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Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-ArcticJunkYard-)o(-Randomize
on Wed, Jan 15 2025, 7:33:07 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 03s Anonymous Connected
-1m 03s Anonymous Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s Player Connected
-1m 00s Player Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
-0m 59s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
-0m 58s AnKeeDo Connected
-0m 58s AnKeeDo Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 54s Justin Connected
-0m 54s Justin Team Change to Red Team
-0m 51s GuythatkillsU Connected
-0m 51s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 51s DanDare Connected
-0m 51s DanDare Team Change to Red Team
-0m 46s eVoDeon Connected
-0m 46s eVoDeon Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 16s Player my song
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Player Team Change to Blue Team
0m 54s GuythatkillsU Disconnected
1m 07s Player Killed DanDare with a Shock Rifle
1m 15s Player Killed DanDare with a Shock Rifle
1m 32s Justin Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
1m 32s Player Killed DanDare with a Rocket Launcher
1m 57s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
2m 00s eVoDeon Killed DanDare with a Rocket Launcher
2m 26s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
2m 54s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
2m 55s eVoDeon Killed Justin with a Rocket Launcher
3m 05s DanDare Killed Player with a Destroyed Vehicle
3m 25s Justin Killed eVoDeon with a DamTypePersesOmniMercurySplashDamage
3m 30s Player Killed DanDare with a Bio Rifle
3m 49s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
3m 54s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Raptor
4m 00s Player Killed DanDare with a Raptor
4m 21s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed eVoDeon with a Raptor
4m 24s JamesWoods'Tears Connected
4m 24s JamesWoods'Tears Team Change to Blue Team
4m 29s Player Killed DanDare with a MinotaurClassicKill
5m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a Raptor
5m 30s Justin Suicided with a Bio Rifle
5m 32s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
5m 33s JamesWoods'Tears Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Raptor
5m 41s Player Killed DanDare with a MinotaurClassicKill
5m 43s AnKeeDo Suicided from Reckless Driving
5m 55s Anonymous Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
6m 25s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
6m 30s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Lightning Gun
6m 33s DanDare Died from a DamTypePersesOmniPancake
6m 39s AnKeeDo Killed Justin with a DamTypeFlareBomb
6m 42s DanDare Killed eVoDeon with a Vehicle Explosion
6m 44s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
6m 44s JamesWoods'Tears Killed DanDare with a MinotaurKill
6m 44s JamesWoods'Tears Suicided with a MinotaurKill
6m 49s JamesWoods'Tears wtf
6m 50s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
7m 00s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a Raptor
7m 15s AnKeeDo Killed Anonymous with a FireBall
7m 15s Player Killed DanDare with a CentaurBeams
7m 19s Player Killed Justin with a CentaurBeams
7m 24s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a FalconPlasma
7m 37s Anonymous Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeHelix
7m 39s eVoDeon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Link Gun
7m 39s eVoDeon Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
7m 46s Player Killed DanDare with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
7m 56s Player 9 Connected
8m 08s Anonymous Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeHelix
8m 15s Player Killed DanDare with a DamTypeIonTankShockwave
8m 19s eVoDeon Carjacked a RailgunTank
8m 22s JamesWoods'Tears doesn't it get boring to never miss?
8m 23s Anonymous Killed Player with a DamTypeHelix
8m 25s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed eVoDeon with a FalconPlasma
8m 32s Player Connected
8m 32s Player Team Change to Blue Team
8m 33s Anonymous are you implying I cheat
8m 39s DanDare Killed eVoDeon with a WaspFlak
8m 42s GuythatkillsU Connected
8m 42s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
8m 49s AnKeeDo Killed DanDare with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
8m 49s Anonymous Killed Player with a DamTypeHelix
8m 49s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed eVoDeon with a FalconPlasma
8m 54s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
8m 55s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed eVoDeon with a FalconPlasma
9m 00s Player i think everyone does anon
9m 01s eVoDeon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
9m 01s Anonymous Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHelix
9m 03s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Justin with a Raptor
9m 06s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a DamTypeHelix
9m 09s Anonymous based off what
9m 12s GuythatkillsU Killed Anonymous with a Destroyed Vehicle
9m 15s Player 9 Killed AnKeeDo with a Raptor
9m 30s Player how they feel about your game play vs others maybe
9m 38s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
9m 47s GuythatkillsU Died from an Unknown Weapon
9m 47s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Red Team
9m 48s Player Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
9m 49s DanDare Killed Player with a DamTypeRhinoRoadkill
9m 51s Anonymous respectfully, this is the lowest of the low on the skill spectrum
9m 55s Player just a guess
9m 55s El_Commandante(Co30) i dont really think so
10m 01s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
10m 02s Anonymous Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
10m 07s AnKeeDo Killed DanDare with a FireBall
10m 10s El_Commandante(Co30) cali definitely
10m 14s Player well even the adminsdid
10m 20s Anonymous which admins
10m 31s Player they watched game play for hours according to them
10m 38s Anonymous who
10m 41s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a Raptor
10m 42s eVoDeon Killed DanDare with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 47s Player i dont know why that matters
10m 51s JamesWoods'Tears dude, you've been called out for years...lol
11m 06s Anonymous if it's enyo, he doesn't actually think I cheat, he's just a sore loser that hates that I'm better
11m 08s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
11m 27s GuythatkillsU he thinks your aim is too good
11m 27s Player ye maybre
11m 29s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a CSLinkMechDamTypeLinkShaft
11m 33s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurClassicKill
11m 35s Anonymous no he doesn't
11m 42s Red Team Captured a Point!
11m 44s GuythatkillsU i haerd the rants
11m 51s Player stop killing me
11m 53s Anonymous he's saving face by running a smear campaign
11m 54s Player i am learning the game
12m 00s eVoDeon -ab-look
12m 00s Player pooty watched vids also
12m 00s AnKeeDo you choose 1 lasers 2 link guns
12m 07s Player 9 Disconnected
12m 10s AnKeeDo which needs good scripts
12m 30s Anonymous does it make sense to you that the lowest of the bell curve is attempting to judge whether someone is cheating or not?
12m 34s AnKeeDo you cant play without these two weapons
12m 36s Anonymous does it make sense to you that the lowest of the bell curve is attempting to judge whether someone is cheating?
12m 36s JamesWoods'Tears Killed Justin with a MinotaurKill
12m 46s Anonymous does it make sense to you that the lowest of the bell curve is attempting to judge if someone is cheating?
12m 53s Anonymous does it make sense to you that the lowest of the bell curve is attempting to judge cheats?
13m 01s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
13m 03s Anonymous Killed Player with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
13m 08s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a FalconV3Omni
13m 08s Player no of course not
13m 11s GuythatkillsU Killed AnKeeDo with a FalconPlasma
13m 19s JamesWoods'Tears dude, seriously, i don't know any players that don't thin you cheat, good or bad
13m 29s Anonymous ad populum fallacy
13m 30s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
13m 33s eVoDeon Killed Justin with a Rocket Launcher
13m 40s Player and other servers too
13m 41s GuythatkillsU Killed AnKeeDo with a FalconPlasma
13m 45s Player you and cali
13m 48s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
13m 51s JamesWoods'Tears no one person can have a perfect day everyu day
13m 53s JamesWoods'Tears Killed DanDare with a MinotaurKill
14m 03s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a VampireTank3
14m 04s Anonymous Killed Player with a CSMarvinMissileDamType
14m 08s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a CSBioBomberBioBeam
14m 18s Justin Killed eVoDeon with a Manta
14m 19s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
14m 23s DanDare Killed Player with a Railgun
14m 29s JamesWoods'Tears Killed DanDare with a MinotaurKill
14m 43s Anonymous Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
14m 44s JamesWoods'Tears Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
14m 44s JamesWoods'Tears Killed GuythatkillsU with a MinotaurKill
14m 48s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a FalconPlasma
14m 50s JamesWoods'Tears Killed DanDare with a MinotaurKill
14m 51s Player thanks again for not killing me
14m 53s Player jfc
14m 59s AnKeeDo Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
15m 03s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
15m 03s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a FalconPlasma
15m 15s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeVenomLasers
15m 16s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a Lightning Gun
15m 23s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a Rocket Launcher
15m 26s Player lol
15m 30s GuythatkillsU :)
15m 35s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a FalconPlasma
15m 46s DanDare Killed Player with a DamTypeHelix
15m 54s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
16m 02s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a FalconPlasma
16m 07s Anonymous Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
16m 12s Anonymous Killed Player with a FalconPlasma
16m 16s Anonymous Killed eVoDeon with a FalconPlasma
16m 21s GuythatkillsU Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
16m 24s AnKeeDo Suicided with a Space Fighter
16m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
16m 36s GuythatkillsU Killed eVoDeon with a Paladin
16m 39s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Goliath
16m 44s Anonymous Killed JamesWoods'Tears with a Shock Rifle
17m 00s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a Goliath
17m 02s eVoDeon Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Rocket Launcher
17m 07s Red Team Captured a Point!
17m 07s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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