Welcome to OmnipotentS stats database Version 2

Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-HomeSweetHome-)o(-Randomizer
on Sat, Jan 18 2025, 9:29:33 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 04s Vugluskr Connected
-1m 04s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 04s StartupSl1ck Connected
-1m 04s StartupSl1ck Team Change to Red Team
-1m 04s Rookie Connected
-1m 04s Rookie Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s V4N Connected
-1m 03s V4N Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s Azazel Connected
-1m 03s Azazel Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s Javiar Connected
-1m 01s Javiar Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s Justin Connected
-1m 01s Anonymous Connected
-1m 01s Justin Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s SanitariuM Connected
-0m 59s SanitariuM Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Connected
-0m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Team Change to Red Team
-0m 53s BLA$TER Connected
-0m 53s BLA$TER Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 51s TFSN Connected
-0m 51s TFSN Team Change to Red Team
-0m 51s Player 9 Connected
-0m 51s Player 9 Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 50s Merc Connected
-0m 50s Merc Team Change to Red Team
-0m 50s Humble_Pie Connected
-0m 50s Humble_Pie Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 48s [PR!ME]patty Connected
-0m 48s [PR!ME]patty Team Change to Red Team
-0m 43s gareau Connected
-0m 43s gareau Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 43s C@n0n_F0dd3r Connected
-0m 43s C@n0n_F0dd3r Team Change to Red Team
-0m 43s N.X. Connected
-0m 43s N.X. Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 42s Offense Connected
-0m 42s Offense Team Change to Red Team
-0m 41s Infected_Toe Connected
-0m 41s Infected_Toe Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 38s 7 Connected
-0m 38s 7 Team Change to Red Team
-0m 34s Rhamp Connected
-0m 34s Rhamp Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 32s [JP]kamikaze Connected
-0m 32s [JP]kamikaze Team Change to Red Team
-0m 32s TFSN "where you gho fr 10 years?"
-0m 28s TFSN -joints
-0m 27s N.X. Disconnected
-0m 25s ws.snarf Connected
-0m 25s ws.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 24s SanitariuM i spec a lot too so i can learn strategy for most of these maps
-0m 22s C@n0n_F0dd3r yo mama's house
-0m 21s Humble_Pie -bandcamp
-0m 15s Player Connected
-0m 15s Player Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 15s TFSN :)
-0m 07s TFSN es
-0m 04s SanitariuM -tater
-0m 04s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
-0m 04s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s Justin Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s SanitariuM Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s bros.Sub-Zero Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Player 9 Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Merc Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Humble_Pie Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s gareau Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s C@n0n_F0dd3r Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Offense Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s 7 Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s [JP]kamikaze Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Vugluskr Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Rookie Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s V4N Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Azazel Team Change to Red Team
0m 12s Unicorn_Vomit Suicided
0m 12s Unicorn_Vomit Disconnected
0m 26s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
0m 28s Rhamp Killed [PR!ME]patty with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
0m 29s Merc Killed Vugluskr with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
0m 29s Merc Killed TFSN with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
0m 40s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
0m 42s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
0m 44s Anonymous Killed Offense with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
0m 48s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
0m 48s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
0m 49s [JP]kamikaze Killed Justin with a Leviathan
0m 50s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurClassicKill
0m 54s Rhamp Killed V4N with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
0m 56s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a MinotaurClassicKill
0m 57s [PR!ME]patty Killed 7 with a Redeemer
0m 58s [PR!ME]patty Killed Rhamp with a Lightning Gun
1m 02s Infected_Toe Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeFlash
1m 02s Unicorn_Vomit game crashed on me
1m 02s ws.snarf Killed Javiar with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
1m 04s Anonymous Killed Offense with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
1m 05s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
1m 06s Anonymous Killed 7 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
1m 07s Player 9 Suicided with a Redeemer
1m 08s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
1m 09s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
1m 10s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Azazel with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
1m 12s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeMinotaurClassicSecondaryTurret
1m 13s SanitariuM Suicided from Reckless Driving
1m 14s Anonymous Killed 7 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
1m 16s Humble_Pie Killed BLA$TER with a Rocket Launcher
1m 16s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
1m 18s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a DamTypeMinotaurClassicSecondaryTurret
1m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurClassicKill
1m 20s Unicorn_Vomit Killed gareau with a CentaurBeams
1m 22s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a MinotaurClassicKill
1m 22s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided with a MinotaurClassicKill
1m 26s ws.snarf Killed Humble_Pie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
1m 27s Player Killed [PR!ME]patty with a DamType_HTankShell
1m 30s [JP]kamikaze Died from an OMFG
1m 31s StartupSl1ck Killed Merc with an AuroraSkyMineKill
1m 32s Player Killed Javiar with a DamType_HTankShell
1m 34s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Justin with a CentaurBeams
1m 44s Azazel Killed Rookie with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
1m 44s gareau Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeFlash
1m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
1m 49s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
1m 50s Humble_Pie Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with an AVRiL
1m 51s SanitariuM Killed [JP]kamikaze with a Railgun
1m 52s Player Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
1m 53s StartupSl1ck Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
1m 56s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a Paladin
1m 57s [PR!ME]patty Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Shock Rifle
1m 59s ws.snarf shit
2m 01s gareau Killed Player with a Rocket Launcher
2m 08s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyBeam
2m 10s Rookie Killed Javiar with a FireBall
2m 10s Rookie Killed TFSN with a FireBall
2m 12s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Justin with a CentaurBeams
2m 13s [PR!ME]patty Killed Offense with a Shock Rifle
2m 16s V4N Killed Rookie with a Kraken_Rockets
2m 20s Infected_Toe how come i can see snarf, rhamp and cannon through this wall?
2m 21s BIG_FloPPies Connected
2m 21s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Blue Team
2m 26s Javiar Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
2m 28s Anonymous mirror bugged
2m 30s 7 Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
2m 32s Azazel Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
2m 36s [PR!ME]patty Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
2m 40s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Azazel with a Destroyed Vehicle
2m 41s StartupSl1ck Suicided from Reckless Driving
2m 42s V4N Killed Merc with a Leviathan
2m 42s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a Raptor
2m 43s V4N Died from an OMFG
2m 49s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a Raptor
2m 51s Unicorn_Vomit ty
2m 53s 7 Killed TFSN with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
2m 53s SanitariuM Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Railgun
2m 53s Humble_Pie Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Redeemer
2m 56s ws.snarf Killed Humble_Pie with a Lightning Gun
2m 57s [PR!ME]patty Killed [JP]kamikaze with a Shock Rifle
3m 02s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a Railgun
3m 04s Player 9 Killed Merc with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyBeam
3m 04s 7 Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
3m 05s [PR!ME]patty Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
3m 05s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Minigun
3m 06s Azazel Killed Rookie with a Bio Rifle
3m 14s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Lightning Gun
3m 15s Rookie Killed Azazel with a FireBall
3m 19s Anonymous Killed [JP]kamikaze with a Raptor
3m 22s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a Railgun
3m 23s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed V4N with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
3m 27s Rookie Killed Player 9 with a FireKill
3m 28s gareau Killed Merc with a Rocket Launcher
3m 31s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed SanitariuM with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
3m 32s Player Killed Humble_Pie with a WaspYJFlak
3m 33s ws.snarf Knocked Javiar off a ledge
3m 34s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
3m 35s Rookie Suicided from Reckless Driving
3m 41s [PR!ME]patty Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
3m 41s BLA$TER Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
3m 41s [PR!ME]patty Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
3m 41s [PR!ME]patty Killed gareau with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
3m 44s Player Killed Anonymous with a WaspYJFlak
3m 44s BIG_FloPPies Killed Justin with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
3m 45s BLA$TER Killed TFSN with a Railgun
3m 45s Vugluskr Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a CentaurBeams
3m 51s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
3m 55s 7 Killed Javiar with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
3m 55s Rookie Killed Azazel with a DamType_HurTankRoadkill
3m 55s Azazel Killed Rookie with a Grenade Launcher
3m 57s gareau Killed [JP]kamikaze with a DamTypeFlash
3m 57s Vugluskr Killed Offense with a CentaurBeams
3m 58s V4N Killed BLA$TER with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
3m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
4m 02s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
4m 02s 7 Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
4m 03s V4N Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
4m 06s Humble_Pie Killed 7 with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
4m 12s Unicorn_Vomit -deploy
4m 14s Azazel Killed Player with a Raptor
4m 15s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a Rocket Launcher
4m 16s gareau Suicided with a DamTypeFlash
4m 18s StartupSl1ck Killed Rookie with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
4m 18s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Raptor
4m 19s [PR!ME]patty Killed Merc with a Shock Rifle
4m 20s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
4m 22s BIG_FloPPies Killed Humble_Pie with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
4m 23s BIG_FloPPies Killed Player 9 with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
4m 23s BIG_FloPPies Killed [PR!ME]patty with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
4m 26s ws.snarf Carjacked a CSBombMech
4m 29s Rhamp Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
4m 30s Rookie Killed Justin with a FireBall
4m 32s Azazel Suicided with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
4m 36s Rookie Killed V4N with a FireBall
4m 41s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
4m 41s [PR!ME]patty Killed Merc with a Shock Rifle
4m 44s [PR!ME]patty Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
4m 45s BIG_FloPPies Suicided with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
4m 46s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Javiar with a Raptor
4m 46s [PR!ME]patty Killed Infected_Toe with a Shock Rifle
4m 48s Vugluskr Killed Player with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 55s Humble_Pie Killed Infected_Toe with a Rocket Launcher
4m 56s Vugluskr Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 56s Javiar Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a DamType_PredatorMissile
4m 58s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
5m 00s Anonymous ^6got ^5u
5m 00s Rookie Killed V4N with a DamType_PredatorMissile
5m 01s Azazel Killed 7 with an AuroraCombo
5m 02s Anonymous XD
5m 04s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Grenade Launcher
5m 04s BLA$TER Killed [PR!ME]patty with a Railgun
5m 06s bros.Sub-Zero XD
5m 06s ws.snarf got u
5m 08s Humble_Pie Killed Offense with a Rocket Launcher
5m 08s Anonymous ^1u ^2got ^3me
5m 14s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a Grenade Launcher
5m 15s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 15s [JP]kamikaze Killed SanitariuM with a Leviathan
5m 16s [JP]kamikaze Killed TFSN with a Leviathan
5m 18s 7 Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
5m 19s Azazel what??
5m 21s [JP]kamikaze Killed Justin with a Leviathan
5m 22s [JP]kamikaze Knocked Merc off a ledge
5m 26s [PR!ME]patty Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Shock Rifle
5m 27s Azazel we cant steal enemy ufos?
5m 28s Player Killed [PR!ME]patty with a MinotaurClassicKill
5m 29s Justin Killed ws.snarf with a Rocket Launcher
5m 32s Player Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurClassicKill
5m 34s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
5m 35s Unicorn_Vomit for fuck sakes! Blue push forward now!
5m 35s Anonymous Knocked Rhamp off a ledge
5m 35s ws.snarf nope
5m 36s [PR!ME]patty Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
5m 44s Azazel placed a kick vote against snarf
5m 46s gareau Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MinotaurClassicKill
5m 48s Unicorn_Vomit Killed TFSN with a CentaurBeams
5m 48s [JP]kamikaze Killed gareau with a Leviathan
5m 51s Azazel thats for making that change
5m 56s BLA$TER Suicided from Reckless Driving
5m 58s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
5m 59s Player 9 Killed Merc with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
6m 00s Humble_Pie Killed 7 with an AVRiL
6m 02s Justin Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a DamTypeAlligatorBeam
6m 02s bros.Sub-Zero Killed [PR!ME]patty with a Railgun
6m 05s [JP]kamikaze Died from an OMFG
6m 10s Player Killed Azazel with a MinotaurClassicKill
6m 17s Rookie Killed Justin with a FireBall
6m 17s Rookie Killed V4N with a FireBall
6m 22s Anonymous Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
6m 26s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a Lightning Gun
6m 27s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Flak Cannon
6m 27s Humble_Pie Knocked Unicorn_Vomit off a ledge
6m 30s Rhamp Killed Azazel with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
6m 30s ws.snarf Killed [PR!ME]patty with a CSHoverMechDamTypeRoadkill
6m 33s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
6m 36s Javiar Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
6m 36s BIG_FloPPies Killed gareau with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
6m 39s Vugluskr Killed Rhamp with a FireBall
6m 42s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Humble_Pie with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
6m 44s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
6m 48s Player 9 Killed Player with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
6m 48s Player 9 Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
6m 48s Player 9 Suicided with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
6m 48s V4N edd wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww as
6m 49s 7 Suicided from Reckless Driving
6m 52s Azazel Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
6m 53s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
6m 54s Infected_Toe Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
6m 58s TFSN Killed Rookie with a CSShieldMechDamTypeShieldImpact
7m 00s Rookie Killed Humble_Pie with a DamType_HTankRocket
7m 01s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a Shock Rifle
7m 02s Azazel Killed Offense with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
7m 05s BIG_FloPPies Killed TFSN with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
7m 11s [PR!ME]patty Killed bros.Sub-Zero with an OMFG
7m 11s Rhamp Killed Justin with a Raptor
7m 12s V4N Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_PredatorRocket
7m 13s Javiar Suicided from Reckless Driving
7m 14s BIG_FloPPies Killed gareau with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
7m 15s Azazel Killed [JP]kamikaze with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
7m 23s Anonymous Knocked Rhamp off a ledge
7m 23s Player 9 Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
7m 25s [PR!ME]patty Killed Merc with a Lightning Gun
7m 26s Javiar Suicided from Reckless Driving
7m 28s SanitariuM Killed Rookie with a Raptor
7m 33s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Lightning Gun
7m 34s Infected_Toe Killed TFSN with a Shock Rifle
7m 36s SanitariuM Killed Infected_Toe with a Bio Rifle
7m 42s Azazel Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
7m 45s Rhamp Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
7m 49s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
7m 52s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
7m 54s Player 9 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Raptor
7m 55s Offense Killed Humble_Pie with an ArbalestRocketNova
7m 56s 7 Killed Azazel with a DamType_PredatorRocket
7m 59s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed TFSN with a Railgun
7m 59s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Lightning Gun
8m 02s Rhamp Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
8m 04s Offense Killed gareau with an ArbalestRocketNova
8m 09s [PR!ME]patty Killed Offense with a Lightning Gun
8m 13s Merc Killed Player 9 with an AVRiL
8m 15s BLA$TER Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
8m 15s [JP]kamikaze Killed Humble_Pie with a MinotaurClassicKill
8m 17s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
8m 17s Azazel Killed Offense with an AuroraCombo
8m 17s BIG_FloPPies Killed V4N with a Raptor
8m 19s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed gareau with a Railgun
8m 20s gareau Killed [JP]kamikaze with a FireKill
8m 22s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
8m 23s [PR!ME]patty Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
8m 27s Rookie Killed Javiar with a FireBall
8m 31s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a Lightning Gun
8m 33s Rookie Killed Javiar with a FireBall
8m 36s TFSN Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
8m 38s Merc Killed TFSN with an OMFG
8m 41s StartupSl1ck Killed Infected_Toe with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
8m 41s Azazel Suicided from Reckless Driving
8m 41s Vugluskr Killed Rookie with a DamTypeMinotaurClassicSecondaryTurret
8m 42s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a WaspYJFlak
8m 44s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a WaspYJFlak
8m 46s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Shock Rifle
8m 52s Anonymous Killed Player with a WaspYJFlak
8m 55s [JP]kamikaze Killed Javiar with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
8m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a Grenade Launcher
9m 00s Humble_Pie Killed [JP]kamikaze with an Energy Turret
9m 02s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Javiar with a Grenade Launcher
9m 02s Justin Killed Offense with an AlligatorFlak
9m 02s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
9m 05s Player 9 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
9m 05s Player Killed Anonymous with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
9m 06s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Justin with a Railgun
9m 07s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
9m 10s V4N Killed Merc with an AlligatorFlak
9m 18s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a Lightning Gun
9m 22s Justin Killed Infected_Toe with a Minigun
9m 23s Humble_Pie Killed BLA$TER with an AVRiL
9m 24s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
9m 24s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
9m 24s Player 9 Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
9m 24s [JP]kamikaze Suicided
9m 24s [JP]kamikaze Disconnected
9m 26s Rookie Killed V4N with a DamType_HTankRocket
9m 29s 7 Killed gareau with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
9m 34s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
9m 36s TFSN Killed Rookie with a Flak Cannon
9m 36s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
9m 39s Player Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
9m 40s Humble_Pie Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Rocket Launcher
9m 44s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with an Ion Plasma Tank
9m 46s Javiar Suicided with a Redeemer
9m 47s Infected_Toe Killed gareau with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
9m 48s Infected_Toe Killed SanitariuM with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
9m 50s StartupSl1ck Killed bros.Sub-Zero with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
9m 52s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
9m 54s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a Raptor
9m 56s Anonymous Killed Merc with a Raptor
9m 57s Player Carjacked a WaspYellowJacket
9m 58s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed gareau with a Railgun
9m 59s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a Raptor
9m 59s ws.snarf Killed [PR!ME]patty with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
10m 02s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
10m 02s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed TFSN with a Railgun
10m 03s ws.snarf Died from a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
10m 04s Anonymous Killed 7 with a Raptor
10m 17s Rhamp Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 17s V4N Killed Rookie with a Leviathan
10m 17s Rhamp Killed Justin with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 21s Rhamp Suicided from Reckless Driving
10m 25s El_Commandante(Co30) Died from a DamTypeFlareRaptorRoadkill
10m 26s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a Raptor
10m 26s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a MinotaurClassicKill
10m 30s StartupSl1ck Suicided with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
10m 36s Rookie Killed gareau with a FireBall
10m 38s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Lightning Gun
10m 39s V4N Killed Infected_Toe with a Leviathan
10m 40s Merc Died from a Sentinel Laser
10m 40s Offense Killed Vugluskr with a Leviathan
10m 42s Anonymous Killed BLA$TER with a Raptor
10m 43s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a MinotaurClassicKill
10m 44s V4N Killed Player with a Leviathan
10m 48s Offense Killed gareau with a Leviathan
10m 49s Player 9 Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an AlligatorFlak
10m 51s Javiar Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Scorpion
10m 52s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
10m 52s Rhamp Killed SanitariuM with a HellHoundPlasma
10m 53s Rhamp Killed Javiar with a HellHoundPlasma
10m 55s Anonymous Killed Rookie with a Raptor
10m 55s V4N Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Leviathan
10m 59s Rhamp Killed TFSN with a HellHoundCombo
11m 02s Infected_Toe Killed V4N with an OMFG
11m 03s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a Raptor
11m 03s gareau Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 03s Player 9 Killed Player with an AlligatorFlak
11m 06s Anonymous -leon-notsofast
11m 08s Azazel Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
11m 09s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Lightning Gun
11m 09s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Justin with a Railgun
11m 09s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 10s ws.snarf =middlefinger=middlefinger
11m 11s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Infected_Toe with an OMFG
11m 13s [PR!ME]patty Killed 7 with a Lightning Gun
11m 14s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a Link Gun
11m 15s Merc Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an OMFG
11m 18s Vugluskr Killed Merc with a FireBall
11m 18s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a Raptor
11m 19s Azazel Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
11m 21s Offense Killed V4N with a Leviathan
11m 26s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Flak Cannon
11m 28s [PR!ME]patty Killed 7 with a Flak Cannon
11m 30s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamType_PredatorMissile
11m 30s gareau Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 33s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 33s Rhamp Carjacked a MirageRaptor
11m 33s Player 9 Killed Rhamp with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeBomb
11m 33s Offense Killed Azazel with a Leviathan
11m 34s Offense Killed gareau with a Leviathan
11m 35s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a FalconPlasma
11m 35s Javiar Carjacked a ONSArmadillo
11m 37s Justin Fell to their death
11m 38s V4N Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
11m 39s Offense Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Leviathan
11m 41s [PR!ME]patty Killed Merc with a Lightning Gun
11m 41s Offense Died from an OMFG
11m 45s Rhamp Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
11m 47s V4N Killed Rookie with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
11m 50s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
11m 50s SanitariuM Killed BLA$TER with a KingHellHoundBeams
11m 57s BIG_FloPPies Killed Azazel with a Railgun
12m 00s Infected_Toe Killed Vugluskr with a Lightning Gun
12m 02s Player Killed gareau with a FireKill
12m 03s Rookie Killed [PR!ME]patty with a FalconPlasma
12m 04s Player 9 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
12m 07s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
12m 08s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Justin with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
12m 14s Humble_Pie Killed Rookie with a Redeemer
12m 15s Humble_Pie Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Redeemer
12m 16s BIG_FloPPies Killed TFSN with a DamTypeRailgunTankRoadkill
12m 18s [PR!ME]patty Knocked Merc off a ledge
12m 19s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
12m 19s V4N Killed 7 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
12m 24s V4N Killed BIG_FloPPies with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
12m 24s Azazel Killed Rhamp with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
12m 27s Azazel lol
12m 37s ws.snarf Killed TFSN with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
12m 40s Player Killed V4N with a FireBall
12m 40s Rhamp Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Lightning Gun
12m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
12m 45s Humble_Pie Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
12m 47s Justin Killed Offense with a DamType_HTankShell
12m 47s Justin Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamType_HTankShell
12m 48s Player 9 Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyBeam
12m 50s 7 Killed Azazel with a DamType_HTankRocket
12m 53s Player 9 Killed Rookie with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
12m 53s 7 Killed Justin with a DamType_HTankRocket
12m 56s Unicorn_Vomit Headshot Javiar with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaHeadshot
12m 57s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a Lightning Gun
12m 58s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a Link Gun
12m 59s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
12m 59s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a Lightning Gun
13m 02s BLA$TER Killed gareau with a Railgun
13m 04s Player Killed [PR!ME]patty with a FireBall
13m 07s El_Gato Connected
13m 07s El_Gato Team Change to Blue Team
13m 08s Anonymous Knocked ws.snarf off a ledge
13m 09s Anonymous Suicided
13m 10s BLA$TER Killed Javiar with a Railgun
13m 12s Vugluskr Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeHeavyShell
13m 15s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 19s BLA$TER Killed Anonymous with a Railgun
13m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 21s Azazel Killed 7 with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
13m 22s Player Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
13m 23s StartupSl1ck Killed BLA$TER with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
13m 24s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 24s V4N Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Vehicle Explosion
13m 24s Offense Killed Azazel with a DamTypeBasiliskBeam
13m 27s ws.snarf Killed Humble_Pie with a Raptor
13m 28s Player Killed TFSN with a FireBall
13m 29s El_Gato Disconnected
13m 29s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 30s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with an OMFG
13m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 33s Vugluskr Killed Player with a FireBall
13m 34s TFSN lol
13m 36s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with an OMFG
13m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 39s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with an OMFG
13m 39s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with an OMFG
13m 39s Vugluskr Killed Rookie with a FireBall
13m 39s Merc Killed StartupSl1ck with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
13m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 43s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a Raptor
13m 46s gareau Killed BLA$TER with a MinotaurClassicKill
13m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
13m 47s ws.snarf Killed Humble_Pie with a Raptor
13m 48s Merc Killed Javiar with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
13m 50s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Bio Rifle
13m 51s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a Raptor
13m 52s Anonymous Headshot bros.Sub-Zero with a Lightning Gun
13m 52s gareau Killed Merc with a MinotaurClassicKill
13m 56s ws.snarf Headshot SanitariuM with a Lightning Gun
13m 56s Rhamp Killed TFSN with a FalconPlasma
13m 59s Humble_Pie Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
13m 59s [PR!ME]patty Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
14m 02s Merc Killed gareau with a Bio Rifle
14m 04s BIG_FloPPies Killed Javiar with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
14m 04s BIG_FloPPies Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
14m 04s Justin Killed Offense with a CentaurBeams
14m 04s BIG_FloPPies Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
14m 09s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a Raptor
14m 10s BLA$TER Killed [PR!ME]patty with a Railgun
14m 14s Player 9 Killed BIG_FloPPies with an AVRiL
14m 15s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a FalconPlasma
14m 19s BLA$TER Killed StartupSl1ck with a Railgun
14m 20s Anonymous Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
14m 22s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a FalconPlasma
14m 23s Infected_Toe Killed V4N with a Minigun
14m 24s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a Raptor
14m 26s Roaring_Kitty Connected
14m 26s Roaring_Kitty Team Change to Blue Team
14m 27s Player 9 Killed Rhamp with an AVRiL
14m 29s ws.snarf Killed TFSN with a Raptor
14m 30s Merc Killed Javiar with a Rocket Launcher
14m 33s Rookie Killed Player 9 with a FireBall
14m 33s Rookie Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
14m 34s Merc Carjacked a LIPShortCircuit
14m 35s ws.snarf Killed [PR!ME]patty with a Raptor
14m 35s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Humble_Pie with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 36s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
14m 36s Infected_Toe Died from a Sentinel Laser
14m 37s Offense Killed Azazel with a Minigun
14m 38s Unicorn_Vomit ty dw
14m 41s ws.snarf Killed Javiar with a Raptor
14m 41s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
14m 42s El_Gato Connected
14m 42s El_Gato Team Change to Blue Team
14m 42s gareau Killed ws.snarf with an AuroraLaser
14m 43s Rhamp :/
14m 46s TFSN lol
14m 46s Anonymous ^6got ^5u
14m 49s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
14m 49s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an OMFG
14m 50s Vugluskr Killed Rookie with a DamType_LaserBeam
14m 51s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BLA$TER with an OMFG
14m 55s Merc Carjacked a Reaper
14m 58s C@n0n_F0dd3r Suicided from Reckless Driving
15m 03s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
15m 05s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
15m 05s Player Killed TFSN with a Rocket Launcher
15m 08s StartupSl1ck Died from a Sentinel Laser
15m 12s bros.Sub-Zero Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
15m 13s TFSN thank you dwres
15m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Carjacked a CSRocketMech
15m 14s [PR!ME]patty Killed Rookie with a Lightning Gun
15m 16s C@n0n_F0dd3r Suicided with a LIPDamTypeEletricMantaBolt
15m 16s Javiar Killed Merc with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
15m 17s Offense Fell to their death
15m 19s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
15m 20s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
15m 20s [PR!ME]patty Killed Player with a Flak Cannon
15m 21s Roaring_Kitty Killed Javiar with a Raptor
15m 22s Anonymous Killed Roaring_Kitty with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
15m 22s bros.Sub-Zero Killed StartupSl1ck with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
15m 23s Infected_Toe Suicided from Reckless Driving
15m 24s Player yes sir
15m 25s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
15m 30s TFSN lol
15m 31s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
15m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
15m 34s Azazel Killed Offense with a DamType_LaserBeam
15m 35s bros.Sub-Zero Killed StartupSl1ck with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
15m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSRocketMechDamTypeRocket
15m 37s SanitariuM Killed BIG_FloPPies with a FireKill
15m 38s 7 Killed Humble_Pie with a MinotaurClassicKill
15m 39s V4N Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Kraken_Rockets
15m 42s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
15m 43s 7 Killed Azazel with a MinotaurClassicKill
15m 44s [PR!ME]patty Killed Infected_Toe with a Shock Rifle
15m 45s gareau Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Raptor
15m 46s Merc Killed SanitariuM with an AVRiL
15m 47s [PR!ME]patty Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
15m 48s 7 Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurClassicKill
15m 48s Anonymous Killed Merc with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
15m 49s Azazel so boring
15m 58s Roaring_Kitty Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
15m 59s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a WaspYJFlak
16m 01s Roaring_Kitty Killed StartupSl1ck with a Railgun
16m 01s StartupSl1ck Killed Roaring_Kitty with a Raptor
16m 01s Azazel Suicided
16m 01s Azazel Disconnected
16m 03s Anonymous so fun
16m 04s SanitariuM Killed Rhamp with a KingHellHoundBeams
16m 08s Vugluskr Killed Rookie with a Railgun
16m 11s Blue Team Captured a Point!
16m 15s El_Gato Died from an UAMDamTypeChangeTeam
16m 15s El_Gato Suicided
16m 15s El_Gato Team Change to Red Team
16m 15s Vugluskr teams
16m 15s Merc -fu
16m 20s Unicorn_Vomit -fyeah
16m 21s Roaring_Kitty -leon-pampers
16m 24s TFSN -joints
16m 27s [PR!ME]patty Suicided
16m 27s [PR!ME]patty Disconnected
16m 47s Roaring_Kitty Killed Justin with a Railgun
16m 51s SanitariuM Killed Offense with a KingHellHoundBeams
16m 52s bros.Sub-Zero Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
16m 56s ws.snarf Killed El_Gato with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
16m 57s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a Shock Rifle
16m 57s Vugluskr Killed ws.snarf with a Railgun
16m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
17m 03s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Javiar with a DamTypeDragonBomb
17m 06s Infected_Toe Killed Humble_Pie with a Shock Rifle
17m 09s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a Shock Rifle
17m 12s Player 9 Suicided from Reckless Driving
17m 16s Roaring_Kitty Killed V4N with a Railgun
17m 16s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
17m 18s El_Gato Knocked Infected_Toe off a ledge
17m 18s Anonymous Killed Rookie with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
17m 20s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
17m 22s 7 Killed Anonymous with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
17m 25s Javiar Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
17m 27s Rhamp Killed El_Gato with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
17m 27s Rhamp Killed Justin with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
17m 28s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
17m 28s Player Killed Javiar with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
17m 31s Rookie Killed Humble_Pie with a Goliath
17m 35s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypePrimary
17m 35s Merc Died from a Reckless Driving
17m 35s TFSN Died from a Vehicle Explosion
17m 37s Roaring_Kitty Killed V4N with a Railgun
17m 37s Vugluskr Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
17m 38s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
17m 43s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a CSBomberDamTypePancake
17m 44s Vugluskr Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Railgun
17m 46s ws.snarf Killed Javiar with a FireBall
17m 47s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a Railgun
17m 48s Rookie Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
17m 52s SanitariuM Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
17m 52s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a FireBall
17m 57s Anonymous Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Shock Rifle
17m 57s gareau Killed Offense with an OMFG
17m 57s Rhamp Killed gareau with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
17m 58s Player Killed Player 9 with an AVRiL
18m 00s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a FireBall
18m 08s Rhamp Killed TFSN with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
18m 10s Infected_Toe Killed gareau with a MinotaurClassicKill
18m 11s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
18m 11s Rhamp Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
18m 11s Rookie Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
18m 13s Rookie Killed SanitariuM with a Goliath
18m 19s El_Gato Suicided
18m 19s El_Gato Disconnected
18m 22s Rookie Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
18m 24s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed ws.snarf with an OMFG
18m 24s Rookie Killed TFSN with a Goliath
18m 26s Player Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
18m 31s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Redeemer
18m 32s C@n0n_F0dd3r Suicided with a Redeemer
18m 32s Rhamp Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
18m 32s Player Killed Justin with a Rocket Launcher
18m 40s Javiar Carjacked a DracoV2Omni
18m 41s Rhamp Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
18m 42s StartupSl1ck Killed Rookie with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
18m 43s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a Destroyed Vehicle
18m 45s gareau Suicided with an OMFG
18m 48s Merc Killed StartupSl1ck with a Redeemer
18m 51s 7 Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
18m 52s Player 9 Killed 7 with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
18m 56s El_Gato Connected
18m 56s El_Gato Team Change to Red Team
18m 57s Vugluskr Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurClassicKill
18m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
18m 59s Roaring_Kitty Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
19m 00s gareau Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
19m 02s Javiar Killed BIG_FloPPies with an AVRiL
19m 02s Infected_Toe Killed TFSN with a MinotaurClassicKill
19m 02s Infected_Toe Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurClassicKill
19m 02s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a DamTypeDragonBomb
19m 12s Rhamp Killed Humble_Pie with a FalconPlasma
19m 13s Anonymous Killed Offense with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
19m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
19m 15s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a DamTypeDragonBomb
19m 18s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a Railgun
19m 19s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
19m 22s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Player 9 with a CentaurBeams
19m 23s Anonymous Killed Player with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
19m 26s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Infected_Toe with an OMFG
19m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
19m 29s Anonymous Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
19m 30s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a Lightning Gun
19m 30s Unicorn_Vomit Killed TFSN with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
19m 30s V4N Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkPlasma
19m 33s Rhamp Killed Justin with a FalconPlasma
19m 35s Roaring_Kitty Killed StartupSl1ck with a Railgun
19m 35s Anonymous Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
19m 41s BLA$TER Suicided with an AVRiL
19m 42s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
19m 42s Rhamp Killed El_Gato with a KingHellHoundBeams
19m 45s ws.snarf Killed Player 9 with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
19m 50s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
19m 51s Anonymous Killed 7 with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
19m 52s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
19m 57s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
19m 57s Roaring_Kitty Killed Javiar with a Railgun
20m 01s Player 9 Suicided from Reckless Driving
20m 01s Rhamp Died from a DamTypeDracoExplosion
20m 03s Infected_Toe Killed TFSN with a Shock Rifle
20m 04s Humble_Pie Killed Player with a Rocket Launcher
20m 09s ws.snarf Killed V4N with a Lightning Gun
20m 10s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
20m 11s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Vugluskr with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
20m 15s Rhamp Killed Justin with a WaspYJFlak
20m 17s BLA$TER Killed Humble_Pie with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkPlasma
20m 18s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a Goliath
20m 21s SanitariuM Killed Merc with a CentaurBeams
20m 25s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
20m 27s Roaring_Kitty Killed V4N with a Railgun
20m 27s TFSN Died from a Goliath
20m 30s Anonymous Suicided
20m 32s Player Killed Javiar with a FireBall
20m 32s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Raptor
20m 33s Merc Fell to their death
20m 34s gareau Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
20m 35s gareau Suicided with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
20m 37s Rookie Headshot Humble_Pie with a Manta
20m 37s Rhamp Killed SanitariuM with a WaspYJFlak
20m 38s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
20m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Gato with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
20m 42s gareau Killed Rookie with an Energy Turret
20m 44s V4N Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
20m 47s Offense Suicided with an OMFG
20m 52s Anonymous Suicided
20m 52s StartupSl1ck Killed Rookie with a Leviathan
20m 52s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a Leviathan
20m 53s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeOmniNukeRedeemerII
20m 55s V4N Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Shock Rifle
20m 59s Humble_Pie Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Redeemer
21m 02s Player 9 Killed Rhamp with an ArbalestRocketNova
21m 04s Roaring_Kitty Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
21m 04s StartupSl1ck Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Leviathan
21m 04s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a Leviathan
21m 05s Player 9 Killed BIG_FloPPies with an ArbalestRocketNova
21m 07s Player Killed SanitariuM with a FireBall
21m 07s StartupSl1ck Knocked Rhamp off a ledge
21m 09s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a DamTypeBombShard
21m 09s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a Leviathan
21m 10s StartupSl1ck Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Leviathan
21m 10s Humble_Pie Suicided
21m 10s Humble_Pie Disconnected
21m 13s ws.snarf Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeDragonBomb
21m 14s Player Killed Anonymous with a FireBall
21m 15s StartupSl1ck Killed C@n0n_F0dd3r with a Leviathan
21m 15s BLA$TER Killed TFSN with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkPlasma
21m 15s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a Leviathan
21m 15s StartupSl1ck Killed BLA$TER with a Leviathan
21m 15s StartupSl1ck Killed Merc with a Leviathan
21m 17s Rhamp Killed Javiar with a Vehicle Explosion
21m 21s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a Leviathan
21m 22s gareau Carjacked a CSPlasmaFighter
21m 25s bros.Sub-Zero Fell to their death
21m 26s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a Leviathan
21m 26s Infected_Toe Killed gareau with a Shock Rifle
21m 26s ws.snarf Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeDragonBomb
21m 26s ws.snarf Suicided with a DamTypeDragonBomb
21m 34s SanitariuM Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurClassicKill
21m 34s Player Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
21m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Killed V4N with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
21m 38s StartupSl1ck Killed Merc with a Leviathan
21m 38s StartupSl1ck Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Leviathan
21m 40s BIG_FloPPies Killed TFSN with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
21m 41s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
21m 46s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
21m 46s Player Killed Javiar with a FireBall
21m 48s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a Leviathan
21m 48s Rookie Killed El_Gato with a Goliath
21m 48s Rookie Killed StartupSl1ck with a Goliath
21m 51s Rhamp Killed gareau with a WaspYJFlak
21m 52s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
21m 53s BLA$TER Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
21m 58s Rookie Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Goliath
22m 01s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a WaspYJFlak
22m 02s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
22m 02s Rookie Killed Justin with a Goliath
22m 05s ws.snarf Killed StartupSl1ck with a Shock Rifle
22m 10s Rookie Killed TFSN with a Goliath
22m 10s Anonymous Killed Offense with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
22m 10s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
22m 11s Rookie Killed El_Gato with a Goliath
22m 12s Anonymous ^1got ^2u ^3guys
22m 12s Player Killed Javiar with a FireBall
22m 12s C@n0n_F0dd3r Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurClassicKill
22m 15s gareau Killed 7 with a Railgun
22m 15s ws.snarf u got us
22m 16s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
22m 16s BIG_FloPPies Killed gareau with a CSPlasmaFighterDamTypeRailTurret
22m 19s BLA$TER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a FalconPlasma
22m 20s Merc Suicided from Reckless Driving
22m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
22m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Javiar with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
22m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
22m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
22m 23s Player Killed El_Gato with a FireBall
22m 25s Anonymous ^1u ^2got ^3me
22m 25s Anonymous Knocked StartupSl1ck off a ledge
22m 26s Rookie Killed TFSN with a Goliath
22m 31s Player Killed V4N with a FireBall
22m 36s Player Killed Player 9 with a FireBall
22m 38s gareau Killed Rhamp with an AVRiL
22m 40s Rookie Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Goliath
22m 42s 7 Killed TFSN with a FireBall
22m 44s Blue Team Captured a Point!
22m 44s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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