Welcome to OmnipotentS stats database Version 2

Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Torlan-LinkerMadness-V14
on Fri, Jan 17 2025, 11:25:04 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 02s Anonymous Connected
-1m 02s Anonymous Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s nautikal Connected
-1m 02s nautikal Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s V4N Connected
-1m 02s V4N Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s Vugluskr Connected
-1m 02s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
-1m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s Rookie Connected
-1m 01s Rookie Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s BUSCHMASTER Connected
-1m 01s BUSCHMASTER Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s P4R4D0X Connected
-1m 01s P4R4D0X Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s SanitariuM Connected
-1m 00s SanitariuM Team Change to Red Team
-1m 00s GuythatkillsU Connected
-1m 00s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 59s Justin Connected
-0m 59s Justin Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s BLA$TER Connected
-0m 59s BLA$TER Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 59s Azazel Connected
-0m 59s Azazel Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s Infected_Toe Connected
-0m 59s Infected_Toe Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 59s BIG_FloPPies Connected
-0m 59s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s Jeffery_Lorenzo Connected
-0m 59s Jeffery_Lorenzo Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 58s ws.snarf Connected
-0m 58s ws.snarf Team Change to Red Team
-0m 58s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 57s bros.Sub-Zero Connected
-0m 57s bros.Sub-Zero Team Change to Red Team
-0m 39s El_Commandante(Co30) the red haired stepson
-0m 38s 7 Connected
-0m 38s Infected_Toe thinking about starting a tiktok channel
-0m 38s 7 Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 32s GuythatkillsU dont
-0m 23s Infected_Toe just joking damn
-0m 17s Elon'sMusk Connected
-0m 17s Elon'sMusk Team Change to Red Team
-0m 03s Jeffery_Lorenzo poor hoe
-0m 00s Rookie Disconnected
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Justin Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s BLA$TER Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Azazel Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s BIG_FloPPies Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Jeffery_Lorenzo Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s ws.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Elon'sMusk Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s V4N Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Vugluskr Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s P4R4D0X Team Change to Red Team
0m 33s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
0m 35s BIG_FloPPies Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
0m 36s ws.snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Railgun
0m 39s Azazel Killed nautikal with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
0m 40s 7 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
0m 41s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a PVWDamTypeMercuryHeadHit
0m 43s Azazel Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
0m 43s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Railgun
0m 45s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
0m 47s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
0m 49s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
0m 54s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
0m 54s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
0m 59s nautikal Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
1m 01s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
1m 02s Azazel placed a kick vote against Anonymous
1m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Shock Rifle
1m 11s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Super Shock Rifle
1m 11s Infected_Toe Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Raptor
1m 17s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
1m 19s Infected_Toe Suicided from Reckless Driving
1m 23s P4R4D0X Killed ws.snarf with a Railgun
1m 25s Messerchmidt Connected
1m 25s Messerchmidt Team Change to Blue Team
1m 26s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
1m 29s nautikal Killed 7 with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
1m 30s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed V4N with a Vehicle Explosion
1m 30s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
1m 31s nautikal Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
1m 34s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a MyDamTypeAttackCraftMissle
1m 35s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
1m 38s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Elon'sMusk with an AVRiL
1m 40s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
1m 43s SanitariuM Headshot El_Commandante(Co30) with a Manta
1m 44s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
1m 45s bros.Sub-Zero Killed 7 with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
1m 48s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Infected_Toe with a Lightning Gun
1m 51s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a Lightning Gun
1m 59s Infected_Toe Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
2m 04s Messerchmidt Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
2m 05s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
2m 07s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
2m 23s GuythatkillsU Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
2m 23s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
2m 24s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Lightning Gun
2m 24s SanitariuM Killed 7 with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
2m 25s GuythatkillsU Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
2m 26s BUSCHMASTER Killed Messerchmidt with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
2m 32s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
2m 33s Elon'sMusk Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
2m 34s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
2m 50s Vugluskr Killed Elon'sMusk with an AVRiL
2m 52s SanitariuM Killed Messerchmidt with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
2m 53s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
2m 59s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
3m 07s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
3m 08s bros.Sub-Zero Killed V4N with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
3m 08s Vugluskr Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
3m 15s Infected_Toe Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
3m 16s Elon'sMusk Killed P4R4D0X with a Lightning Gun
3m 20s SanitariuM Killed Justin with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
3m 22s nautikal Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
3m 23s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
3m 24s BUSCHMASTER Killed Azazel with a Lightning Gun
3m 25s SanitariuM Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
3m 25s Vugluskr Killed Elon'sMusk with a Railgun
3m 26s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
3m 30s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a Railgun
3m 32s ws.snarf Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Lightning Gun
3m 32s P4R4D0X Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
3m 33s Vugluskr Killed Messerchmidt with a Railgun
3m 35s BIG_FloPPies Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
3m 35s BLA$TER Suicided from Reckless Driving
3m 36s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Rocket Launcher
3m 36s SanitariuM Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
3m 37s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
3m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a Raptor
3m 39s ws.snarf Killed P4R4D0X with a Shock Rifle
3m 44s Infected_Toe Killed Vugluskr with an AVRiL
3m 45s Elon'sMusk Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
3m 46s ws.snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Shock Rifle
3m 48s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
3m 49s nautikal Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
3m 52s Anonymous Headshot 7 with a Lightning Gun
3m 56s Anonymous Died from a HellHoundRoadkill
3m 57s nautikal Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
3m 58s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed nautikal with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
4m 03s Vugluskr Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with an AVRiL
4m 04s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
4m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Messerchmidt with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
4m 11s V4N Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
4m 12s Anonymous Killed Justin with a DamTypeLinkScorp3Roadkill
4m 12s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed P4R4D0X with a Shock Rifle
4m 14s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
4m 15s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a Link Gun
4m 15s Vugluskr Killed 7 with an AVRiL
4m 18s BIG_FloPPies Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
4m 20s Elon'sMusk Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
4m 22s Azazel Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Flak Cannon
4m 23s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a Minigun
4m 24s BIG_FloPPies Killed nautikal with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
4m 25s V4N Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkScorp3Roadkill
4m 27s P4R4D0X Headshot Justin with a Manta
4m 33s 7 Killed BLA$TER with an AVRiL
4m 33s SanitariuM Fell to their death
4m 34s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
4m 40s nautikal Killed V4N with a Railgun
4m 42s nautikal Killed Justin with a Railgun
4m 42s SanitariuM Killed Elon'sMusk with a Redeemer
4m 42s V4N Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
4m 43s SanitariuM Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Redeemer
4m 46s BIG_FloPPies Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
4m 48s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
4m 49s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
4m 49s nautikal Killed Messerchmidt with a Railgun
4m 52s BIG_FloPPies Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
4m 54s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
4m 55s 7 Killed Vugluskr with a Minigun
4m 56s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
5m 03s Azazel Killed P4R4D0X with a Rocket Launcher
5m 03s nautikal Killed Azazel with a Railgun
5m 07s nautikal Killed 7 with a Railgun
5m 07s Anonymous Killed V4N with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
5m 09s nautikal Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
5m 10s Azazel nice block vega
5m 14s Infected_Toe Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
5m 16s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
5m 16s Anonymous Killed Messerchmidt with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
5m 21s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
5m 23s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Azazel with a Lightning Gun
5m 24s BLA$TER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
5m 27s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Super Shock Rifle
5m 28s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
5m 35s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
5m 35s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
5m 35s Elon'sMusk Suicided from Reckless Driving
5m 36s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Lightning Gun
5m 40s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
5m 44s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Justin with a Lightning Gun
5m 47s nautikal Killed Messerchmidt with a Shock Rifle
5m 52s V4N Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
5m 54s ws.snarf Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Shock Rifle
5m 57s Infected_Toe Headshot Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Manta
6m 00s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
6m 03s BIG_FloPPies Carjacked a TickScorpion3Omni
6m 05s SanitariuM Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
6m 08s Anonymous Killed Messerchmidt with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
6m 10s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
6m 13s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
6m 13s Anonymous Killed V4N with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
6m 13s bros.Sub-Zero Killed 7 with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
6m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
6m 21s BUSCHMASTER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
6m 21s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
6m 26s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Link Gun
6m 27s Messerchmidt Killed GuythatkillsU with an AVRiL
6m 27s Justin Died from a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
6m 29s Anonymous Headshot Azazel with a Manta
6m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed 7 with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
6m 36s Infected_Toe Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
6m 37s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
6m 41s Elon'sMusk Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
6m 42s Azazel Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Shock Rifle
6m 45s nautikal Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
6m 46s Infected_Toe Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
6m 48s V4N Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
6m 49s P4R4D0X Headshot 7 with a Lightning Gun
6m 52s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BLA$TER with a Manta
6m 52s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Vugluskr with a Manta
6m 52s BUSCHMASTER Killed Messerchmidt with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
7m 00s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
7m 01s nautikal Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Link Gun
7m 05s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a Railgun
7m 06s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed ws.snarf with a Shock Rifle
7m 07s Justin Killed SanitariuM with a Raptor
7m 09s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Railgun
7m 09s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
7m 13s bros.Sub-Zero Killed 7 with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
7m 14s Justin Killed BLA$TER with a Raptor
7m 19s Anonymous Killed Messerchmidt with a Railgun
7m 21s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
7m 23s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
7m 24s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Justin with a Link Gun
7m 27s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
7m 31s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
7m 38s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
7m 39s BUSCHMASTER Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
7m 42s SanitariuM Headshot 7 with a Manta
7m 46s SanitariuM Suicided with a Manta
7m 49s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
7m 52s P4R4D0X Killed Infected_Toe with a Rocket Launcher
7m 53s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed nautikal with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
7m 54s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
7m 56s Azazel Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
7m 56s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a Lightning Gun
7m 56s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
7m 57s BIG_FloPPies Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
8m 02s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
8m 02s BIG_FloPPies Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
8m 04s BLA$TER Killed V4N with an AVRiL
8m 06s V4N Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
8m 11s nautikal Killed Messerchmidt with a Shock Rifle
8m 14s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with an AVRiL
8m 14s Jeffery_Lorenzo Suicided from Reckless Driving
8m 16s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
8m 19s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Raptor
8m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed 7 with a Lightning Gun
8m 24s BUSCHMASTER Killed Justin with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
8m 27s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BUSCHMASTER with an AVRiL
8m 27s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed P4R4D0X with an AVRiL
8m 27s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
8m 31s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a Lightning Gun
8m 33s Infected_Toe Killed GuythatkillsU with a Lightning Gun
8m 34s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
8m 36s Infected_Toe Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Lightning Gun
8m 43s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
8m 44s SanitariuM Killed Messerchmidt with an AVRiL
8m 50s Azazel Died from a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
8m 51s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed nautikal with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
8m 51s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
8m 52s Jeffery_Lorenzo Fell to their death
8m 56s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a Railgun
9m 01s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
9m 02s GuythatkillsU Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
9m 04s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
9m 07s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Railgun
9m 07s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
9m 09s StartupSl1ck Connected
9m 09s StartupSl1ck Team Change to Red Team
9m 09s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Paladin
9m 12s ws.snarf Killed nautikal with a Railgun
9m 15s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
9m 17s BUSCHMASTER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
9m 18s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Lightning Gun
9m 20s Elon'sMusk Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
9m 22s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Railgun
9m 24s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
9m 24s nautikal Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
9m 27s ws.snarf Killed nautikal with a Railgun
9m 30s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
9m 30s Anonymous Killed 7 with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
9m 33s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Messerchmidt with an AVRiL
9m 40s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
9m 42s V4N Killed Anonymous with a Rocket Launcher
9m 47s GuythatkillsU Killed 7 with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
9m 47s Infected_Toe Fell to their death
9m 54s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
9m 55s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
9m 59s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
9m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Railgun
10m 02s Elon'sMusk Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Shock Rifle
10m 02s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
10m 05s Vugluskr Killed 7 with a Minigun
10m 05s SanitariuM Killed Infected_Toe with an AVRiL
10m 07s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Railgun
10m 07s BUSCHMASTER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
10m 10s Azazel Killed BLA$TER with a Link Gun
10m 13s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
10m 14s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
10m 14s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
10m 16s bros.Sub-Zero Killed ws.snarf with a Railgun
10m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Railgun
10m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Railgun
10m 24s SanitariuM Killed Infected_Toe with an AVRiL
10m 30s Javiar Connected
10m 30s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
10m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
10m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
10m 39s StartupSl1ck Headshot 7 with a Manta
10m 43s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Link Gun
10m 43s Infected_Toe Knocked SanitariuM off a ledge
10m 50s Blue Team Captured a Point!
10m 59s GuythatkillsU Floppies for the win
10m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) i bet guys going nutz\
11m 30s ws.snarf Killed nautikal with a Railgun
11m 32s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
11m 33s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
11m 35s ws.snarf Killed StartupSl1ck with a Railgun
11m 39s ws.snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Railgun
11m 40s Azazel Killed BUSCHMASTER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
11m 42s P4R4D0X Killed Javiar with a Paladin
11m 44s Justin Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
11m 49s Justin Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
11m 50s GuythatkillsU Suicided with an AVRiL
11m 55s BLA$TER Killed V4N with an AVRiL
11m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
11m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Redeemer
12m 00s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with a Redeemer
12m 06s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
12m 09s Anonymous Killed 7 with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
12m 11s bros.Sub-Zero Knocked Azazel off a ledge
12m 12s Anonymous Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
12m 14s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
12m 15s GuythatkillsU Killed Justin with a Manta
12m 17s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a Raptor
12m 18s Elon'sMusk Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
12m 24s Infected_Toe Killed BLA$TER with an AVRiL
12m 31s StartupSl1ck Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Paladin
12m 34s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed GuythatkillsU with a Paladin
12m 36s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
12m 40s V4N ty
12m 42s StartupSl1ck Killed Azazel with a Paladin
12m 44s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
12m 45s Elon'sMusk Died from a Manta
12m 48s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Lightning Gun
13m 00s Infected_Toe Killed SanitariuM with a Lightning Gun
13m 00s V4N Suicided with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
13m 03s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
13m 06s nautikal Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Flak Cannon
13m 08s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
13m 11s Anonymous Killed 7 with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
13m 11s Azazel Killed P4R4D0X with a Link Gun
13m 11s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Super Shock Rifle
13m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
13m 22s 7 Carjacked a Wraith
13m 23s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
13m 27s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
13m 28s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
13m 29s Anonymous Killed V4N with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
13m 30s StartupSl1ck Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
13m 30s StartupSl1ck Died from a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
13m 34s Anonymous Killed Justin with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
13m 36s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
13m 38s bros.Sub-Zero Killed ws.snarf with a Railgun
13m 39s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
13m 40s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
13m 44s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
13m 49s Anonymous Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
13m 51s BLA$TER Killed Azazel with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
13m 51s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
13m 54s Vugluskr Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
13m 56s V4N Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
13m 58s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
14m 05s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
14m 06s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
14m 08s 7 Killed BLA$TER with a Flak Cannon
14m 08s StartupSl1ck Killed Azazel with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
14m 11s StartupSl1ck Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
14m 12s Anonymous Killed Justin with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
14m 13s BIG_FloPPies Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Raptor
14m 15s StartupSl1ck Killed 7 with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
14m 15s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
14m 17s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
14m 19s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Suicided from Reckless Driving
14m 19s nautikal Died from a Vehicle Explosion
14m 20s StartupSl1ck Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
14m 22s Azazel spawncamping core is kick reason yes?
14m 28s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
14m 33s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
14m 34s Azazel at least until all nodes are down and we stuck
14m 34s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Messerchmidt with a Rocket Launcher
14m 34s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
14m 36s nautikal Killed 7 with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
14m 36s StartupSl1ck Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Raptor
14m 40s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
14m 44s Messerchmidt Disconnected
14m 45s P4R4D0X Killed 7 with a Paladin
14m 46s Elon'sMusk Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
14m 46s StartupSl1ck Killed V4N with a Raptor
14m 47s StartupSl1ck Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Raptor
14m 49s bros.Sub-Zero Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Railgun
14m 53s Azazel Killed StartupSl1ck with a Shock Rifle
14m 53s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Infected_Toe with a Railgun
14m 55s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Railgun
14m 56s nautikal Killed ws.snarf with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
15m 04s Vugluskr Suicided with a Manta
15m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed Infected_Toe with a Redeemer
15m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed ws.snarf with a Redeemer
15m 05s bros.Sub-Zero Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Railgun
15m 05s Red Team Captured a Point!
15m 11s 7 Suicided
15m 11s 7 Disconnected
15m 42s ws.snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Railgun
15m 42s ws.snarf Killed StartupSl1ck with a Railgun
15m 46s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
15m 46s Elon'sMusk Killed Anonymous with a Destroyed Vehicle
15m 49s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
15m 51s V4N Headshot nautikal with a Manta
15m 56s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed P4R4D0X with a Raptor
16m 00s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
16m 01s Vugluskr Carjacked a Manta
16m 02s SanitariuM Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
16m 03s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Railgun
16m 07s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided from Reckless Driving
16m 12s ws.snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Railgun
16m 12s SanitariuM Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
16m 13s SanitariuM Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
16m 14s Anonymous Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
16m 17s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Manta
16m 22s nautikal Killed ws.snarf with a Vehicle Explosion
16m 23s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a Flak Cannon
16m 23s Vugluskr Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
16m 24s Elon'sMusk Killed nautikal with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
16m 24s Azazel Headshot Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Manta
16m 33s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
16m 40s Elon'sMusk Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkFlyerBeam
16m 42s nautikal Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
16m 42s ws.snarf Killed StartupSl1ck with a Paladin
16m 43s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
16m 47s V4N Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
16m 51s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
16m 53s SanitariuM Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
16m 54s nautikal Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
16m 55s SanitariuM Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
16m 58s Justin Killed SanitariuM with a Manta
16m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided
17m 04s StartupSl1ck Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a HellHoundTwinbeam
17m 07s bros.Sub-Zero Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
17m 07s Elon'sMusk Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
17m 08s StartupSl1ck Killed Azazel with a HellHoundTwinbeam
17m 08s StartupSl1ck Killed Infected_Toe with a HellHoundTwinbeam
17m 17s Javiar Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
17m 18s Azazel toe u gotta use the secondary for more dmg
17m 18s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
17m 21s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a Rocket Launcher
17m 25s Elon'sMusk Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
17m 30s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with a Redeemer
17m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
17m 35s StartupSl1ck Carjacked a CSFlyingSaucer
17m 35s BLA$TER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
17m 38s nautikal Killed Javiar with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
17m 38s Azazel Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Manta
17m 44s V4N Suicided with a Manta
17m 47s Elon'sMusk Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
17m 48s GuythatkillsU Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
17m 49s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
17m 55s BIG_FloPPies Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
17m 58s P4R4D0X Killed Infected_Toe with a Paladin
17m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
17m 59s BIG_FloPPies Killed nautikal with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
18m 02s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
18m 04s Elon'sMusk Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
18m 05s Azazel Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Shock Rifle
18m 05s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a Railgun
18m 12s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
18m 12s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
18m 12s BLA$TER Headshot Azazel with a Manta
18m 12s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
18m 15s Jeffery_Lorenzo Fell to their death
18m 18s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
18m 20s bros.Sub-Zero Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Shock Rifle
18m 20s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Railgun
18m 21s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Shock Rifle
18m 23s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a Railgun
18m 27s Anonymous Killed Justin with a Railgun
18m 29s StartupSl1ck Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
18m 34s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Railgun
18m 40s BLA$TER Killed Javiar with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
18m 43s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
18m 48s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
18m 51s Infected_Toe Killed Anonymous with a HellHoundTwinbeam
18m 57s V4N Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
18m 58s Elon'sMusk Headshot Vugluskr with a Manta
19m 02s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Link Gun
19m 02s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
19m 03s BIG_FloPPies Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
19m 03s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
19m 04s nautikal Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
19m 08s StartupSl1ck Fell to their death
19m 10s BIG_FloPPies Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
19m 10s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
19m 10s nautikal Carjacked a Manta
19m 11s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Elon'sMusk with a Paladin
19m 11s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
19m 15s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
19m 23s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
19m 26s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
19m 29s ws.snarf Killed nautikal with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
19m 31s BLA$TER Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
19m 31s Elon'sMusk Killed SanitariuM with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
19m 32s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
19m 33s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
19m 36s Azazel Suicided from Reckless Driving
19m 40s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
19m 40s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
19m 45s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
19m 48s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
19m 52s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Justin with a DamTypeLinkTank3Roadkill
19m 52s ws.snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
19m 54s BIG_FloPPies Killed StartupSl1ck with a Destroyed Vehicle
19m 54s Elon'sMusk Killed SanitariuM with a Shock Rifle
19m 54s Infected_Toe Killed BUSCHMASTER with a HellHoundTwinbeam
19m 56s nautikal Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
19m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
20m 01s nautikal Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
20m 09s Infected_Toe Killed Anonymous with a HellHoundTwinbeam
20m 10s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
20m 15s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with an AVRiL
20m 15s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
20m 18s StartupSl1ck Killed ws.snarf with a MyDamTypeAttackCraftMissle
20m 18s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
20m 19s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a Shock Rifle
20m 21s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
20m 22s Elon'sMusk Killed Vugluskr with an AVRiL
20m 26s BLA$TER Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
20m 27s BUSCHMASTER Killed V4N with a Railgun
20m 33s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Elon'sMusk with a Paladin
20m 36s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
20m 38s BLA$TER Suicided from Reckless Driving
20m 48s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeStormCasterBlast
20m 53s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
20m 53s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
20m 58s V4N Suicided with a DamTypeTickWebCaster
21m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
21m 05s Anonymous Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
21m 07s Anonymous Killed Justin with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
21m 13s Elon'sMusk Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
21m 18s Anonymous Killed Javiar with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
21m 19s Elon'sMusk bunny hops, lol
21m 22s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
21m 24s Infected_Toe Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
21m 24s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
21m 25s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
21m 26s V4N Headshot Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Manta
21m 29s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
21m 30s Elon'sMusk Carjacked a ONSLinkFlyer
21m 32s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed P4R4D0X with a Raptor
21m 34s StartupSl1ck Killed Azazel with a MyDamTypeAttackCraftMissle
21m 38s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Railgun
21m 39s nautikal Killed V4N with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
21m 40s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
21m 44s Vugluskr Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
21m 44s Infected_Toe Killed StartupSl1ck with a Shock Rifle
21m 45s ws.snarf Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Railgun
21m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided from Reckless Driving
21m 48s Vugluskr Killed Javiar with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
21m 50s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
21m 59s Azazel gotta love that octo dmg
22m 03s Infected_Toe Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
22m 07s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
22m 14s Elon'sMusk Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
22m 14s Infected_Toe Killed P4R4D0X with a Shock Rifle
22m 19s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
22m 21s BLA$TER Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
22m 22s StartupSl1ck Killed Elon'sMusk with a HellHoundTwinbeam
22m 22s ws.snarf Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Lightning Gun
22m 22s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
22m 23s Infected_Toe Carjacked a LinkScorpion3Omni
22m 24s GuythatkillsU Headshot Javiar with a Manta
22m 24s StartupSl1ck Killed Azazel with a HellHoundTwinbeam
22m 25s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Raptor
22m 26s nautikal Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
22m 27s GuythatkillsU Headshot Azazel with a Manta
22m 28s BLA$TER Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
22m 29s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
22m 32s BLA$TER Killed V4N with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
22m 32s Azazel Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
22m 35s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Javiar with a Vehicle Explosion
22m 35s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
22m 37s P4R4D0X Killed Justin with a Railgun
22m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
22m 41s StartupSl1ck Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a HellHoundTwinbeam
22m 42s Elon'sMusk Killed nautikal with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
22m 44s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
22m 49s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed BIG_FloPPies with an AVRiL
22m 50s Elon'sMusk Killed Vugluskr with a Flak Cannon
22m 55s SanitariuM Died from a Vehicle Explosion
22m 55s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided from Reckless Driving
22m 58s ws.snarf Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
23m 01s Elon'sMusk Headshot Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Lightning Gun
23m 02s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
23m 03s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
23m 05s Infected_Toe Killed Anonymous with a Link Gun
23m 08s ws.snarf Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyBeam
23m 19s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
23m 19s Azazel cmon anony dont do a xexx
23m 23s BUSCHMASTER Killed BIG_FloPPies with an AVRiL
23m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
23m 26s P4R4D0X Killed V4N with a Railgun
23m 31s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
23m 32s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Azazel with a Rocket Launcher
23m 34s StartupSl1ck Killed ws.snarf with a HellHoundTwinbeam
23m 35s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed P4R4D0X with a Shock Rifle
23m 35s bros.Sub-Zero too easy
23m 37s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided from Reckless Driving
23m 37s Anonymous Died from a Destroyed Vehicle
23m 45s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
23m 46s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed SanitariuM with an AVRiL
23m 47s nautikal Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
23m 48s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Lightning Gun
23m 51s Infected_Toe Killed nautikal with a Link Gun
23m 52s ws.snarf Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Railgun
23m 53s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
24m 01s BLA$TER Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
24m 07s nautikal Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
24m 08s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
24m 09s ws.snarf Killed P4R4D0X with a Railgun
24m 10s BLA$TER Killed V4N with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
24m 13s BLA$TER Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
24m 15s BLA$TER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
24m 16s BUSCHMASTER Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
24m 17s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
24m 17s Elon'sMusk Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
24m 19s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Railgun
24m 20s El_Commandante(Co30) Headshot Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Manta
24m 21s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
24m 24s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
24m 27s Anonymous Killed BIG_FloPPies with a Shock Rifle
24m 29s Elon'sMusk Killed nautikal with a Shock Rifle
24m 33s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
24m 33s Anonymous Killed Elon'sMusk with a Lightning Gun
24m 39s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
24m 42s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
24m 42s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed StartupSl1ck with a Raptor
24m 46s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
24m 49s SanitariuM Killed V4N with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
24m 50s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
24m 54s Anonymous Killed Infected_Toe with a Shock Rifle
24m 55s Jeffery_Lorenzo Died from a Manta
24m 58s ws.snarf Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
24m 59s nautikal Headshot Justin with a Manta
25m 04s BUSCHMASTER Killed Azazel with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
25m 04s BUSCHMASTER Killed V4N with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
25m 04s SanitariuM Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
25m 09s SanitariuM Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
25m 10s BIG_FloPPies Killed nautikal with a DamTypeStormCasterLightning
25m 12s SanitariuM Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
25m 13s BIG_FloPPies Killed BUSCHMASTER with an AVRiL
25m 13s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
25m 15s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BLA$TER with a Shock Rifle
25m 18s Jeffery_Lorenzo Killed Justin with an AVRiL
25m 21s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
25m 23s Infected_Toe Killed Vugluskr with an AVRiL
25m 27s StartupSl1ck Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a HellHoundTwinbeam
25m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a DamTypeLinkFlyerPlasma
25m 33s ws.snarf Killed StartupSl1ck with a Raptor
25m 38s Justin Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Manta
25m 39s Azazel he purchased anonys hax
25m 39s GuythatkillsU Killed Elon'sMusk with a Redeemer
25m 40s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a Redeemer
25m 40s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a Manta
25m 41s ws.snarf Killed P4R4D0X with a Raptor
25m 41s BUSCHMASTER Killed Justin with a DamTypeFanaticProximityExplosion
25m 42s BIG_FloPPies Killed Jeffery_Lorenzo with a Bio Rifle
25m 48s ws.snarf Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Raptor
25m 50s GuythatkillsU Killed YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH with a Link Gun
25m 51s ws.snarf Suicided from Reckless Driving
25m 53s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a ONSLinkFlyer
25m 54s Elon'sMusk Killed nautikal with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
25m 58s Vugluskr Killed BIG_FloPPies with an Energy Turret
26m 01s YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Killed BUSCHMASTER with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
26m 01s Red Team Captured a Point!
26m 01s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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