
3m 00s OH_NO Suicided with an Exploding Barrel
3m 07s Blue Team Captured a Point!
3m 07s 11:11 Died from a Sentinel Laser
3m 09s SUPER_Buttface Connected
3m 09s SUPER_Buttface Team Change to Red Team
3m 10s TFSN -gg
3m 14s Rhamp -UT-holyshit
3m 21s TFSN clickclickboom
3m 34s Azazel placed a kick vote against Anonymous
3m 50s El_Commandante(Co30) Disconnected
3m 52s OH_NO Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
3m 56s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
3m 58s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
3m 58s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
4m 02s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a Wraith
4m 03s TFSN Killed Player 48 with a CSFlakMechDamTypeFlakChunk
4m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
4m 06s Judas Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
4m 08s El_Commandante(Co30) Disconnected
4m 09s Rhamp Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
4m 19s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurKill
4m 20s DF Connected
4m 20s DF Team Change to Red Team
4m 24s Player 48 Killed nautikal with a Paladin
4m 29s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeMantisBeam
4m 33s PhariZwheel Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
4m 34s Judas Killed jezbel with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
4m 35s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a DamTypeMantisBeam
4m 37s 11:11 Killed Judas with an OMFG
4m 37s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a Wasp_SeriesII
4m 46s gareau Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
4m 46s gareau Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
4m 54s 7 Killed DUI_Hire with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyBeam
4m 56s BIG_FloPPies Suicided from Reckless Driving
5m 01s Azazel u2
5m 05s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
5m 08s nautikal Killed Azazel with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
5m 11s Rhamp Killed gareau with a NovaBlast
5m 15s PhariZwheel Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
5m 17s nautikal Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
5m 20s nautikal Killed Azazel with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
5m 21s jezbel Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
5m 21s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Rocket Launcher
5m 22s OH_NO Carjacked a Minigun Turret
5m 24s nautikal Killed gareau with a MinotaurKill
5m 25s 11:11 Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 25s Rhamp Killed 7 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 32s GuythatkillsU Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
5m 34s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 41s Rhamp Killed 7 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 43s PhariZwheel Killed p)o(oty with a Space Fighter
5m 49s Azazel Fell to their death
5m 52s DUI_Hire Suicided with an Exploding Barrel
5m 54s nautikal Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
5m 56s 7 Killed Rhamp with an Ion Plasma Tank
6m 00s 7 Killed GuythatkillsU with an Ion Plasma Tank
6m 00s 7 Died from a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
6m 01s PhariZwheel Suicided with a Space Fighter
6m 04s jezbel Killed Judas with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
6m 04s nautikal Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
6m 08s SUPER_Buttface Killed 11:11 with a Goliath
6m 10s nautikal Killed Azazel with a MinotaurTurretkill
6m 11s Azazel Killed nautikal with a Bio Rifle
6m 13s Azazel HA
6m 16s nautikal good job!
6m 28s p)o(oty Suicided with a DamTypeKamakaze
6m 30s OH_NO Killed Azazel with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
6m 30s jezbel Died from a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
6m 31s TFSN Killed 7 with a Mine Layer
6m 33s TFSN Killed Judas with a Mine Layer
6m 33s TFSN Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
6m 34s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a LinkBadger
6m 45s Rhamp Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
6m 47s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a OdinV2Omni
6m 47s 7 Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
6m 48s BIG_FloPPies Carjacked a LinkBadger
6m 49s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
6m 52s PhariZwheel Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
6m 56s DUI_Hire Carjacked a Minigun Turret
7m 02s Judas Killed Rhamp with a Railgun
7m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
7m 08s Azazel Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
7m 22s Rhamp Killed 7 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
7m 23s Judas Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
7m 26s Rhamp Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
7m 29s SUPER_Buttface Killed nautikal with a DamTypePersesOmniHomingHit
7m 31s GuythatkillsU Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
7m 36s Anonymous Killed p)o(oty with a Shock Rifle
7m 39s Azazel Killed jezbel with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
7m 40s Red Team Captured a Point!
7m 48s TFSN -clickclickboom
7m 48s Azazel lol
7m 51s Azazel amped deemer
8m 23s DF Killed nautikal with a Railgun
8m 26s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
8m 28s Azazel Killed OH_NO with a MinotaurKill
8m 32s p)o(oty Killed Judas with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
8m 32s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurTurretkill
8m 39s p)o(oty Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
8m 41s Anonymous Killed DUI_Hire with a MinotaurTurretkill
8m 43s nautikal Killed 7 with a Railgun
8m 47s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
8m 54s Anonymous Killed OH_NO with a MinotaurTurretkill
8m 55s nautikal Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
8m 59s jezbel Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
9m 05s p)o(oty Killed gareau with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
9m 07s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
9m 11s Rhamp Killed SUPER_Buttface with a MinotaurClassicKill
9m 12s Azazel Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
9m 13s DUI_Hire Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
9m 13s DUI_Hire Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
9m 14s Judas Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
9m 15s Rhamp Killed DF with a MinotaurClassicKill
9m 18s DUI_Hire Killed Player 48 with a MinotaurKill
9m 18s 11:11 Killed BIG_FloPPies with an Ion Plasma Tank
9m 21s DUI_Hire Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
9m 28s Rhamp Killed Player 48 with a MinotaurClassicKill
9m 31s DUI_Hire Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
9m 33s Rhamp Killed Player 48 with a MinotaurClassicKill
9m 35s Judas Killed jezbel with a Lightning Gun
9m 36s DF Killed Rhamp with a Shock Rifle
9m 37s TFSN Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
9m 46s GuythatkillsU Killed gareau with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
9m 49s DUI_Hire Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
9m 50s DUI_Hire Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
9m 54s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeMantisBeam
9m 55s OH_NO Killed BIG_FloPPies with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
9m 59s Anonymous Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeMantisBeam
10m 01s Anonymous Killed TFSN with a DamTypeMantisBeam
10m 02s Azazel Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
10m 04s 11:11 Died from a DamTypeOmniNukeHeat
10m 06s PhariZwheel Suicided with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
10m 10s DF Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamType_LaserBeam
10m 12s Rhamp Killed 7 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
10m 12s Rhamp Killed DF with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
10m 17s p)o(oty Killed Player 48 with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
10m 18s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a Shock Rifle
10m 24s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed gareau with a DamTypeMinotaurClassicSecondaryTurret
10m 25s OH_NO Suicided with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
10m 26s p)o(oty Killed 7 with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
10m 31s p)o(oty Killed DF with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
10m 32s 11:11 Killed Anonymous with a Railgun
10m 35s nautikal Killed Judas with a WaspFlak
10m 41s Rhamp Killed SUPER_Buttface with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
10m 44s Anonymous Knocked nautikal off a ledge
10m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurClassicKill
10m 48s DUI_Hire Killed gareau with a DamType_HTankShell
10m 53s Rhamp Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeOdinLinkBeam
10m 54s Anonymous Killed jezbel with a CentaurBeams
10m 56s 11:11 Killed 7 with a Railgun
10m 58s DF Killed TFSN with a Railgun
10m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 06s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
11m 09s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
11m 12s Rhamp Killed SUPER_Buttface with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
11m 12s Azazel ???
11m 14s Azazel nice cheating
11m 18s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 20s DUI_Hire Killed Judas with a DamType_HTankShell
11m 20s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed 7 with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 26s Rhamp Killed gareau with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
11m 29s 11:11 Killed DF with a Railgun
11m 32s DUI_Hire Carjacked a Minigun Turret
11m 32s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 35s TFSN Suicided from Reckless Driving
11m 35s Azazel Killed OH_NO with a WaspFlak
11m 37s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a Lightning Gun
11m 38s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 40s nautikal Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
11m 41s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a WaspFlak
11m 47s Judas Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
11m 48s Anonymous Killed jezbel with a HellBender Rear Turret
11m 53s p)o(oty Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
11m 56s SUPER_Buttface Killed OH_NO with a Lightning Gun
11m 59s TFSN Died from a NovaBlast
12m 01s Azazel Killed 11:11 with a WaspFlak
12m 04s Anonymous Killed p)o(oty with a HellBender Rear Turret
12m 06s DUI_Hire Killed 7 with a Minigun Turret
12m 10s Rhamp Killed PhariZwheel with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
12m 12s SUPER_Buttface Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
12m 14s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player 48 with a MinotaurKill
12m 16s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a WaspFlak
12m 20s OH_NO Killed DF with a HellBender Rear Turret
12m 20s Judas Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
12m 23s p)o(oty Killed Azazel with a DamTypeIonTankShockwave
12m 25s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
12m 26s TFSN Killed Judas with an AVRiL
12m 32s Player 48 Knocked Rhamp off a ledge
12m 32s Rhamp Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
12m 34s Player 48 Killed p)o(oty with a CentaurBeams
12m 37s nautikal Killed SUPER_Buttface with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
12m 40s DF Killed OH_NO with a Railgun
12m 42s Rhamp Killed Player 48 with a WaspFlak
12m 45s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
12m 46s Azazel Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
12m 48s Anonymous Killed p)o(oty with a Paladin
12m 54s DUI_Hire Killed DF with a Minigun Turret
12m 55s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
13m 00s Azazel Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
13m 02s Rhamp Killed 7 with a Rocket Launcher
13m 04s Azazel Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
13m 05s Judas Killed DUI_Hire with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
13m 07s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with a Rocket Launcher
13m 09s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
13m 13s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a Shock Rifle
13m 14s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Vehicle Explosion
13m 16s Azazel Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
13m 16s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
13m 19s Azazel Killed DUI_Hire with a MinotaurKill
13m 22s Azazel Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
13m 23s nautikal Killed SUPER_Buttface with a Railgun
13m 27s p)o(oty Killed 7 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
13m 33s p)o(oty Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeHeavyShell
13m 33s 7 Killed jezbel with a CentaurBeams
13m 36s nautikal Killed gareau with a Railgun
13m 39s p)o(oty Killed 7 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
13m 47s nautikal Killed PhariZwheel with a Railgun
13m 48s 11:11 Killed BIG_FloPPies with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 51s 11:11 Killed Player 48 with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 54s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
13m 59s SUPER_Buttface Killed gareau with a Redeemer
13m 59s Rhamp Killed SUPER_Buttface with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
14m 01s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
14m 12s Rhamp Killed 7 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
14m 13s OH_NO Killed Player 48 with a Goliath
14m 16s jezbel Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
14m 17s Azazel Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurKill
14m 19s Azazel Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
14m 20s DF Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
14m 23s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeHeavyShell
14m 25s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeHeavyShell
14m 28s jezbel Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
14m 31s Azazel Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
14m 35s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
14m 38s DF Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
14m 43s jezbel Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
14m 44s GuythatkillsU Killed Judas with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
14m 45s Rhamp Killed DF with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
14m 47s 11:11 Killed Player 48 with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 50s PhariZwheel Killed TFSN with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
14m 52s 7 Killed 11:11 with a CentaurBeams
14m 55s OH_NO Killed 7 with a Goliath
14m 56s jezbel Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
14m 59s OH_NO Killed DF with a Goliath
15m 03s DUI_Hire Killed Azazel with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
15m 07s BIG_FloPPies Killed TFSN with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
15m 09s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
15m 10s nautikal Killed DF with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
15m 11s DUI_Hire Killed gareau with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
15m 12s Rhamp Killed 7 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
15m 13s Anonymous Killed jezbel with a DamTypeMantisBeam
15m 15s Rhamp Killed Judas with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
15m 19s Rhamp Killed SUPER_Buttface with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
15m 25s 11:11 Killed 7 with a DamType_LaserBeam
15m 26s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
15m 26s Anonymous Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeMantisBeam
15m 27s GuythatkillsU Killed Judas with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
15m 29s Rhamp Killed gareau with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
15m 33s Azazel Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
15m 33s Azazel Killed DUI_Hire with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
15m 33s Azazel Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
15m 37s PhariZwheel Suicided with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
15m 39s DF Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
15m 40s Anonymous Died from a DamTypeOmniNukeHeat
15m 41s 7 Killed TFSN with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
15m 42s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
15m 43s DF Killed OH_NO with a Railgun
15m 59s Azazel Killed Rhamp with a WaspFlak
16m 02s Judas Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
16m 06s gareau Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
16m 06s DF Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
16m 11s gareau Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
16m 17s gareau Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
16m 25s DF Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
16m 27s Anonymous Killed DUI_Hire with a Paladin
16m 31s nautikal Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
16m 32s DUI_Hire Disconnected
16m 36s Anonymous Killed TFSN with a Paladin
16m 37s nautikal Killed Azazel with a Railgun
16m 38s gareau Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
16m 44s 7 Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
16m 47s jezbel Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeIonTankShockwave
16m 49s 7 Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
16m 49s PhariZwheel Killed GuythatkillsU with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
16m 50s Anonymous Killed TFSN with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
16m 54s Anonymous Killed TFSN with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
16m 56s nautikal Killed Azazel with a Railgun
16m 57s 11:11 Killed Judas with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
16m 58s 7 Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
17m 01s p)o(oty Killed gareau with a MinotaurKill
17m 03s Rhamp Killed 7 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
17m 04s DF Killed 11:11 with a Railgun
17m 04s Anonymous Killed TFSN with a Paladin
17m 13s p)o(oty Killed PhariZwheel with a MinotaurKill
17m 17s Player 48 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypePersesOmniMercurySplashDamage
17m 19s nautikal Killed gareau with a Railgun
17m 19s GuythatkillsU Killed DF with a Raptor
17m 25s 11:11 Killed Azazel with a Scorpion
17m 25s Anonymous Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
17m 33s p)o(oty Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
17m 34s gareau Killed jezbel with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
17m 36s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
17m 40s p)o(oty Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
17m 42s Rhamp Killed gareau with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
17m 52s SUPER_Buttface Killed OH_NO with a DamTypePersesOmniHomingHit
17m 55s p)o(oty Killed Player 48 with a MinotaurKill
17m 55s p)o(oty Killed SUPER_Buttface with a MinotaurKill
17m 56s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a Shock Rifle
17m 56s Judas Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
18m 00s nautikal Killed gareau with a Railgun
18m 02s Azazel Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
18m 05s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Judas with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
18m 11s DF Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
18m 13s DF Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeHeavyShell
18m 14s GuythatkillsU Killed DF with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
18m 16s jezbel Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamType_HTankShell
18m 17s TFSN Carjacked a ONSNodeRunner
18m 24s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
18m 24s SUPER_Buttface Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
18m 24s SUPER_Buttface Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
18m 25s SUPER_Buttface Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
18m 25s SUPER_Buttface Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
18m 25s SUPER_Buttface Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
18m 26s 7 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamType_HTankRocket
18m 31s Azazel Killed nautikal with a MinotaurKill
18m 31s TFSN Suicided with a Raptor
18m 42s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
18m 45s 11:11 Killed Azazel with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 46s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
18m 53s GuythatkillsU Killed Judas with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
18m 54s Vugluskr Connected
18m 54s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
18m 54s DF Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
18m 56s gareau Killed nautikal with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 58s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a CentaurBeams
19m 05s Anonymous Killed jezbel with a Flak Cannon
19m 09s p)o(oty Killed DF with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyBeam
19m 09s Rhamp Killed Player 48 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
19m 10s PhariZwheel Killed TFSN with a Raptor
19m 11s BIG_FloPPies Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamType_PredatorMissile
19m 13s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
19m 14s the_boss Connected
19m 14s the_boss Team Change to Red Team
19m 14s p)o(oty Killed Judas with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyBeam
19m 14s SUPER_Buttface Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
19m 15s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a Rocket Launcher
19m 20s nautikal Killed Player 48 with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
19m 21s PhariZwheel Killed TFSN with a Rocket Launcher
19m 27s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a DamTypeOdinLinkBeam
19m 28s BIG_FloPPies Killed Rhamp with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
19m 29s PhariZwheel Suicided with a Flak Cannon
19m 30s El_Commandante(Co30) Carjacked a ONSHurricaneTank
19m 34s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed 7 with a DamType_HurTankRoadkill
19m 38s SUPER_Buttface Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
19m 44s p)o(oty Killed gareau with a Raptor
19m 49s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
19m 54s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
19m 54s DF Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurTurretkill
19m 55s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
19m 56s nautikal Killed DF with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
20m 01s Judas Killed nautikal with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
20m 02s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOdinLinkBeam
20m 03s jezbel Killed PhariZwheel with an Energy Turret
20m 10s gareau Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
20m 13s micronova Connected
20m 13s micronova Team Change to Red Team
20m 13s the_boss Disconnected
20m 19s DF Killed OH_NO with a Railgun
20m 21s BIG_FloPPies Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
20m 22s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
20m 24s gareau Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHeavyShell
20m 26s Rhamp Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
20m 27s 7 Killed jezbel with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 31s Player 48 Killed p)o(oty with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
20m 33s sol.snarf Connected
20m 33s sol.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
20m 37s nautikal Killed Player 48 with a Railgun
20m 42s Judas Killed Vugluskr with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
20m 43s Azazel Killed nautikal with a WaspFlak
20m 44s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
20m 46s 7 Killed jezbel with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 46s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurKill
20m 47s DF Killed p)o(oty with a Railgun
20m 54s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
21m 01s DF Killed nautikal with a Railgun
21m 02s TFSN Killed gareau with a Rocket Launcher
21m 08s micronova Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
21m 09s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
21m 10s sol.snarf Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
21m 13s Sanka Connected
21m 13s Sanka Team Change to Red Team
21m 13s DF Killed p)o(oty with a Railgun
21m 14s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a Goliath
21m 26s Vugluskr Killed Player 48 with a Goliath
21m 30s 7 Killed OH_NO with an Ion Plasma Tank
21m 32s Vugluskr Killed SUPER_Buttface with a Goliath
21m 34s sol.snarf Killed 7 with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
21m 37s gareau Fell to their death
21m 37s GuythatkillsU Killed DF with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
21m 37s gareau Killed OH_NO with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
21m 37s GuythatkillsU Killed Judas with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
21m 38s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
21m 43s OH_NO Died from a DamTypeOmniNukeHeat
21m 44s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a Goliath
21m 46s Rhamp Killed micronova with a DamTypeOdinIonBeam
21m 47s Azazel Killed jezbel with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
21m 50s Anonymous Killed sol.snarf with a MinotaurClassicKill
21m 55s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurClassicKill
21m 57s Judas Killed nautikal with a DamType_LaserBeam
22m 01s Azazel Killed TFSN with a Lightning Gun
22m 03s Vugluskr Killed PhariZwheel with a Goliath
22m 05s El_Commandante(Co30) got omni at 7
22m 06s Anonymous Killed p)o(oty with a MinotaurClassicKill
22m 11s sol.snarf Suicided
22m 11s sol.snarf Disconnected
22m 18s Anonymous Killed TFSN with a MinotaurClassicKill
22m 20s micronova Killed p)o(oty with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
22m 20s gareau Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
22m 24s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a MinotaurClassicKill
22m 25s Judas Killed jezbel with a DamType_LaserBeam
22m 26s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
22m 30s micronova Killed GuythatkillsU with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
22m 30s Judas Killed OH_NO with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
22m 34s Sanka Suicided
22m 34s GuythatkillsU teams
22m 34s Sanka Team Change to Blue Team
22m 35s p)o(oty Killed micronova with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
22m 35s Rhamp Carjacked a Minigun Turret
22m 38s TFSN Killed gareau with a Flak Cannon
22m 40s jezbel Suicided
22m 40s jezbel Disconnected
22m 40s BIG_FloPPies Killed Rhamp with a Flak Cannon
22m 41s Red Team Captured a Point!
22m 41s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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