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Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Dem)o(litionDerby-V1-TEST
on Thu, Feb 06 2025, 10:48:01 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 04s p)o(oty Connected
-1m 04s p)o(oty Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 04s V4N Connected
-1m 04s V4N Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s Anonymous Connected
-1m 03s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s GuythatkillsU Connected
-1m 03s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s Rookie Connected
-1m 03s Rookie Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s Player 4 Connected
-1m 03s Player 4 Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
-1m 03s Merc Connected
-1m 03s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s Merc Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s Vugluskr Connected
-1m 01s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s sol.snarf Connected
-0m 59s sol.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 59s Sub-Zero Connected
-0m 59s Sub-Zero Team Change to Red Team
-0m 57s BIG_FloPPies Connected
-0m 57s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 56s Rookie Disconnected
-0m 52s Player 13 Connected
-0m 52s Player 13 Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 48s BLA$TER Connected
-0m 48s BLA$TER Team Change to Red Team
-0m 48s Rhamp Connected
-0m 48s Rhamp Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 48s GuythatkillsU Disconnected
-0m 35s Shinobi Connected
-0m 35s Shinobi Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 33s sol.snarf no guns either
-0m 30s p)o(oty now this has a confusing node pattern stains!
-0m 25s GuythatkillsU Connected
-0m 25s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Red Team
-0m 25s Jeffery_Lorenzo Connected
-0m 25s Jeffery_Lorenzo Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 20s Merc attack!!!!!!!
-0m 15s Rhamp use the trucks for defense
-0m 15s Javiar Connected
-0m 15s Javiar Team Change to Red Team
-0m 12s GuythatkillsU who crashed?
-0m 09s Rhamp otherwise your core is getting zerged
-0m 07s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH we all gonna crash soon
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s sol.snarf Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Sub-Zero Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Player 13 Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Shinobi Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Jeffery_Lorenzo Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s V4N Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Merc Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Player 4 parkour
0m 01s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH what's on the ship far away?
0m 10s Player 48 Connected
0m 10s Player 48 Team Change to Blue Team
0m 20s shandris Connected
0m 20s shandris Team Change to Red Team
0m 22s Javiar Fell to their death
0m 26s Shinobi Fell to their death
0m 32s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Rocket Launcher
0m 34s p)o(oty Suicided
0m 35s sol.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a CentaurBeams
0m 35s Sub-Zero Killed sol.snarf with a DamTypeTyrantCannon
0m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a Rocket Launcher
0m 41s Merc Killed BLA$TER with a HellHoundTwinbeam
0m 43s sol.snarf Killed Sub-Zero with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
0m 48s Player 4 Killed Merc with a Rocket Launcher
0m 50s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Rhamp with a Paladin
0m 51s Player 4 Killed Player 48 with a Rocket Launcher
0m 51s Anonymous -dui
0m 55s Vugluskr Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a CentaurBeams
0m 57s BIG_FloPPies Fell to their death
0m 59s Jeffery_Lorenzo Knocked p)o(oty off a ledge
1m 00s Shinobi Fell to their death
1m 00s Merc Killed Player 13 with a NovaBlast
1m 13s Red Team Captured a Point!
1m 17s Player 4 gg
1m 19s sol.snarf weee
1m 20s Merc -fu
1m 31s Vugluskr Died from a Leviathan
1m 31s Rhamp Died from a Leviathan
1m 46s Merc Fell to their death
1m 48s shandris Fell to their death
1m 49s Player 48 Fell to their death
1m 53s El_Commandante(Co30) Fell to their death
1m 57s p)o(oty Fell to their death
1m 57s Player 13 really ? someone spent time to do this ?
1m 58s I'm_Sorry Connected
1m 58s I'm_Sorry Team Change to Blue Team
1m 59s Shinobi Fell to their death
1m 59s shandris Killed Sub-Zero with a Link Gun
2m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Link Gun
2m 08s Anonymous Killed p)o(oty with a NovaBlast
2m 08s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a NovaBlast
2m 08s shandris Killed Vugluskr with a Link Gun
2m 14s Anonymous u mad?
2m 16s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Leviathan
2m 18s sol.snarf Killed Player 48 with a KingHellHoundCombo
2m 22s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a HyenaFlak
2m 22s Sub-Zero Suicided
2m 24s sol.snarf Killed Javiar with a KingHellHoundBeams
2m 28s Player 4 Killed p)o(oty with a Rocket Launcher
2m 33s Player 4 Killed Sub-Zero with a Vehicle Explosion
2m 34s Player 4 Killed Player 48 with a Rocket Launcher
2m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 4 with a NovaBlast
2m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a NovaBlast
2m 38s kelpy Connected
2m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed shandris with a NovaBlast
2m 42s Anonymous Killed Merc with a NovaBlast
2m 42s Sub-Zero Killed Player 13 with a HyenaFlakShellKill
2m 48s Red Team Captured a Point!
2m 48s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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