Welcome to OmnipotentS stats database Version 2

Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Dria-Randomizer-V24
on Wed, Jan 15 2025, 8:06:52 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 02s Anonymous Connected
-1m 02s Anonymous Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s JamesWoods'Tears Connected
-1m 01s Player Connected
-1m 01s JamesWoods'Tears Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s Player Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
-1m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s GuythatkillsU Connected
-1m 00s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s Lehi Connected
-0m 59s Lehi Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 58s AnKeeDo Connected
-0m 58s AnKeeDo Team Change to Red Team
-0m 55s vorpal Connected
-0m 55s vorpal Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 55s Justin Connected
-0m 55s Justin Team Change to Red Team
-0m 51s bros.Sub-Zero Connected
-0m 51s bros.Sub-Zero Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 47s Player did you put them 6 foot under
-0m 40s Justin you'll get the chair for that
-0m 37s Lehi im retired military... they never pick me for juury
-0m 31s Player lol
-0m 17s Player big chicken dinner ?
-0m 16s Lehi its true.. defense sends me home\
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
0m 01s vorpal Disconnected
0m 02s Anonymous I know what I will say during the jury duty test
0m 43s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Justin with a FlameKill
0m 46s Player Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeDragonBomb
0m 51s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
1m 00s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
1m 00s Player 2 mino
1m 00s JamesWoods'Tears Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
1m 08s bros.Sub-Zero Carjacked a DragonAttackCraft
1m 17s JamesWoods'Tears is blue going to play?
1m 20s AnKeeDo Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypePheonixBurst
1m 26s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
1m 27s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Anonymous with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
1m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
1m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Justin with an ArbalestRocketNova
2m 01s JohnRedCorn Connected
2m 01s JohnRedCorn Team Change to Blue Team
2m 01s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
2m 11s Anonymous Killed Lehi with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 13s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 14s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
2m 17s GuythatkillsU Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
2m 21s ROGER Connected
2m 21s ROGER Team Change to Blue Team
2m 24s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 25s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
2m 31s JamesWoods'Tears Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
2m 32s JohnRedCorn -spok
2m 35s Anonymous Killed Lehi with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 39s JamesWoods'Tears Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MinotaurKill
2m 46s GuythatkillsU Killed Justin with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
2m 52s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
2m 54s JohnRedCorn Killed AnKeeDo with a BallistaShell
2m 55s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
2m 56s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a FalconPlasma
3m 08s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a BallistaShell
3m 09s JohnRedCorn Killed Player with a BallistaShell
3m 10s leon Connected
3m 10s leon Team Change to Red Team
3m 13s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a BallistaShell
3m 13s JohnRedCorn Killed Player with a BallistaShell
3m 18s JohnRedCorn Killed Player with a BallistaShell
3m 18s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a BallistaShell
3m 21s Vugluskr Connected
3m 21s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
3m 23s JohnRedCorn Killed Player with a BallistaShell
3m 26s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Justin with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
3m 33s Player ok mofo
3m 39s JohnRedCorn Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a BallistaShell
3m 41s Anonymous Killed Lehi with a Shock Rifle
3m 55s JohnRedCorn Killed Anonymous with a BallistaShell
3m 59s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaBolt
3m 59s Player Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
4m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a FalconPlasma
4m 30s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a Lightning Gun
4m 37s leon Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeDragonBeam
4m 45s Vugluskr Killed Player with a Goliath
4m 55s Vugluskr Killed AnKeeDo with a Goliath
4m 58s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
5m 00s Azazel Connected
5m 00s Azazel Team Change to Red Team
5m 16s GuythatkillsU Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a MinotaurKill
5m 21s Cornbread Connected
5m 24s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeVampireTank3Beam
5m 24s leon Killed Lehi with a Destroyed Vehicle
5m 27s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a WaspFlak
5m 31s GuythatkillsU Killed leon with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
5m 32s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a Goliath
5m 40s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
5m 44s GuythatkillsU hi
5m 46s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a Goliath
5m 46s JohnRedCorn Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a BallistaShell
5m 47s Anonymous -brb
5m 49s Vugluskr Killed Cornbread with a Goliath
5m 55s GuythatkillsU Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
5m 57s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
5m 57s GuythatkillsU Killed Cornbread with a MinotaurKill
5m 57s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a MinotaurKill
6m 03s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a BallistaShell
6m 03s JohnRedCorn Killed Cornbread with a BallistaShell
6m 08s JohnRedCorn Killed Player with a BallistaShell
6m 08s Azazel Killed ROGER with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
6m 19s Azazel Carjacked a LIPAVRiLDisciple
6m 32s Player Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamType_HTankShell
6m 37s Vugluskr Killed Player with a Goliath
6m 37s Player Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamType_HTankShell
6m 40s Lehi Killed AnKeeDo with a WaspFlak
6m 41s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a Goliath
6m 45s Cornbread Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeHavocCannon
6m 45s ROGER Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
6m 54s GuythatkillsU Killed Justin with a DamTypeDragonBomb
7m 02s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
7m 07s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
7m 12s leon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Redeemer
7m 16s Player Killed ROGER with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
7m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
7m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a Shock Rifle
7m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided
7m 31s Vugluskr Killed AnKeeDo with a Goliath
7m 31s Vugluskr Suicided with a Goliath
7m 35s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Railgun
7m 36s leon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
7m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player with a Railgun
7m 49s AnKeeDo Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
7m 53s AnKeeDo Killed JohnRedCorn with a Goliath
8m 09s Lehi Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
8m 09s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Railgun
8m 12s ROGER Killed Player with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
8m 14s leon Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypePheonixBeam
8m 15s bros.Sub-Zero Killed leon with a Railgun
8m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a Railgun
8m 18s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
8m 28s Lehi Killed Justin with a Lightning Gun
8m 31s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
8m 41s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided
8m 43s Lehi Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
8m 46s JohnRedCorn Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a BallistaBeam
8m 48s JamesWoods'Tears Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeDragonBomb
8m 55s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed leon with a MinotaurKill
8m 57s Azazel Killed ROGER with a Lightning Gun
9m 14s Anonymous Killed JohnRedCorn with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
9m 14s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a BallistaShell
9m 21s AnKeeDo Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
9m 24s AnKeeDo Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
9m 25s ROGER Killed AnKeeDo with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
9m 26s Player Killed ROGER with a Lightning Gun
9m 28s Lehi Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
9m 37s Vugluskr Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
9m 43s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
9m 54s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Bio Rifle
9m 56s ROGER Killed Justin with a Goliath
10m 04s Cornbread Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MyDamTypeAttackCraftMissle
10m 06s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
10m 15s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a FlameKill
10m 17s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a CSFlyingSaucer
10m 17s ROGER Killed Azazel with a Goliath
10m 33s AnKeeDo Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
10m 33s AnKeeDo Killed JohnRedCorn with a MinotaurKill
10m 34s ROGER Killed Cornbread with a Goliath
10m 36s AnKeeDo Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MinotaurKill
10m 37s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a DamTypeVampireTankShockwave
10m 43s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a Paladin
10m 46s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
11m 02s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Vehicle Explosion
11m 03s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a WaspFlak
11m 04s JohnRedCorn Killed AnKeeDo with a Railgun
11m 05s bros.Sub-Zero Carjacked a Wasp_SeriesII
11m 06s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
11m 10s Lehi Killed Azazel with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
11m 19s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a Railgun
11m 21s JamesWoods'Tears Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
11m 28s Lehi Killed Azazel with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
11m 31s JohnRedCorn Killed AnKeeDo with a Railgun
11m 31s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a DamTypeDragonBomb
11m 32s Lehi Killed Justin with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
11m 33s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
11m 45s El_Commandante(Co30) spamma dead
11m 52s DF Connected
11m 52s DF Team Change to Blue Team
11m 55s Red Team Captured a Point!
11m 59s JamesWoods'Tears gg
12m 00s Justin nice
12m 03s ROGER not my fault
12m 06s Anonymous ^1sorry ^2my ^3fault
12m 06s Lehi out of position
12m 52s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a Railgun
13m 01s Vugluskr Killed Cornbread with a MinotaurKill
13m 04s AnKeeDo Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
13m 05s DF Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
13m 09s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
13m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed leon with a Raptor
13m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided with a Space Fighter
13m 15s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided from Reckless Driving
13m 20s AnKeeDo Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
13m 26s GuythatkillsU Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
13m 26s Vugluskr Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
13m 26s Player Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeDragonBeam
13m 28s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a Railgun
13m 28s Anonymous Killed JohnRedCorn with a Shock Rifle
13m 35s nautikal Connected
13m 35s nautikal Team Change to Blue Team
13m 46s Azazel Killed Lehi with a Lightning Gun
13m 48s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a WaspFlak
13m 51s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
13m 55s Anonymous XD
13m 58s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
14m 02s leon Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
14m 02s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Lehi with a Railgun
14m 05s bros.Sub-Zero thought they would explode lol
14m 07s Player Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeRhinoLasers
14m 08s nautikal Killed Anonymous with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 16s Justin Suicided from Reckless Driving
14m 21s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a KingHellHoundBeams
14m 23s nautikal Killed JamesWoods'Tears with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 29s Player Killed Vugluskr with a Lightning Gun
14m 30s nautikal Killed Anonymous with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 34s DF Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
14m 37s leon Killed DF with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
14m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
14m 46s bros.Sub-Zero Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
14m 46s leon Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
14m 50s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
14m 51s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a WaspYJFlak
14m 51s Lehi Fell to their death
14m 55s leon Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
14m 59s leon Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
15m 03s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
15m 07s Justin Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
15m 08s Azazel Killed JohnRedCorn with a Raptor
15m 09s AnKeeDo Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
15m 26s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeSpiderTankAGSliceBeam
15m 27s bros.Sub-Zero Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
15m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a DamTypeShockerRocket
15m 32s JamesWoods'Tears Carjacked a Cicada
15m 33s DF Killed Cornbread with a Railgun
15m 38s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a Cicada
15m 38s Justin Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
15m 42s Player Killed nautikal with a Shock Rifle
15m 43s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Vugluskr with a Cicada
15m 44s leon Suicided with a DamTypeFlareBomb
15m 59s AnKeeDo Killed nautikal with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 00s DF Killed AnKeeDo with a Railgun
16m 21s nautikal Killed Justin with a Paladin
16m 27s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a Cicada
16m 32s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed leon with a DamTypeDragonBomb
16m 37s Player Knocked bros.Sub-Zero off a ledge
16m 38s Anonymous Killed JohnRedCorn with an Energy Turret
16m 40s Justin Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Destroyed Vehicle
16m 42s JohnRedCorn Disconnected
16m 45s Cornbread Killed Lehi with a MinotaurKill
16m 53s DF Killed Cornbread with a Railgun
16m 58s ROGER Carjacked a DragonAttackCraft
16m 59s ROGER Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeDragonBomb
16m 59s ROGER Killed Player with a DamTypeDragonBomb
16m 59s ROGER Suicided with a DamTypeDragonBomb
17m 11s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a KingHellHoundBeams
17m 13s DF Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
17m 15s leon Suicided with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
17m 19s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
17m 22s Anonymous Killed Lehi with a KingHellHoundBeams
17m 29s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
17m 31s DF Killed Player with a Shock Rifle
17m 32s JamesWoods'Tears Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
17m 33s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
17m 38s nautikal Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
17m 40s Azazel nice radar vuggie
17m 43s Anonymous I love how one fireblade shot is enough to send my truck flying
17m 44s Vugluskr Killed Cornbread with a MinotaurKill
17m 53s DF Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
17m 54s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a Lightning Gun
17m 56s Anonymous so gay
17m 58s Azazel and thats why it should be removed or nerfed
18m 03s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
18m 05s Player yep
18m 05s leon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
18m 05s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a Shock Rifle
18m 11s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Lehi with a Minigun
18m 12s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
18m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
18m 29s Player Killed DF with a Space Fighter
18m 32s bros.Sub-Zero Killed leon with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
18m 41s GuythatkillsU Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 49s Azazel Killed Vugluskr with a Rocket Launcher
18m 50s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
19m 01s Justin Killed GuythatkillsU with a KingHellHoundCombo
19m 02s Cornbread Headshot Lehi with a Manta
19m 02s Player Killed ROGER with a KingHellHoundFlak
19m 03s Vugluskr Killed leon with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 03s Player Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
19m 04s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
19m 04s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
19m 07s Rookie Connected
19m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
19m 16s Azazel did the mino die with u vug?
19m 17s Player 9 Connected
19m 29s AnKeeDo Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
19m 35s Rookie Killed GuythatkillsU with a WaspFlak
19m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Knocked Cornbread off a ledge
19m 37s leon Killed Vugluskr with a Space Fighter
19m 40s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
19m 41s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed leon with a DamTypeDragonBeam
19m 44s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
19m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Azazel with a DamTypeDragonBomb
19m 47s ROGER Killed Rookie with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 48s Cornbread Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a WaspYJFlak
19m 49s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
19m 53s AnKeeDo Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
19m 54s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a CSFlakMechDamTypeFlakShell
19m 56s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a Wasp_SeriesII
19m 58s AnKeeDo Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
20m 01s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CSFlakMechDamTypeFlakChunk
20m 08s Player Killed Lehi with a Shock Rifle
20m 10s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a Lightning Gun
20m 11s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
20m 13s DF Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
20m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a Cicada
20m 20s DF Killed Rookie with a Railgun
20m 25s JamesWoods'Tears Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
20m 27s Vugluskr Carjacked a CSFlakMech
20m 28s Player Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
20m 31s Player wtf
20m 34s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
20m 36s Cornbread Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
20m 41s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
20m 47s Azazel Killed Lehi with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
20m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
20m 49s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
20m 51s Anonymous Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
20m 58s Judas Connected
20m 58s Judas Team Change to Blue Team
21m 00s Vugluskr Killed leon with a CSFlakMechDamTypeFlakShell
21m 05s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeRailgunTankMinigun
21m 07s ROGER Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeFlash
21m 09s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
21m 16s ROGER Killed Justin with a DamTypeFlash
21m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player with a Cicada
21m 29s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
21m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with an AuroraCombo
21m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed Justin with an AuroraCombo
21m 35s nautikal Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
21m 37s Azazel guy got switched?
21m 41s leon Headshot nautikal with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
21m 43s Anonymous -leon-ty
21m 45s Anonymous Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
21m 47s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeHelix
21m 56s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Redeemer
21m 59s Judas Killed Player with a Cicada
22m 02s GuythatkillsU no
22m 04s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Cornbread with a MinotaurKill
22m 06s Judas Killed AnKeeDo with a Cicada Turret
22m 07s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 09s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a Railgun
22m 12s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
22m 16s Azazel and now they also got judas
22m 21s Anonymous Killed Judas with a Railgun
22m 24s Cornbread Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a WaspYJFlak
22m 25s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a Lightning Gun
22m 26s leon Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
22m 29s Anonymous Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
22m 30s Azazel has voted for ONS-RedPlanet-DjAyT-2014-V2(ONS)
22m 31s DF Killed AnKeeDo with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
22m 31s ROGER Carjacked a ShockerV3Omni
22m 32s Anonymous blue is blessed
22m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a Lightning Gun
22m 37s leon Killed Lehi with a Destroyed Vehicle
22m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
22m 48s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
22m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided
23m 00s DF Killed AnKeeDo with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
23m 03s Anonymous Killed Judas with a Railgun
23m 05s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a Railgun
23m 09s leon Killed DF with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
23m 11s JamesWoods'Tears Killed GuythatkillsU with an Ion Plasma Tank
23m 12s Lehi Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a Rocket Launcher
23m 12s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Railgun
23m 16s Player 9 Killed Player with a Cicada
23m 19s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
23m 19s Cornbread Killed Player 9 with a WaspYJFlak
23m 21s Judas Killed Cornbread with a Cicada Turret
23m 22s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a Railgun
23m 25s Azazel Killed ROGER with an AuroraCombo
23m 43s GuythatkillsU Killed Rookie with a DamTypeShockerRocket
23m 47s Judas Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
23m 51s ROGER Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeFlareBomb
23m 56s ROGER Killed Player with a DamTypeFlash
23m 59s leon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
23m 59s ROGER Carjacked a StarboltV2Omni
23m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a Raptor
24m 06s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a Railgun
24m 07s leon Killed Lehi with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
24m 11s bros.Sub-Zero Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
24m 18s Anonymous Killed DF with a Railgun
24m 20s ROGER Killed Rookie with a DamTypeStarboltLaser
24m 22s Player Carjacked a Cicada
24m 28s Anonymous Killed Judas with a DamTypeRailgunTankMinigun
24m 29s AnKeeDo Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeShockerIonBlast
24m 38s bros.Sub-Zero Knocked JamesWoods'Tears off a ledge
24m 42s ROGER Killed Player with a DamTypeStarboltFlareBomb
24m 47s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a Shock Rifle
24m 51s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
24m 52s DF Knocked leon off a ledge
24m 52s Vugluskr Killed Player with a Railgun
24m 54s Judas Killed Justin with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
24m 56s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
24m 58s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a Space Fighter
25m 11s Player Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeFlareBomb
25m 13s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
25m 15s GuythatkillsU Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeShockerRocket
25m 17s Anonymous Killed Judas with a Railgun
25m 19s Vugluskr Carjacked a CSRhino
25m 19s Anonymous Killed Lehi with a Railgun
25m 20s Azazel Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
25m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
25m 21s nautikal Killed Anonymous with a Space Fighter
25m 24s AnKeeDo Killed ROGER with a Space Fighter
25m 26s bros.Sub-Zero Killed leon with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
25m 27s Justin Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
25m 30s Justin Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
25m 33s DF Killed Azazel with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
25m 37s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a Shock Rifle
25m 46s DF Killed Player with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
25m 49s Anonymous Killed Lehi with a WaspYJFlak
25m 49s leon Killed ROGER with a WaspFlak
25m 49s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
25m 54s Rhamp Connected
25m 59s Player another wanna b
25m 59s Justin Suicided with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
25m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeHelix
26m 00s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeShockerIonBlast
26m 01s Judas Killed Rookie with an Ion Plasma Tank
26m 02s Blue Team Captured a Point!
26m 10s Azazel rhamp is with us now, we can chill!
26m 12s ROGER -leon-pampers
26m 13s ROGER -leon-pampers
26m 25s vorpal Connected
26m 26s vorpal Disconnected
26m 30s Azazel 9999999999999
26m 54s DF Killed Rookie with a Rocket Launcher
27m 00s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a DamTypeDragonBeam
27m 09s Judas Killed Justin with a Goliath Minigun Turret
27m 11s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Lehi with a MinotaurKill
27m 14s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a DamTypeDragonBeam
27m 17s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeDragonBeam
27m 17s leon Killed DF with a FireBall
27m 17s leon Killed Judas with a FireBall
27m 22s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Rookie with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
27m 26s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
27m 26s nautikal Killed Azazel with a FireBall
27m 26s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeDragonBeam
27m 38s Lehi Killed Cornbread with a Shock Rifle
27m 39s GuythatkillsU Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
27m 41s leon Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireBall
27m 52s Player Killed Player 9 with a Rocket Launcher
27m 55s Anonymous Knocked nautikal off a ledge
27m 59s Judas Killed Rookie with a HeatRay
27m 59s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ROGER with a MinotaurKill
28m 03s leon Killed Lehi with a FireBall
28m 03s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
28m 03s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Judas with a MinotaurKill
28m 04s GuythatkillsU Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
28m 09s leon Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireBall
28m 14s leon Killed DF with a FireBall
28m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
28m 20s leon Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a FireBall
28m 22s ROGER Killed Rookie with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
28m 26s nautikal Killed leon with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
28m 31s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
28m 40s bros.Sub-Zero Killed AnKeeDo with a FireBall
28m 54s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
28m 54s GuythatkillsU Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
28m 54s Lehi Killed Justin with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
28m 59s Havxs Connected
28m 59s Havxs Team Change to Blue Team
29m 00s Rhamp Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
29m 01s Judas Killed leon with a FireBall
29m 07s Havxs Disconnected
29m 11s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a Shock Rifle
29m 13s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a DamType_PredatorRocket
29m 14s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Vugluskr with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
29m 18s Lehi Killed Player with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
29m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a FalconPlasma
29m 23s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
29m 26s DF Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
29m 38s ws.snarf Connected
29m 38s ws.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
29m 38s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireBall
29m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rhamp with a Lightning Gun
29m 43s Judas Killed Azazel with a HeatRay
29m 44s Player Killed ROGER with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
29m 48s Anonymous -ut-denied
29m 49s old_man Connected
29m 49s old_man Team Change to Red Team
29m 51s Judas Killed Player with a HeatRay
29m 51s Rookie Killed nautikal with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
29m 52s AnKeeDo Killed Judas with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
29m 54s Cornbread Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
29m 57s Lehi Killed AnKeeDo with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
29m 58s Vugluskr Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
29m 59s GuythatkillsU Killed Rookie with an AuroraCombo
30m 01s GuythatkillsU Killed leon with an AuroraCombo
30m 03s Havxs Connected
30m 03s Havxs Team Change to Blue Team
30m 07s Javiar Connected
30m 07s Javiar Team Change to Red Team
30m 12s Cornbread Killed Lehi with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
30m 14s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a FlameTank
30m 15s DF Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
30m 24s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a FalconPlasma
30m 24s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Rhamp with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
30m 29s ROGER Killed AnKeeDo with a Raptor
30m 29s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
30m 33s nautikal Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a FireBall
30m 33s Vugluskr Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
30m 36s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a HeatRay
30m 37s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
30m 39s Player Killed Havxs with a DamTypeDragonBomb
30m 43s Vugluskr Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
30m 45s Lehi Killed old_man with a DamType_PredatorRocket
30m 46s Judas Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
30m 46s Vugluskr Killed Anonymous with a Destroyed Vehicle
30m 46s Player 26 Connected
30m 48s Vugluskr Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurKill
30m 52s DF Killed Player with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
30m 53s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
30m 56s nautikal Killed AnKeeDo with a HeatRay
31m 03s Cornbread 2
31m 05s Anonymous Killed Lehi with a HeatRay
31m 06s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a DamTypeDragonBomb
31m 09s Rookie Killed Havxs with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
31m 14s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ws.snarf with a Shock Rifle
31m 14s Player 26 Suicided
31m 14s Player 26 Disconnected
31m 18s DF Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
31m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a Lightning Gun
31m 21s Judas Killed AnKeeDo with a Paladin
31m 21s Rhamp Killed nautikal with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
31m 25s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a Lightning Gun
31m 26s Anonymous Killed Player 9 with a FireBall
31m 30s nautikal Killed Rhamp with a Shock Rifle
31m 34s GuythatkillsU Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a FireBall
31m 34s Azazel lion is sanka
31m 43s Cornbread Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CSPallasDamTypeMainCannon
31m 43s DF Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
31m 44s Player told you hes a bitch
31m 58s Anonymous Killed Player 9 with a Destroyed Vehicle
32m 04s DF Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
32m 05s nautikal Killed Rookie with a DamTypeDragonBeam
32m 06s Anonymous Knocked GuythatkillsU off a ledge
32m 09s Judas Killed old_man with a Paladin
32m 13s Judas Killed Player with a Paladin
32m 18s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeTurretFlames
32m 19s JamesWoods'Tears Killed DF with an AlligatorFlak
32m 30s ROGER Carjacked a Aegis
32m 32s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeDragonBeam
32m 32s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
32m 35s nautikal Killed Rookie with a DamTypeDragonBeam
32m 36s DanDare Connected
32m 36s DanDare Team Change to Blue Team
32m 39s Lehi Suicided with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
32m 40s AnKeeDo Killed Havxs with a MinotaurKill
32m 46s leon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
32m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
32m 48s Judas Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
32m 49s Anonymous Killed Judas with a FlameKill
32m 52s AnKeeDo Killed Havxs with a MinotaurKill
32m 53s bros.Sub-Zero Killed old_man with a Shock Rifle
32m 57s AnKeeDo Killed DF with a MinotaurKill
32m 58s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with an Energy Turret
33m 03s GuythatkillsU Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
33m 08s JamesWoods'Tears gg
33m 10s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
33m 10s Azazel Headshot bros.Sub-Zero with a Manta
33m 12s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
33m 18s nautikal Killed Rookie with a DamTypeDragonBeam
33m 27s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
33m 29s Lehi Killed Justin with an AlligatorFlak
33m 30s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
33m 32s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a HeatRay
33m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with an AuroraCombo
33m 39s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
33m 41s Rhamp Killed Lehi with a FireBall
33m 44s DF Killed Player with a Raptor
33m 46s Vugluskr Killed old_man with a Destroyed Vehicle
33m 47s DF Killed Rhamp with a Raptor
33m 54s nautikal Killed Anonymous with a FireBall
34m 00s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a MinotaurKill
34m 00s Judas Killed Rookie with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
34m 01s nautikal Knocked Player off a ledge
34m 04s DF Killed Rhamp with a Shock Rifle
34m 06s Azazel Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeDragonBomb
34m 15s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeDragonBomb
34m 16s Player 9 Killed leon with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
34m 18s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a DamTypeMirageChainGun
34m 19s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
34m 22s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a HellHoundTwinbeam
34m 23s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ws.snarf with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
34m 26s AnKeeDo Killed nautikal with a FireBall
34m 26s AnKeeDo Killed ws.snarf with a FireBall
34m 31s bros.Sub-Zero Headshot Cornbread with a Lightning Gun
34m 39s Lehi Killed old_man with a Destroyed Vehicle
34m 39s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
34m 42s Vugluskr Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeMirageChainGun
34m 43s GuythatkillsU Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a FireBall
34m 45s Azazel Killed Vugluskr with a WaspFlak
34m 48s StartupSl1ck Connected
34m 48s StartupSl1ck Team Change to Red Team
34m 50s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a FireBall
34m 54s Player 9 Suicided with a Redeemer
34m 55s Havxs Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
34m 56s ROGER i have th1 palidin
34m 58s DF Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
34m 58s AnKeeDo Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireBall
34m 59s nautikal Killed Javiar with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
35m 10s Vugluskr Killed Justin with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
35m 17s DF Killed Cornbread with a FlameKill
35m 18s Rhamp Killed nautikal with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
35m 18s AnKeeDo Killed DF with a FireBall
35m 25s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Rookie with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
35m 26s ws.snarf Killed Player with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
35m 30s Azazel Killed Judas with a Raptor
35m 33s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
35m 37s leon Killed Havxs with a Raptor
35m 37s Rhamp Killed Lehi with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
35m 38s Vugluskr Killed old_man with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
35m 39s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Player 9 with a Destroyed Vehicle
35m 39s ROGER just go 2 9 i have the 1 palidin
35m 42s Rhamp Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
35m 44s DanDare Killed leon with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniShell
35m 46s ROGER just go 2 9 i have the 1 palidin
35m 46s nautikal Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
35m 54s ROGER they will never hold it
35m 58s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
36m 01s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
36m 05s Judas Killed Anonymous with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
36m 05s Judas Killed Player with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
36m 06s JamesWoods'Tears Killed DanDare with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
36m 09s Rhamp Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
36m 11s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
36m 19s DF Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeDragonBeam
36m 20s leon Killed Havxs with an AuroraCombo
36m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed AnKeeDo with a HeatRay
36m 28s Player Killed Judas with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
36m 29s ws.snarf Killed Player with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
36m 34s DF Killed Rookie with a DamTypeDragonBeam
36m 37s ws.snarf Killed AnKeeDo with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
36m 37s Rhamp Killed DanDare with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
36m 42s old_man Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an AuroraCombo
36m 48s StartupSl1ck Killed Havxs with a HellHoundTwinbeam
36m 49s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
36m 51s Player 9 Suicided with a Redeemer
36m 53s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
36m 54s StartupSl1ck Killed Vugluskr with a HellHoundTwinbeam
36m 58s Azazel Killed Judas with a MinotaurKill
37m 02s ws.snarf Killed Azazel with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
37m 03s Havxs Killed old_man with a Shock Rifle
37m 08s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a FireBall
37m 09s Player Killed Havxs with a DamTypeDragonAA
37m 14s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
37m 15s Lehi Killed Cornbread with a SPMA
37m 23s Javiar Killed Havxs with a FireBall
37m 25s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
37m 26s AnKeeDo Killed DF with a DamTypeHelix
37m 27s Judas Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
37m 28s Anonymous Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
37m 35s Rhamp Killed Judas with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
37m 37s ws.snarf Knocked AnKeeDo off a ledge
37m 38s bros.Sub-Zero Headshot Anonymous with a Lightning Gun
37m 43s leon Killed nautikal with a Redeemer
37m 51s Vugluskr Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
37m 52s DF Killed leon with an AuroraCombo
37m 54s bros.Sub-Zero Killed old_man with a Lightning Gun
37m 55s Lehi Killed Justin with a DamTypePersesOmniMercuryDirectHit
37m 56s DF Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
37m 59s Cornbread Killed ROGER with a FireBall
37m 59s Judas Killed Rhamp with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
38m 01s Lehi Killed Rookie with a DamTypePersesOmniMercuryDirectHit
38m 01s AnKeeDo Killed Havxs with a FireBall
38m 06s Javiar Killed DF with an Ion Cannon
38m 11s leon Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
38m 12s Player 9 Killed Cornbread with a CSFlakMechDamTypeFlakShell
38m 13s ROGER Killed AnKeeDo with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
38m 18s ws.snarf Killed Rookie with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
38m 19s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a FireBall
38m 24s Anonymous Killed ROGER with a HeatRay
38m 25s El_Commandante(Co30) Carjacked a FlameTank
38m 29s ws.snarf Killed Rhamp with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
38m 29s Javiar Killed Lehi with a Link Gun
38m 30s Vugluskr Suicided with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
38m 30s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a HeatRay
38m 36s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a FireBall
38m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Killed StartupSl1ck with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
38m 37s Anonymous Killed Havxs with a HeatRay
38m 44s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
38m 45s Player Killed nautikal with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
38m 45s Judas Killed Anonymous with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
38m 45s JamesWoods'Tears Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypePersesOmniMercurySplashDamage
38m 47s Lehi Killed Justin with a FireBall
38m 51s Lehi Killed Azazel with a FireBall
38m 51s nautikal Killed Javiar with a Shock Rifle
38m 53s Player 9 Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a CSFlakMechDamTypeFlakShell
38m 53s Player 9 Killed Rookie with a Vehicle Explosion
39m 01s Player Killed DanDare with a Lightning Gun
39m 03s DF Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
39m 14s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
39m 17s Rhamp Killed ROGER with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
39m 20s Judas Knocked leon off a ledge
39m 23s Anonymous Killed Player 9 with a MinotaurKill
39m 24s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
39m 25s Cornbread Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamType_PredatorMissile
39m 29s Anonymous Killed Vugluskr with a MinotaurKill
39m 30s Judas Killed old_man with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
39m 31s DF Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
39m 31s ws.snarf Killed AnKeeDo with a CSPallasDamTypeMortarShell
39m 34s DF Killed Azazel with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
39m 35s Judas Carjacked a PersesOmniMAS
39m 37s Lehi Killed Rookie with a HeatRay
39m 40s Javiar Suicided with a Flak Cannon
39m 40s Anonymous Killed Havxs with a MinotaurKill
39m 43s nautikal Killed Justin with a DamTypeDragonShell
39m 46s Anonymous Killed Judas with a MinotaurKill
39m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Headshot Player with a Lightning Gun
39m 49s Rookie Killed Lehi with a Raptor
39m 49s Havxs Disconnected
39m 53s Anonymous -leon-rq
39m 53s ROGER Killed Cornbread with a HellHoundTwinbeam
39m 54s bros.Sub-Zero silly res
39m 56s nautikal Killed Rookie with a DamTypeDragonBeam
39m 58s leon Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Raptor
40m 01s ROGER Killed AnKeeDo with a HellHoundTwinbeam
40m 03s Lehi Killed leon with a FireBall
40m 04s SUPER_Buttface Connected
40m 04s SUPER_Buttface Team Change to Blue Team
40m 04s Player u r still weak
40m 08s Rhamp Suicided from Reckless Driving
40m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with an AuroraCombo
40m 15s Player Killed DanDare with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
40m 19s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a Shock Rifle
40m 20s DF Killed Azazel with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
40m 22s JamesWoods'Tears Killed ws.snarf with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkPlasma
40m 23s Lehi Killed AnKeeDo with a FireBall
40m 24s DF Killed Cornbread with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
40m 25s StartupSl1ck Killed DanDare with a DamTypeHelix
40m 33s Anonymous Killed Player 9 with a MinotaurTurretkill
40m 35s ROGER Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a HellHoundTwinbeam
40m 35s Player Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
40m 36s AnKeeDo Killed DF with a Minigun
40m 36s Player Killed Lehi with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
40m 37s Cornbread Died from a Raptor
40m 43s ws.snarf Killed StartupSl1ck with a Destroyed Vehicle
40m 44s leon Killed nautikal with a Rocket Launcher
40m 50s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Minigun
40m 52s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a Link Gun
40m 54s Anonymous Killed Judas with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
40m 54s Player Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
40m 54s Judas Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeFireBladeOmniCannon
40m 54s GuythatkillsU Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
41m 01s GuythatkillsU Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
41m 05s Rhamp Killed Lehi with an AuroraCombo
41m 06s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a Flak Cannon
41m 09s GuythatkillsU Killed Cornbread with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
41m 11s nautikal Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurKill
41m 13s DanDare Killed Rookie with a DamTypeHelix
41m 13s DanDare Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeHelix
41m 15s SUPER_Buttface Killed Justin with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniShell
41m 18s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a CSBomberDamTypeGun
41m 20s Anonymous -leon-gtku
41m 21s JamesWoods'Tears Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
41m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Javiar with a Shock Rifle
41m 23s old_man Killed Judas with a CSPallasDamTypeMainCannon
41m 26s nautikal Killed StartupSl1ck with a MinotaurKill
41m 26s Azazel leon flirting again
41m 27s Vugluskr Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
41m 27s old_man Killed Vugluskr with a CSPallasDamTypeMainCannon
41m 29s nautikal Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
41m 36s SUPER_Buttface Killed old_man with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
41m 38s nautikal Killed Rookie with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
41m 38s vorpal Connected
41m 40s AnKeeDo Killed SUPER_Buttface with a FireBall
41m 43s bros.Sub-Zero Died from an AegisDamTypePancake
41m 43s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
41m 44s nautikal Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
41m 45s vorpal has voted for ONS-CaptainGordons_Box_of_Pwnage-RC1(ONS)
41m 47s vorpal Disconnected
41m 47s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a MinotaurKill
41m 48s ROGER Killed leon with a HellHoundTwinbeam
41m 53s Rhamp no fliers
41m 54s AnKeeDo Killed Judas with a FireBall
41m 55s nautikal Killed Rhamp with a MinotaurKill
41m 58s Player dumbass to the surf board
42m 02s Azazel Suicided with a Flak Cannon
42m 05s DF Killed JamesWoods'Tears with an AuroraSkyMineKill
42m 05s nautikal Killed Cornbread with a MinotaurKill
42m 06s Player took
42m 09s nautikal Killed Javiar with a MinotaurKill
42m 11s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
42m 13s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Azazel with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
42m 13s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a Raptor
42m 16s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Javiar with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
42m 16s Anonymous Killed nautikal with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
42m 17s Player i had the nuker
42m 18s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
42m 18s Rhamp too many stains took our fliers at the end
42m 20s Judas Killed Rookie with a HeatRay
42m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Cornbread with a Destroyed Vehicle
42m 24s Anonymous Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
42m 26s Blue Team Captured a Point!
42m 26s StartupSl1ck Killed DanDare with a Destroyed Vehicle
42m 26s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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