Welcome to OmnipotentS stats database Version 2

Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Nevermore-TMU-2015-V6
on Sat, Jan 18 2025, 10:59:26 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 03s Vugluskr Connected
-1m 03s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s Player 9 Connected
-1m 03s Player 9 Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s Anonymous Connected
-1m 02s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s StartupSl1ck Connected
-1m 02s StartupSl1ck Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s Infected_Toe Connected
-1m 02s Infected_Toe Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s V4N Connected
-1m 02s V4N Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s GuythatkillsU Connected
-1m 02s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
-1m 02s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s ROGER Connected
-1m 02s ROGER Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s gareau Connected
-1m 02s gareau Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s Azazel Connected
-1m 01s Azazel Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
-1m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
-1m 00s SweetLib_Tears Connected
-1m 00s SweetLib_Tears Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s N.X. Connected
-1m 00s N.X. Team Change to Red Team
-1m 00s Jeffery_Lorenzo Connected
-1m 00s Jeffery_Lorenzo Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s ws.snarf Connected
-1m 00s ws.snarf Team Change to Red Team
-1m 00s Merc Connected
-1m 00s Merc Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 59s EbNo Connected
-0m 59s EbNo Team Change to Red Team
-0m 58s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 57s BLA$TER Connected
-0m 57s BLA$TER Team Change to Red Team
-0m 56s Player 9 Disconnected
-0m 52s Rhamp Connected
-0m 52s Rhamp Team Change to Red Team
-0m 42s 7 Connected
-0m 42s 7 Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 41s Unicorn_Vomit lets go
-0m 40s Rhamp red's levi got melted pretty quick
-0m 35s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH this map hasn't been edited in 10 years
-0m 27s ROGER yoi
-0m 26s Unicorn_Vomit sisters of mercy
-0m 23s Unicorn_Vomit -fyeah
-0m 20s ROGER oh no the old lady version
-0m 20s Anonymous it was edited like 3 months ago
-0m 17s El_Commandante(Co30) remember fliers are key give rides
-0m 11s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH well the title then
-0m 08s Rhamp Disconnected
-0m 07s Unicorn_Vomit -deploy
-0m 05s Infected_Toe rup
-0m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) -tater
-0m 00s Unicorn_Vomit -fu2
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s Azazel Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s SweetLib_Tears Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s N.X. Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s ws.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Merc Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH we need more chozo rage zounds
0m 00s 7 Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s StartupSl1ck Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
0m 08s SweetLib_Tears Died from an AlligatorFlak
0m 10s Anonymous ^6got ^5u
0m 20s Unicorn_Vomit -stfu
0m 31s Roaring_Kitty Connected
0m 31s Roaring_Kitty Team Change to Blue Team
0m 44s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
0m 46s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with an AlligatorFlak
0m 48s BLA$TER Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a MinotaurKill
0m 49s ws.snarf Killed 7 with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
0m 50s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed gareau with a Cicada
0m 50s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
1m 02s Vugluskr Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
1m 02s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a MinotaurKill
1m 02s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a MinotaurKill
1m 05s ws.snarf Killed Merc with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
1m 06s 7 Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
1m 07s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an AlligatorFlak
1m 13s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
1m 19s Azazel Killed Roaring_Kitty with a Flak Cannon
1m 20s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeAlligatorBeam
1m 21s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
1m 24s Merc Killed N.X. with a FireKill
1m 28s Infected_Toe Killed Anonymous with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
1m 28s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
1m 29s StartupSl1ck Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
1m 30s EbNo Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
1m 38s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeBasiliskShockwave
1m 40s GuythatkillsU Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
1m 44s gareau Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a CobraKill
1m 44s GuythatkillsU Killed gareau with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
1m 49s ws.snarf Killed EbNo with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
1m 52s Azazel Killed ROGER with a Cicada
1m 57s Infected_Toe Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
1m 59s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Merc with an AVRiL
2m 00s Merc Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a FireBall
2m 00s Roaring_Kitty Killed SweetLib_Tears with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
2m 02s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
2m 09s ROGER Suicided with an AVRiL
2m 11s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 16s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
2m 18s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a BiotankKill
2m 19s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed 7 with an Ion Plasma Tank
2m 19s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed SweetLib_Tears with an Ion Plasma Tank
2m 19s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 20s Merc Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 22s ROGER Killed gareau with a CentaurBeams
2m 22s 7 Carjacked a Badger
2m 30s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
2m 30s SweetLib_Tears Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 36s BLA$TER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a BioBeam
2m 45s GuythatkillsU Suicided from Reckless Driving
2m 45s N.X. Died from a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProximityExplosion
2m 46s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
2m 47s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 49s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 55s gareau Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
2m 56s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
3m 03s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a FireKill
3m 05s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a BiotankKill
3m 05s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
3m 09s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a FireBall
3m 10s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Cicada
3m 14s GuythatkillsU Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
3m 15s Unicorn_Vomit Killed 7 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
3m 16s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a Lightning Gun
3m 18s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed EbNo with an Ion Plasma Tank
3m 18s Azazel Killed ROGER with a Cicada Turret
3m 24s Infected_Toe Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
3m 29s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
3m 33s Infected_Toe Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
3m 36s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
3m 43s Unicorn_Vomit u owe snarf a kiss
3m 46s Roaring_Kitty -joe-cheat
3m 48s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
3m 51s V4N Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamType_HTankRocket
3m 52s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
3m 53s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
4m 01s BLA$TER Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a BiotankKill
4m 02s V4N Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_HTankRocket
4m 03s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a DamType_HTankRocket
4m 06s gareau Killed N.X. with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
4m 10s Unicorn_Vomit Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
4m 11s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamType_HTankRocket
4m 13s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
4m 13s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamType_HTankRocket
4m 14s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with a Rocket Launcher
4m 18s EbNo Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
4m 20s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
4m 21s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed gareau with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
4m 23s Azazel Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
4m 24s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
4m 26s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
4m 31s StartupSl1ck Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
4m 35s Roaring_Kitty Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
4m 39s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Cicada
4m 40s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
4m 43s Unicorn_Vomit Killed EbNo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
4m 43s EbNo Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Rocket Launcher
4m 46s Unicorn_Vomit Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
4m 48s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypePPCTankProj
4m 50s Vugluskr Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
4m 54s Azazel Killed ws.snarf with a MinotaurKill
4m 57s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
4m 58s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
5m 02s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypePPCTankProj
5m 04s Merc Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
5m 06s 7 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
5m 10s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypePPCTankProj
5m 12s V4N Killed Roaring_Kitty with a Destroyed Vehicle
5m 17s StartupSl1ck Suicided from Reckless Driving
5m 18s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypePPCTankProj
5m 22s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a FireKill
5m 25s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
5m 30s GuythatkillsU Killed EbNo with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
5m 31s ws.snarf Killed 7 with a BioBeam
5m 37s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH -gtku-cantwin
5m 38s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a FireKill
5m 48s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
5m 50s Merc Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
5m 53s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
5m 56s SweetLib_Tears Killed N.X. with an Ion Plasma Tank
5m 57s ws.snarf Killed Merc with a Shock Rifle
5m 58s Azazel Headshot Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Lightning Gun
5m 58s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a DamType_HTankRocket
6m 00s Roaring_Kitty -imthedude
6m 00s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
6m 03s Infected_Toe Killed EbNo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
6m 04s ROGER Killed 7 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
6m 05s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed gareau with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
6m 10s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed 7 with a CobraKill
6m 20s GuythatkillsU Killed Merc with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
6m 20s Vugluskr Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProjectile
6m 26s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Anonymous with a CobraKill
6m 26s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypePPCTankProj
6m 32s Unicorn_Vomit fuck, red is eating our assholes like it dessert
6m 32s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed V4N with an Energy Turret
6m 35s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a Rocket Launcher
6m 36s Infected_Toe Killed EbNo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
6m 38s Merc Killed Vugluskr with a Destroyed Vehicle
6m 41s Anonymous =puke
6m 41s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypePPCTankProj
6m 46s Unicorn_Vomit rofl
6m 48s Roaring_Kitty Killed Merc with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
6m 53s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
6m 54s EbNo Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
7m 01s EbNo Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
7m 02s Infected_Toe Killed gareau with an Ion Plasma Tank
7m 03s SweetLib_Tears Killed N.X. with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
7m 04s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
7m 07s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed SweetLib_Tears with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
7m 09s 7 Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a CentaurBeams
7m 10s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
7m 14s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a FireBall
7m 18s StartupSl1ck Killed Vugluskr with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
7m 20s Infected_Toe Killed Azazel with a Goliath Minigun Turret
7m 20s Merc Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a FireBall
7m 24s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
7m 24s Roaring_Kitty Killed EbNo with a Minigun
7m 24s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
7m 24s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypePPCTankProj
7m 28s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
7m 30s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH you were on fire, noob
7m 32s Merc Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeTurretFlames
7m 32s N.X. Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProjectile
7m 38s StartupSl1ck Killed ws.snarf with a CentaurBeams
7m 40s BLA$TER Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypePPCTankProj
7m 40s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a Rocket Launcher
7m 40s Infected_Toe Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
7m 41s gareau Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
7m 47s gareau Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a MinotaurKill
7m 50s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypePPCTankProj
7m 51s gareau Suicided with a MinotaurKill
7m 56s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Bio Rifle
7m 57s EbNo Killed ROGER with a Cicada
7m 58s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypePPCTankProj
7m 59s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a Shock Rifle
8m 00s SweetLib_Tears Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an AVRiL
8m 00s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a Leviathan
8m 02s Infected_Toe Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerCannon_Kill
8m 04s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Lightning Gun
8m 04s Infected_Toe Killed gareau with a BadgerCannon_Kill
8m 05s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
8m 05s V4N Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Leviathan
8m 07s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with an Ion Plasma Tank
8m 08s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with an AVRiL
8m 09s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Lightning Gun
8m 12s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
8m 14s Anonymous gg i was the op flyer
8m 15s Azazel Killed N.X. with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
8m 18s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a Lightning Gun
8m 21s Roaring_Kitty -deploy
8m 27s Unicorn_Vomit -fyeah
8m 35s gareau Killed ROGER with an AlligatorFlak
8m 35s Anonymous -tg-ahshit
8m 35s Unicorn_Vomit -stfu
8m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
8m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed gareau with a Cicada
8m 52s StartupSl1ck Killed ROGER with a DamType_HTankShell
8m 52s V4N Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamType_LaserBeam
8m 54s Roaring_Kitty -gtku-insidethemind
8m 56s N.X. Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaChainGun
8m 56s EbNo Killed ws.snarf with a Link Gun
8m 59s Infected_Toe Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 01s Infected_Toe Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 01s Infected_Toe Killed V4N with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 03s GuythatkillsU Killed SweetLib_Tears with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
9m 07s Infected_Toe Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 11s EbNo Killed N.X. with a Rocket Launcher
9m 11s EbNo Killed Infected_Toe with a Rocket Launcher
9m 13s V4N lol
9m 13s Azazel someones hangry i think
9m 16s Roaring_Kitty Killed EbNo with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
9m 22s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed 7 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
9m 23s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Anonymous with a DamTypePPCTankProj
9m 24s Infected_Toe Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 26s Unicorn_Vomit Killed V4N with a DamTypePPCTankProj
9m 28s V4N ich weisse
9m 29s gareau Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a BiotankKill
9m 32s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 33s Infected_Toe Carjacked a BioTank
9m 34s gareau Killed Infected_Toe with a Link Gun
9m 37s GuythatkillsU Killed gareau with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
9m 42s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
9m 42s 7 Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
9m 42s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 43s Player Connected
9m 43s Player Team Change to Red Team
9m 47s Infected_Toe Killed Azazel with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
9m 49s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed SweetLib_Tears with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
9m 52s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
9m 58s 7 Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
9m 59s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
10m 03s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a Leviathan
10m 06s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Leviathan
10m 08s EbNo Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
10m 09s Infected_Toe Suicided with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
10m 10s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed EbNo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
10m 15s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
10m 18s BLA$TER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypePPCTankProj
10m 22s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with an Energy Turret
10m 22s BLA$TER Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 24s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
10m 26s 7 Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
10m 28s ROGER Killed Anonymous with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
10m 30s ROGER Killed Merc with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
10m 40s V4N Killed N.X. with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
10m 41s ROGER Killed Merc with a BadgerRoadkill
10m 43s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
10m 44s StartupSl1ck Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
10m 44s Roaring_Kitty -a_realpretty
10m 44s ROGER Carjacked a HoverBadger
10m 46s Jeffery_Lorenzo Knocked Azazel off a ledge
10m 46s StartupSl1ck Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
10m 46s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
10m 47s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed SweetLib_Tears with a MinotaurKill
10m 53s V4N Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
10m 57s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with an Energy Turret
11m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed 7 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
11m 05s EbNo Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
11m 07s Roaring_Kitty Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
11m 09s EbNo Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeDracoPancake
11m 10s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Azazel with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
11m 11s GuythatkillsU Killed EbNo with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
11m 12s ws.snarf Killed Player with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
11m 12s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
11m 12s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
11m 15s StartupSl1ck Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
11m 22s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamType_HTankShell
11m 25s StartupSl1ck Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
11m 30s gareau Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_HTankShell
11m 33s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with an AlligatorFlak
11m 34s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
11m 35s ROGER Killed BLA$TER with a BiotankKill
11m 37s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
11m 39s Azazel Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
11m 44s Player Killed ROGER with a BiotankKill
11m 47s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
11m 49s Player Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a BiotankKill
11m 52s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BiotankKill
11m 57s Merc Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Rocket Launcher
11m 59s Roaring_Kitty -chuck8
11m 59s ROGER Killed Merc with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
12m 04s Azazel Killed ROGER with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
12m 08s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
12m 10s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
12m 13s EbNo Killed N.X. with a Cicada
12m 14s Unicorn_Vomit -deploy
12m 16s 7 Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a CobraKill
12m 16s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
12m 21s Vugluskr Killed Player with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
12m 23s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed gareau with a MinotaurKill
12m 26s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
12m 29s V4N Killed ws.snarf with a Vehicle Explosion
12m 30s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
12m 31s SweetLib_Tears Killed Vugluskr with a Rocket Launcher
12m 31s ROGER Fell to their death
12m 32s Merc Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Lightning Gun
12m 36s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a Lightning Gun
12m 39s Merc Killed GuythatkillsU with an AVRiL
12m 39s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
12m 43s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
12m 47s EbNo Killed ws.snarf with a Cicada
12m 47s ws.snarf Killed EbNo with a Shock Rifle
12m 47s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
12m 51s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BLA$TER with a MinotaurKill
12m 54s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
12m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
13m 00s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
13m 06s Roaring_Kitty -sc-lookslikethathurt
13m 07s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerCannon_Kill
13m 11s Azazel -_-
13m 11s Merc Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a CobraKill
13m 11s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CobraKill
13m 12s N.X. Killed Merc with a DamType_HTankRocket
13m 17s Player Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
13m 17s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 17s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
13m 24s ws.snarf Killed 7 with a Scorpion
13m 25s BLA$TER Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeDracoRoadkill
13m 26s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
13m 27s Merc Killed N.X. with a CentaurBeams
13m 31s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
13m 34s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 34s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed gareau with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 35s Vugluskr Carjacked a Badger
13m 35s BLA$TER Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
13m 44s Player Killed ROGER with a Cicada
13m 44s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Merc with an Ion Plasma Tank
13m 46s V4N Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
13m 47s Roaring_Kitty Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeLink3SecondaryPlasma
13m 49s ROGER dbag
13m 52s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a BadgerCannon_Kill
13m 54s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
13m 54s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
13m 54s Roaring_Kitty Killed EbNo with a Rocket Launcher
13m 58s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a BadgerCannon_Kill
13m 59s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
14m 01s StartupSl1ck Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
14m 01s 7 Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
14m 02s StartupSl1ck Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 03s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
14m 04s Roaring_Kitty -snarfsnarf
14m 05s Anonymous Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
14m 05s 7 Killed N.X. with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
14m 09s ROGER -leon-behind1
14m 12s Unicorn_Vomit y r u telling the admin to suck your dick?
14m 13s Blue Team Captured a Point!
14m 16s GuythatkillsU Joe take your meds
14m 16s Roaring_Kitty -leeroy
14m 21s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH -spielen
14m 23s Azazel cos thats his fantasy
14m 24s Anonymous -joe-smdsnarf
14m 27s Unicorn_Vomit it's just so rude
14m 43s Jeffery_Lorenzo lol
14m 51s Unicorn_Vomit i mean, like, do you tell your dad to suck your dick?
14m 52s V4N being rude means u didint have a daddy growing up
14m 55s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH literally says don't be a dick but whatever
14m 57s EbNo Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
15m 00s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a BioBeam
15m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed Merc with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
15m 07s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
15m 11s EbNo Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurKill
15m 15s gareau Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
15m 18s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Cicada
15m 23s Azazel Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
15m 24s Infected_Toe Killed Anonymous with a CobraKill
15m 26s EbNo Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
15m 27s Unicorn_Vomit Disconnected
15m 28s ROGER Killed EbNo with a BiotankKill
15m 30s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
15m 32s 7 Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
15m 33s Player Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Cicada
15m 34s Infected_Toe Killed Player with a CobraKill
15m 36s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
15m 36s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
15m 36s EbNo gs roger
15m 38s gareau Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
15m 42s SweetLib_Tears Killed ROGER with a Leviathan
15m 42s SweetLib_Tears Killed GuythatkillsU with a Leviathan
15m 45s Merc Killed N.X. with a Paladin
15m 48s SweetLib_Tears Killed GuythatkillsU with a Leviathan
15m 48s SweetLib_Tears Killed ROGER with a Leviathan
15m 49s BLA$TER Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypePPCTankProj
15m 49s Unicorn_Vomit i had to stop and read that shit rofl
15m 50s 7 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
15m 50s StartupSl1ck Killed Infected_Toe with a FireBall
15m 53s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed StartupSl1ck with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 00s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
16m 00s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
16m 04s Player Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
16m 04s BLA$TER Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypePPCTankProj
16m 04s V4N Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamType_HTankRocket
16m 08s Player Killed N.X. with a DamTypeDracoRoadkill
16m 09s StartupSl1ck Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 15s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with an AlligatorFlak
16m 17s BLA$TER Suicided with a DamTypePPCTankProj
16m 18s Azazel enyo is at least also constructive meanwhile
16m 22s V4N Killed ROGER with a DamType_HTankRocket
16m 22s V4N Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamType_HTankRocket
16m 22s StartupSl1ck Killed ws.snarf with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 34s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with an AlligatorFlak
16m 36s EbNo Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 36s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with an AlligatorFlak
16m 36s Unicorn_Vomit true
16m 37s 7 Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
16m 39s Roaring_Kitty -gtku-fucked
16m 45s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an AlligatorFlak
16m 45s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with an AlligatorFlak
16m 48s StartupSl1ck Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 48s StartupSl1ck Killed ws.snarf with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 48s Player Killed N.X. with a DamTypeDracoRoadkill
16m 49s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH -spielen
16m 49s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH -spielen
16m 58s Player Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
17m 01s Roaring_Kitty -gtku-loseprimary
17m 01s EbNo Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 03s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Azazel with a BadgerCannon_Kill
17m 06s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerCannon_Kill
17m 06s 7 Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
17m 06s 7 Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
17m 07s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a Paladin
17m 07s EbNo Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 10s gareau Killed Vugluskr with a FireKill
17m 13s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed 7 with an AlligatorFlak
17m 15s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a DamType_HTankShell
17m 16s gareau Killed N.X. with a FireBall
17m 16s Roaring_Kitty -what_is_that
17m 20s EbNo Killed GuythatkillsU with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 20s EbNo Killed ws.snarf with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 23s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 27s Azazel cmon blaster, share wraith always
17m 29s ws.snarf Killed Player with a Lightning Gun
17m 34s ROGER Killed 7 with a BiotankKill
17m 46s ROGER Killed gareau with a BiotankKill
17m 48s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
17m 48s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Merc with a Cicada
17m 50s SweetLib_Tears Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Leviathan
17m 50s Anonymous -leon-noflyers
17m 50s SweetLib_Tears Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Leviathan
17m 50s StartupSl1ck Killed N.X. with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
17m 50s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed V4N with a MinotaurKill
17m 52s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a DamType_HTankRocket
17m 53s StartupSl1ck Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
18m 00s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a Cicada
18m 02s Anonymous Knocked GuythatkillsU off a ledge
18m 02s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CentaurBeams
18m 03s StartupSl1ck Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
18m 08s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProjectile
18m 12s StartupSl1ck Killed N.X. with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
18m 14s gareau Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
18m 14s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
18m 16s ROGER Killed StartupSl1ck with a BiotankKill
18m 17s EbNo Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
18m 17s Azazel Killed ws.snarf with a CobraKill
18m 22s Azazel Killed Vugluskr with a CobraKill
18m 23s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
18m 23s ROGER Killed Anonymous with a BiotankKill
18m 29s Azazel Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a CobraKill
18m 29s Azazel Killed N.X. with a CobraKill
18m 31s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Azazel with an Energy Turret
18m 32s SweetLib_Tears Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
18m 35s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with an AVRiL
18m 39s 7 Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BadgerCannon_Kill
18m 42s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a Cicada
18m 45s 7 Killed ROGER with a BadgerCannon_Kill
18m 47s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a Cicada
18m 48s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
18m 52s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed EbNo with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
18m 53s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
18m 56s El_Commandante(Co30) Carjacked a FireTankV2Omni
18m 56s BLA$TER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypePPCTankProj
18m 57s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
19m 00s GuythatkillsU Killed StartupSl1ck with an AVRiL
19m 01s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a Lightning Gun
19m 03s Infected_Toe Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
19m 06s ws.snarf Fell to their death
19m 08s Azazel Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Cicada
19m 08s Merc Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Redeemer
19m 10s gareau Killed Roaring_Kitty with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 13s ws.snarf Killed 7 with a Lightning Gun
19m 19s V4N Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeGoliathIIaChainGun
19m 22s SweetLib_Tears Killed N.X. with a Shock Rifle
19m 23s Vugluskr Killed Merc with an AlligatorFlak
19m 24s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Anonymous with a Paladin
19m 24s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 26s BLA$TER Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypePPCTankProj
19m 26s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
19m 33s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed EbNo with a Paladin
19m 36s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with a DamTypePPCTankProj
19m 38s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
19m 40s Justin Connected
19m 40s Justin Team Change to Blue Team
19m 44s Unicorn_Vomit red, fuck, gett off our dicks
19m 47s Infected_Toe Killed gareau with a Cicada
19m 48s Infected_Toe Killed 7 with a Cicada
19m 50s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
19m 50s Vugluskr Killed StartupSl1ck with an AlligatorFlak
19m 53s Infected_Toe Killed V4N with a Cicada
19m 53s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
19m 58s EbNo Killed GuythatkillsU with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 01s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Bio Rifle
20m 01s Azazel Killed ws.snarf with a Bio Rifle
20m 02s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed SweetLib_Tears with a Rocket Launcher
20m 02s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Azazel with a BioBeam
20m 02s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a BioBeam
20m 06s 7 Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
20m 06s Azazel lol snarf
20m 07s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 07s EbNo Killed ws.snarf with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 18s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 22s Player Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Flak Cannon
20m 22s 7 Killed ROGER with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
20m 22s 7 Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
20m 23s ROGER Killed 7 with a BiotankKill
20m 23s Infected_Toe Killed EbNo with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 25s BLA$TER Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 26s Infected_Toe Killed Player with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 33s Anonymous Killed Justin with a BiotankKill
20m 40s Anonymous Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a BiotankKill
20m 41s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a Cicada Turret
20m 41s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 47s GuythatkillsU Killed EbNo with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
20m 49s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 49s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with a DamTypePPCTankProj
20m 51s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Merc with a BadgerCannon_Kill
20m 52s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Cicada
20m 57s Roaring_Kitty Killed gareau with an Energy Turret
20m 58s 7 Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
20m 59s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Anonymous with a BadgerCannon_Kill
21m 04s Merc Killed ROGER with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
21m 04s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
21m 06s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
21m 06s 7 Killed Justin with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
21m 13s Infected_Toe Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypePPCTankProj
21m 16s 7 Killed N.X. with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
21m 16s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a CobraKill
21m 17s StartupSl1ck Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Leviathan
21m 19s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
21m 19s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
21m 19s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
21m 26s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
21m 26s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Lightning Gun
21m 28s Justin Killed Merc with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
21m 31s ROGER Killed V4N with a Flak Cannon
21m 31s V4N Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamType_HTankRocket
21m 34s Player Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
21m 34s Player Killed ws.snarf with a MinotaurKill
21m 35s StartupSl1ck Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Leviathan
21m 39s Player Killed Justin with a MinotaurTurretkill
21m 39s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a DamTypeDracoRoadkill
21m 44s Anonymous commandante are you drunk driving the deemer
21m 44s Unicorn_Vomit -fuall
21m 44s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Rocket Launcher
21m 46s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Carjacked a GoliathIIa
21m 47s StartupSl1ck Killed ROGER with a Leviathan
21m 51s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a Flak Cannon
21m 53s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a DamTypeDracoRoadkill
21m 53s Azazel Killed Vugluskr with a Cicada Turret
21m 54s StartupSl1ck Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Leviathan
21m 57s Player Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
21m 57s Player Killed Roaring_Kitty with a MinotaurKill
22m 00s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a CentaurBeams
22m 00s Roaring_Kitty -dui
22m 00s ws.snarf Killed 7 with a Lightning Gun
22m 03s ROGER Killed V4N with a MinotaurKill
22m 03s SweetLib_Tears Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
22m 08s Unicorn_Vomit help me link up the core for fuck sakes
22m 08s Red Team Captured a Point!
22m 10s StartupSl1ck Killed Justin with a Leviathan
22m 15s Unicorn_Vomit thankz
22m 17s Roaring_Kitty ha
22m 21s Unicorn_Vomit :-)
22m 36s Azazel nice jump haxx
22m 59s EbNo Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
23m 04s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
23m 08s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Merc with a MinotaurKill
23m 11s 7 Killed Roaring_Kitty with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
23m 13s Azazel Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
23m 13s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a FireBall
23m 16s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed EbNo with a MinotaurKill
23m 16s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
23m 19s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed gareau with a MinotaurKill
23m 19s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
23m 22s Infected_Toe Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
23m 22s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BiotankKill
23m 23s Merc Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
23m 29s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a FireKill
23m 35s BIG_FloPPies Connected
23m 35s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Red Team
23m 35s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed gareau with a MinotaurKill
23m 35s Merc Killed Infected_Toe with an Ion Plasma Tank
23m 37s StartupSl1ck Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
23m 40s Player Suicided with an AVRiL
23m 41s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an Ion Plasma Tank
23m 45s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
23m 48s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a FireKill
23m 49s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
23m 52s Azazel 5
23m 52s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed gareau with a MinotaurKill
23m 56s GuythatkillsU Killed EbNo with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
24m 00s BLA$TER Killed Justin with an AlligatorFlak
24m 02s ws.snarf Killed Merc with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
24m 02s BLA$TER Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with an AlligatorFlak
24m 02s Azazel Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
24m 04s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with an AlligatorDamTypeRoadkill
24m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
24m 05s Roaring_Kitty Killed Azazel with a CentaurBeams
24m 05s 7 Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
24m 12s BIG_FloPPies Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireKill
24m 13s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a Flak Cannon
24m 16s Azazel someone forgot to look at the map
24m 19s Roaring_Kitty Headshot Anonymous with a Lightning Gun
24m 20s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
24m 25s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a Paladin
24m 31s Infected_Toe Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
24m 33s V4N 5adw]=]
24m 34s N.X. Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BadgerCannon_Kill
24m 34s Player Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeDracoPancake
24m 41s SweetLib_Tears Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CobraKill
24m 45s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided from Reckless Driving
24m 46s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed 7 with a Link Gun
24m 49s ROGER Killed Azazel with a CentaurBeams
24m 49s ROGER Killed BLA$TER with a CentaurBeams
24m 49s Infected_Toe Killed V4N with a CentaurBeams
24m 55s gareau Killed N.X. with a Rocket Launcher
24m 55s Player Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Lightning Gun
24m 57s Infected_Toe Killed SweetLib_Tears with a CentaurBeams
24m 59s Anonymous Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
25m 02s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Anonymous with an Ion Plasma Tank
25m 06s GuythatkillsU Killed StartupSl1ck with a FireBall
25m 07s BIG_FloPPies Killed ROGER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
25m 08s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed EbNo with an Ion Plasma Tank
25m 11s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a DamTypeDracoRoadkill
25m 13s Anonymous Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Flak Cannon
25m 23s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed 7 with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
25m 23s StartupSl1ck Killed Infected_Toe with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
25m 26s GuythatkillsU Killed SweetLib_Tears with a FireBall
25m 32s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
25m 33s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with a DamTypePPCTankProj
25m 33s BLA$TER Killed ROGER with a DamTypePPCTankProj
25m 36s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
25m 39s Player Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a MinotaurKill
25m 40s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypePPCTankProj
25m 40s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypePPCTankProj
25m 40s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
25m 42s Unicorn_Vomit Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BadgerCannon_Kill
25m 43s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH -spielen
25m 43s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH -spielen
25m 45s Justin Suicided with a CobraKill
25m 46s V4N Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamType_HTankRocket
25m 46s EbNo Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CentaurBeams
25m 53s Unicorn_Vomit -stfu
25m 54s Player is not taking a hint a hack?
25m 57s Roaring_Kitty -dui
25m 59s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
26m 00s Azazel gareau linking the wraith doesnt give it more dmg
26m 01s Azazel Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
26m 03s gareau Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
26m 04s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Shock Rifle
26m 05s Merc Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProximityExplosion
26m 06s BIG_FloPPies Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
26m 10s Anonymous Suicided
26m 13s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
26m 14s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a FireBall
26m 19s Roaring_Kitty only 10 zounds allowed??????????? WHATS THIS BS!!
26m 24s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a Bio Rifle
26m 25s N.X. Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
26m 28s StartupSl1ck Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerCannon_Kill
26m 29s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a FireKill
26m 31s Elon'sMusk Connected
26m 31s Elon'sMusk Team Change to Blue Team
26m 31s Azazel Killed N.X. with a Cicada
26m 34s ROGER Carjacked a Alligator
26m 36s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a FireKill
26m 37s ROGER Killed BLA$TER with an AlligatorFlak
26m 39s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
26m 41s gareau Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a BiotankKill
26m 43s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a FireKill
26m 46s Infected_Toe Killed gareau with a Rocket Launcher
26m 46s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
26m 47s ROGER Killed Merc with an AlligatorFlak
26m 47s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a FireKill
26m 51s EbNo Killed Vugluskr with a Rocket Launcher
27m 05s Unicorn_Vomit Killed 7 with a CobraKill
27m 07s Elon'sMusk Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
27m 09s Unicorn_Vomit Killed 7 with a CobraKill
27m 10s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
27m 12s Unicorn_Vomit Killed EbNo with a Link Gun
27m 13s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
27m 13s GuythatkillsU Killed StartupSl1ck with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
27m 14s Roaring_Kitty Carjacked a CSLeviathan
27m 16s ws.snarf Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Leviathan
27m 18s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BLA$TER with a MinotaurKill
27m 18s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
27m 20s Player Killed Justin with a BiotankKill
27m 25s Vugluskr Killed Player with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
27m 25s Elon'sMusk Fell to their death
27m 31s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
27m 35s ws.snarf Killed 7 with a Leviathan
27m 37s gareau Killed N.X. with a BadgerCannon_Kill
27m 40s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a Leviathan
27m 40s StartupSl1ck Killed Vugluskr with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
27m 43s BIG_FloPPies Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
27m 44s GuythatkillsU Killed EbNo with an AVRiL
27m 47s Roaring_Kitty Killed BIG_FloPPies with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
27m 48s StartupSl1ck Killed Infected_Toe with a Shock Rifle
27m 49s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
27m 54s gareau Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with an Ion Plasma Tank
27m 55s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
27m 55s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed V4N with an Ion Plasma Tank
27m 58s Elon'sMusk Killed BIG_FloPPies with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
27m 58s Elon'sMusk Killed gareau with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
28m 00s Elon'sMusk Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
28m 03s BLA$TER Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypePPCTankProj
28m 03s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 03s Azazel Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 07s Justin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
28m 09s Unicorn_Vomit Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 13s Infected_Toe Killed 7 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
28m 19s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed 7 with a Cicada
28m 21s Vugluskr Killed StartupSl1ck with a Paladin
28m 22s Unicorn_Vomit -deploy
28m 23s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed V4N with an Ion Plasma Tank
28m 25s EbNo Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Shock Rifle
28m 25s Elon'sMusk Suicided from Reckless Driving
28m 26s Merc Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeBasiliskShockwave
28m 27s Vugluskr Killed EbNo with a Paladin
28m 27s SweetLib_Tears Killed Vugluskr with a CentaurBeams
28m 29s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
28m 34s BIG_FloPPies Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Cicada
28m 34s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 34s Infected_Toe Killed SweetLib_Tears with a BadgerCannon_Kill
28m 35s Player Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
28m 39s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BIG_FloPPies with an Ion Plasma Tank
28m 47s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 47s Roaring_Kitty only 10 zounds allowed??????????? WHATS THIS BS!! DIRECT me to your manager pls?
28m 51s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with an Ion Plasma Tank
28m 52s 7 Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 52s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
28m 56s Unicorn_Vomit rofl
28m 56s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
28m 59s Justin Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
29m 01s Merc Killed Justin with a MinotaurTurretkill
29m 02s Player Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
29m 02s Jeffery_Lorenzo Suicided from Reckless Driving
29m 06s Merc Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurTurretkill
29m 07s Roaring_Kitty :-)
29m 09s BLA$TER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
29m 12s 7 Killed Roaring_Kitty with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 14s Unicorn_Vomit i'm pretty sure that would be pooty or snarf
29m 18s StartupSl1ck Killed N.X. with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
29m 18s BLA$TER Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
29m 19s Infected_Toe Killed BLA$TER with a Cicada
29m 19s Infected_Toe Killed Merc with a Cicada
29m 19s 7 Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 19s 7 Killed GuythatkillsU with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 19s Azazel i can do sounds for u
29m 20s StartupSl1ck Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
29m 23s Azazel 1 dollar a pop
29m 24s BIG_FloPPies Killed Justin with a BiotankKill
29m 26s ws.snarf Killed StartupSl1ck with a Leviathan
29m 26s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
29m 27s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed EbNo with a MinotaurKill
29m 28s Unicorn_Vomit with his ass
29m 35s Roaring_Kitty ok pls do yoda zound and the meow
29m 41s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
29m 43s ws.snarf Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Leviathan
29m 44s BIG_FloPPies Killed ws.snarf with a BiotankKill
29m 45s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
29m 46s Player :(
29m 46s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed V4N with a DamType_HTankShell
29m 48s 7 Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 48s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
29m 51s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SweetLib_Tears with a MinotaurKill
30m 00s BIG_FloPPies Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
30m 02s GuythatkillsU Killed StartupSl1ck with a CentaurBeams
30m 04s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
30m 05s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with a DamTypePPCTankProj
30m 07s StartupSl1ck Suicided
30m 07s StartupSl1ck Disconnected
30m 09s ws.snarf Killed gareau with an AlligatorFlak
30m 10s Elon'sMusk Killed 7 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
30m 11s Player Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
30m 13s Azazel Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Grenade Launcher
30m 13s N.X. Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
30m 15s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProjectile
30m 15s ws.snarf Killed Player with an AlligatorFlak
30m 16s gareau Killed Elon'sMusk with an AVRiL
30m 18s BLA$TER Killed ROGER with a DamTypePPCTankProj
30m 23s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MinotaurKill
30m 25s ws.snarf Killed 7 with an AlligatorFlak
30m 25s Merc Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
30m 28s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypePPCTankProj
30m 30s N.X. Killed EbNo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
30m 34s Merc Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
30m 35s Azazel 2 ffs
30m 36s BLA$TER Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypePPCTankProj
30m 36s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a Shock Rifle
30m 38s BLA$TER Suicided with a DamTypePPCTankProj
30m 39s Infected_Toe Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
30m 40s BIG_FloPPies Suicided
30m 40s BIG_FloPPies Disconnected
30m 41s SweetLib_Tears Killed Elon'sMusk with a CobraKill
30m 43s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
30m 44s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
30m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed V4N with a MinotaurKill
30m 49s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
30m 49s V4N Killed Justin with a DamType_HTankRocket
30m 52s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
30m 52s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed gareau with a MinotaurKill
30m 59s BIG_FloPPies Connected
30m 59s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Red Team
31m 01s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
31m 02s Infected_Toe Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
31m 03s Roaring_Kitty Killed SweetLib_Tears with a CentaurBeams
31m 03s Azazel Killed N.X. with a Cicada
31m 03s SweetLib_Tears Killed Roaring_Kitty with a CobraKill
31m 07s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed 7 with a MinotaurKill
31m 13s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
31m 14s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed 7 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
31m 17s Elon'sMusk Died from an UAMDamTypeChangeTeam
31m 17s Elon'sMusk Team Change to Red Team
31m 19s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with an AlligatorFlak
31m 19s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a Shock Rifle
31m 20s Player Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
31m 21s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a CentaurBeams
31m 23s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CentaurBeams
31m 24s Player Carjacked a HoverBadger
31m 25s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with an AlligatorFlak
31m 26s BLA$TER Killed N.X. with an AlligatorDamTypeRoadkill
31m 28s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a CentaurBeams
31m 37s Azazel its OT and u didnt go for the free node first
31m 37s Merc Killed ROGER with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
31m 41s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
31m 41s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
31m 50s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
31m 52s EbNo Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
31m 52s EbNo Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
31m 52s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a Flak Cannon
31m 56s Infected_Toe Killed V4N with a DamTypeEONSCrusaderProjectile
31m 59s gareau Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 00s Azazel Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Cicada
32m 01s Vugluskr Killed SweetLib_Tears with a HeatRay
32m 05s ROGER Carjacked a Cicada
32m 06s ROGER Killed Azazel with a Cicada
32m 07s BIG_FloPPies Killed ROGER with a BiotankKill
32m 10s EbNo Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
32m 10s EbNo Killed Roaring_Kitty with a MinotaurKill
32m 12s SweetLib_Tears Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 13s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 14s BIG_FloPPies Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a BiotankKill
32m 18s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 19s SweetLib_Tears Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 19s SweetLib_Tears Killed Justin with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 22s SweetLib_Tears Killed Roaring_Kitty with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 22s SweetLib_Tears Killed Infected_Toe with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 22s Azazel Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 23s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a CobraKill
32m 28s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a Leviathan
32m 34s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
32m 34s Elon'sMusk that was a terrible bith quit
32m 40s Merc Killed N.X. with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
32m 40s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
32m 40s EbNo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
32m 40s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a MinotaurKill
32m 40s EbNo Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
32m 47s ROGER Killed SweetLib_Tears with a BiotankKill
32m 47s EbNo Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
32m 47s Elon'sMusk Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Shock Rifle
32m 51s EbNo Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
32m 55s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
32m 57s EbNo Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a MinotaurKill
32m 58s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with an AlligatorFlak
33m 00s Merc Carjacked a Badger
33m 01s ws.snarf Killed SweetLib_Tears with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
33m 05s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
33m 06s EbNo Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
33m 08s Red Team Captured a Point!
33m 08s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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