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Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-StripClub_DjAy-T-Beta-4
on Tue, Feb 18 2025, 5:14:47 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 05s OH_NO Connected
-1m 05s OH_NO Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 05s PhariZwheel Connected
-1m 05s PhariZwheel Team Change to Red Team
-1m 04s V4N Connected
-1m 04s V4N Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s Sonic_[ZA] Connected
-0m 59s Sonic_[ZA] Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 36s OH_NO this one is sooo red
-0m 33s PhariZwheel fuck off shitty bots
-0m 22s PhariZwheel lets go van
-0m 18s V4N YAMAN
-0m 04s PhariZwheel so ur black?
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s PhariZwheel Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Sonic_[ZA] Team Change to Red Team
0m 02s V4N nah im beige
0m 38s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with a FalconPlasma
0m 57s OH_NO Suicided from Reckless Driving
1m 46s PhariZwheel u alsomost kilkled me
2m 34s OH_NO Killed V4N with a FalconPlasma
2m 41s PhariZwheel oh no turnj u r hjaxs on and play
2m 41s V4N cheat :p
2m 55s PhariZwheel y r u sucking?
3m 09s Sonic_[ZA] U must've asked nicely?
3m 15s PhariZwheel oh yeah
3m 24s PhariZwheel and the flowers
3m 24s Sonic_[ZA] Killed PhariZwheel with a FalconPlasma
3m 42s PhariZwheel sonic i was typing
3m 51s Sonic_[ZA] Did not see your name on the tank
3m 57s Sonic_[ZA] Just saw enemy tank
4m 06s Sonic_[ZA] :-D
4m 08s OH_NO lol
4m 11s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with a Goliath
4m 26s PhariZwheel nope it said big dick thor
4m 32s Sonic_[ZA] lol
4m 34s PhariZwheel xd
4m 44s PhariZwheel tand love my missiles
4m 55s Sonic_[ZA] Killed PhariZwheel with a FalconPlasma
4m 59s PhariZwheel pffft
5m 01s Sonic_[ZA]
5m 08s OH_NO Killed V4N with a FalconPlasma
5m 12s V4N Carjacked a Minigun Turret
5m 25s OH_NO Killed Sonic_[ZA] with a FalconPlasma
6m 05s V4N lol
6m 16s Sonic_[ZA] Killed PhariZwheel with a Raptor
6m 22s PhariZwheel sonic with his speed haxs
6m 30s OH_NO Killed V4N with a FalconPlasma
6m 32s Sonic_[ZA] lol
6m 34s Sonic_[ZA] I wish
6m 34s V4N :/
6m 40s PhariZwheel very sutlles
6m 50s Sonic_[ZA] ^
6m 53s Sonic_[ZA] What she says
6m 56s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with a Goliath
7m 06s Sonic_[ZA] Carjacked a Goliath
7m 09s V4N definitly wallhaxx
7m 16s Sonic_[ZA] Killed PhariZwheel with a Goliath
7m 16s PhariZwheel Killed Sonic_[ZA] with a Goliath
7m 21s Sonic_[ZA] Hax!!!
7m 26s PhariZwheel wallberg hax
7m 30s Sonic_[ZA] yes
7m 35s Sonic_[ZA] Not Damon hacks
7m 38s V4N Killed OH_NO with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
8m 19s V4N Killed OH_NO with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
8m 27s OH_NO so close
8m 37s OH_NO Killed V4N with a Manta
8m 37s PhariZwheel Carjacked a Minigun Turret
8m 50s PhariZwheel thats wat she said
9m 13s V4N Killed PhariZwheel with a Goliath Minigun Turret
9m 22s PhariZwheel dam tank
9m 35s OH_NO Headshot V4N with a Manta
9m 41s V4N :(
9m 57s Sonic_[ZA] fkn bots
9m 59s V4N any1 got fix for non working mapviote button ?
10m 20s PhariZwheel taKE FUNBGER OUTTA ASS
10m 22s Sonic_[ZA] there is a fix
10m 26s V4N Suicided with a Mine Layer
10m 32s Sonic_[ZA] Involves deleting some .ini file
10m 45s PhariZwheel and entering in your socila
11m 08s V4N im nabb so ill believe anything uy say lol
11m 12s PhariZwheel Killed Sonic_[ZA] with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
11m 13s OH_NO Carjacked a Goliath
11m 24s V4N Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
11m 37s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a Raptor
12m 49s Sonic_[ZA] I took a screenshot of the convo about deleting that file. wait, will go and check it now.
12m 53s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with a Mine Layer
12m 58s PhariZwheel i wiush u had a set of tits and a vag then
13m 09s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with an AVRiL
13m 18s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with an AVRiL
13m 18s V4N Killed PhariZwheel with a Manta
13m 20s V4N :d
13m 21s PhariZwheel xd
13m 29s Sonic_[ZA] thanks for fragging me while I was out
13m 36s PhariZwheel not me
13m 42s Sonic_[ZA] You need to delete a user.ini file
14m 01s Sonic_[ZA] Now I just wish I knew WHERE to find the file!
14m 01s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with an AVRiL
14m 15s V4N lol
14m 17s PhariZwheel up anons ass
14m 18s V4N ill find the mf
14m 20s Blue Team Captured a Point!
14m 23s V4N lol
14m 25s PhariZwheel lol
14m 28s PhariZwheel gg
14m 28s Sonic_[ZA] Create a restore point, if you;re afraid of messing up
14m 37s V4N jah bless
14m 42s Sonic_[ZA] ^
14m 56s OH_NO Killed V4N with a FalconPlasma
15m 40s Sonic_[ZA] shit, I missed a node
16m 15s V4N i cant even ignore Guy in trhe settings
16m 23s Sonic_[ZA] :)
16m 24s V4N he complain so much it ruins the game
16m 26s PhariZwheel hes an ass
16m 37s Sonic_[ZA] but a funny one
16m 38s OH_NO Suicided from Reckless Driving
16m 41s PhariZwheel nope
16m 46s Sonic_[ZA] oh?
16m 54s OH_NO Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
17m 05s V4N its fucking constantly
17m 10s PhariZwheel deragoatory douchebag like enjo putting people down
17m 13s V4N he doesnt ever shut up
17m 17s Sonic_[ZA] ^
17m 28s V4N yeah enyo was a dick to me too when i was new
17m 32s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a Shock Rifle
17m 44s PhariZwheel its not shuting up its puttting people down not kool
17m 49s V4N then he threaten to ban me cause i told him to f o
17m 52s PhariZwheel supposed to be a fun release
18m 02s Sonic_[ZA] yep
18m 09s V4N ive seen games die...fast
18m 14s V4N unique games
18m 23s V4N with no fresh blood its doomed
18m 24s PhariZwheel ive seen people in real life die fasr
18m 26s OH_NO Carjacked a Tarantula
18m 42s V4N how old phartis ?
18m 58s PhariZwheel not dating u
19m 00s OH_NO Killed V4N with a TarantulaRoadkill
19m 06s Sonic_[ZA] Carjacked a Goliath
19m 10s OH_NO beep beep
19m 10s PhariZwheel i like the va ganyway
19m 27s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with a Manta
19m 34s V4N no mean how old r u ?
19m 40s V4N Killed OH_NO with a Link Gun
19m 41s Sonic_[ZA] lol
19m 51s PhariZwheel never ui mind
19m 55s Sonic_[ZA] he thinks you want to date him
20m 03s V4N lol
20m 10s OH_NO that bot is carving me up
20m 27s PhariZwheel oh no bbq burgers
20m 28s OH_NO Killed V4N with a Manta
20m 29s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a FalconPlasma
20m 44s V4N hes a youngster..thats why he dont wanna say
20m 48s V4N \:p
21m 36s PhariZwheel Suicided with an AVRiL
21m 39s PhariZwheel wtf
21m 45s OH_NO Killed V4N with a Cicada
22m 05s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a FalconPlasma
22m 14s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a FalconPlasma
22m 22s PhariZwheel good masps
22m 23s V4N teenage voice :p
22m 30s Sonic_[ZA] :-D
22m 53s OH_NO Killed V4N with a Manta
23m 02s V4N Carjacked a Tarantula
23m 13s PhariZwheel oh no wtf
23m 26s Sonic_[ZA] Killed PhariZwheel with a FalconPlasma
23m 30s PhariZwheel bullshit
23m 35s Sonic_[ZA] ok
23m 35s PhariZwheel fucknig hack
23m 38s Sonic_[ZA] lol
23m 41s Sonic_[ZA] alright
23m 43s OH_NO Killed V4N with a Manta
23m 51s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a FalconPlasma
23m 57s Sonic_[ZA] Killed PhariZwheel with a FalconPlasma
24m 17s Sonic_[ZA] Carjacked a Goliath
24m 20s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a Goliath
24m 22s V4N he said he seen ppl die fast thats why i asked :/
24m 35s OH_NO Killed Sonic_[ZA] with a Shock Rifle
25m 02s PhariZwheel no one asked the lack of penis gallery ankee poo
25m 12s Sonic_[ZA] Killed PhariZwheel with a FalconPlasma
25m 15s PhariZwheel cmon bs
25m 30s Sonic_[ZA] dude
25m 42s AnKeeDo Connected
25m 44s PhariZwheel Killed V4N with a FalconPlasma
25m 51s V4N Carjacked a Scorpion
26m 14s OH_NO Killed V4N with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
26m 18s PhariZwheel Suicided from Reckless Driving
26m 37s OH_NO Killed AnKeeDo with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
26m 37s OH_NO Killed V4N with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
26m 38s V4N Killed OH_NO with a Scorpion
27m 01s PhariZwheel Killed AnKeeDo with an AVRiL
27m 08s V4N Killed OH_NO with a Scorpion
27m 10s PhariZwheel fuck off ankee
27m 15s PhariZwheel get the fucl out
27m 24s AnKeeDo Killed PhariZwheel with a Shock Rifle
27m 32s V4N Suicided with a Scorpion
27m 46s Sonic_[ZA] Carjacked a Falcon
27m 49s PhariZwheel we are losing and u come in alwasy the consumate docuhebag
27m 52s PhariZwheel Died from an UAMDamTypeChangeTeam
27m 52s PhariZwheel Team Change to Red Team
27m 52s V4N Disconnected
27m 58s Sonic_[ZA] Sigh
27m 58s AnKeeDo Killed OH_NO with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
28m 02s PhariZwheel Died from an Unknown Weapon
28m 02s PhariZwheel Team Change to Blue Team
28m 04s PhariZwheel Died from an Unknown Weapon
28m 04s PhariZwheel Team Change to Red Team
28m 10s Sonic_[ZA] wtf with all the team swapping
28m 13s Red Team Captured a Point!
28m 13s PhariZwheel always fucknig up the match
28m 19s AnKeeDo lol
28m 19s PhariZwheel fuck u ankee
28m 25s PhariZwheel it was fun sonic and oh no
28m 29s PhariZwheel and van
28m 32s AnKeeDo u r the most stupid one
28m 36s PhariZwheel but fuck u ankee ass hole
28m 41s PhariZwheel its u
28m 45s PhariZwheel Suicided
28m 45s PhariZwheel Disconnected
28m 48s Sonic_[ZA] just play man
29m 00s AnKeeDo he is not a man
29m 20s OH_NO lol
29m 25s Sonic_[ZA] LOOOOL
29m 35s AnKeeDo has voted for ONS-MinusBadgerMeUp-Beta23(ONS)
29m 35s V4N Connected
29m 35s V4N Team Change to Blue Team
29m 46s V4N Disconnected
30m 05s AnKeeDo Suicided from Reckless Driving
30m 38s Sonic_[ZA] ikr
30m 40s OH_NO Killed AnKeeDo with a Rocket Launcher
31m 02s Sonic_[ZA] true
31m 52s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a FalconPlasma
32m 08s AnKeeDo Killed OH_NO with a Rocket Launcher
32m 12s AnKeeDo Killed OH_NO with a Rocket Launcher
32m 16s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a FalconPlasma
32m 26s OH_NO Carjacked a Aegis
32m 52s OH_NO Killed Sonic_[ZA] with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
32m 55s Sonic_[ZA] Ouch!
33m 38s Sonic_[ZA] Shall I swap for a while?
33m 45s Sonic_[ZA] Killed OH_NO with a Raptor
33m 54s OH_NO meh no
33m 58s Sonic_[ZA] ^
34m 08s Sonic_[ZA] Carjacked a Aegis
34m 10s Red Team Captured a Point!
34m 10s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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