Welcome to OmnipotentS stats database Version 2

Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Nevermore-TMU-YEAAAHH-its-pO
on Sun, Jan 12 2025, 9:49:07 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 04s Player Connected
-1m 04s Player Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s GuythatkillsU Connected
-1m 03s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s StartupSl1ck Connected
-1m 03s StartupSl1ck Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s Po)o(tY Connected
-1m 03s Po)o(tY Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s ROGER Connected
-1m 03s ROGER Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s BUSCHMASTER Connected
-1m 03s gareau Connected
-1m 03s BUSCHMASTER Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 03s gareau Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s Rookie Connected
-1m 02s Rookie Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s Vugluskr Connected
-1m 02s Vugluskr Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s Elon'sMusk Connected
-1m 02s Elon'sMusk Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s leon Connected
-1m 01s leon Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s Merc Connected
-1m 01s Merc Team Change to Red Team
-1m 00s phred Connected
-1m 00s phred Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 59s Player Connected
-0m 59s Player Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s V4N Connected
-0m 59s V4N Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 59s Judas Connected
-0m 59s Judas Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s DanDare Connected
-0m 59s DanDare Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 58s Cornbread Connected
-0m 58s Cornbread Team Change to Red Team
-0m 58s Humble_Pie Connected
-0m 58s Humble_Pie Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 57s Azazel Connected
-0m 57s Azazel Team Change to Red Team
-0m 56s Justin Connected
-0m 56s Justin Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 55s PhRoZeN Connected
-0m 55s PhRoZeN Team Change to Red Team
-0m 53s SanitariuM Connected
-0m 53s SanitariuM Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 51s Rhamp Connected
-0m 51s Rhamp Team Change to Red Team
-0m 50s ElonSharpton Connected
-0m 50s BLA$TER Connected
-0m 50s ElonSharpton Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 50s BLA$TER Team Change to Red Team
-0m 49s Humble_Pie -waiting
-0m 47s TFSN Connected
-0m 47s TFSN Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 43s Javiar Connected
-0m 43s Javiar Team Change to Red Team
-0m 43s Player consolation prize
-0m 35s Merc -sw-force
-0m 34s AnKeeDo Connected
-0m 34s AnKeeDo Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 32s GuythatkillsU what is a Plute?
-0m 31s Cornbread Disconnected
-0m 31s PhariZwheel Connected
-0m 31s PhariZwheel Team Change to Red Team
-0m 28s ROGER -leon-map3
-0m 23s Azazel lootstheplutes = broligarch
-0m 21s Rhamp ass destruction needs removal
-0m 19s StartupSl1ck -leon-whereispeople
-0m 17s GuythatkillsU Penis Flute?
-0m 16s V4N used to be planet :/
-0m 15s PhariZwheel groz
-0m 11s Rhamp or a rename to ons-sitandspam
-0m 10s Azazel rhamp: ur version too?
-0m 07s Player if that's what you're most familiar with
-0m 00s Player lol
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s Vugluskr Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s leon Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s phred Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Judas Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Humble_Pie Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Azazel Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Justin Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s SanitariuM Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Rhamp Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s BLA$TER Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s PhariZwheel Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s StartupSl1ck Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s gareau Team Change to Blue Team
0m 05s GuythatkillsU ive heard the term in a locker room
0m 06s Player 9 Connected
0m 24s ROGER Headshot Vugluskr with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
0m 26s ROGER Carjacked a ONSHurricaneTank
0m 32s ROGER Killed SanitariuM with a DamType_HTankShell
0m 34s Merc Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Rocket Launcher
0m 45s Player Killed Justin with a Vehicle Explosion
0m 45s Player Killed Rookie with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
0m 50s Po)o(tY Carjacked a Wraith
0m 51s GuythatkillsU Killed Player with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
0m 53s BUSCHMASTER Killed Po)o(tY with a LIPDamTypePlasmaFried
0m 56s Merc Killed Javiar with a Rocket Launcher
0m 56s Elon'sMusk Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
0m 57s Humble_Pie Killed AnKeeDo with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
0m 59s SanitariuM Killed ROGER with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
0m 59s Azazel placed a kick vote against Po)o(tY
1m 01s SanitariuM Killed Rhamp with a Paladin
1m 03s Vugluskr Killed DanDare with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
1m 05s StartupSl1ck Killed Player with an Ion Plasma Tank
1m 07s Vugluskr Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
1m 08s Justin Killed Javiar with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
1m 09s Po)o(tY Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
1m 13s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
1m 13s BLA$TER Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeHeavyShell
1m 14s Po)o(tY Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
1m 14s phred Killed BLA$TER with a Goliath
1m 17s Justin Killed Player with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
1m 18s Merc Killed ElonSharpton with a Leviathan
1m 18s Merc Killed TFSN with a Leviathan
1m 19s Po)o(tY Killed DanDare with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
1m 19s Azazel game over
1m 19s Humble_Pie Killed V4N with a Link Gun
1m 19s Elon'sMusk Killed BUSCHMASTER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
1m 21s Player 9 Killed gareau with a Railgun
1m 21s Azazel lets vote
1m 24s Rookie Killed PhariZwheel with a FlameKill
1m 27s StartupSl1ck Killed DanDare with an Ion Plasma Tank
1m 28s PhariZwheel pffty
1m 30s Po)o(tY Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
1m 30s Po)o(tY Killed Judas with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
1m 30s Judas Killed StartupSl1ck with a FireBall
1m 32s Rhamp yep, stains took the fliers
1m 34s PhariZwheel nice cheat roolass
1m 35s Javiar Killed Po)o(tY with an AVRiL
1m 35s Player 9 Killed Player with a Railgun
1m 36s Rhamp has voted for ONS-Tek-)o(-Randomizer-V8-TEST(ONS)
1m 40s Justin Killed BLA$TER with a Rocket Launcher
1m 40s Javiar Killed Rookie with an AVRiL
1m 42s Elon'sMusk Killed PhariZwheel with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
1m 43s Player Killed TFSN with a BiotankKill
1m 44s AnKeeDo Killed Merc with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
1m 46s phred Killed Player with a Goliath
1m 48s BUSCHMASTER Killed Justin with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
1m 49s phred Killed Azazel with a Goliath
1m 50s Javiar Killed Elon'sMusk with an AVRiL
1m 51s Player Killed gareau with a BiotankKill
1m 51s PhariZwheel bal;anmce the fucking gamer
1m 53s Judas Killed Po)o(tY with a CentaurBeams
1m 56s Judas Killed Player with a CentaurBeams
1m 56s Player Killed TFSN with a BiotankKill
1m 58s Azazel dude, leon, guy, pooty in the same teaam???
2m 00s bros.Sub-Zero Connected
2m 00s bros.Sub-Zero Team Change to Blue Team
2m 00s phred Killed Javiar with a Goliath
2m 01s leon Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Shock Rifle
2m 02s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
2m 05s Azazel balance
2m 07s Azazel balance
2m 08s AnKeeDo Killed Humble_Pie with a DamType_PredatorRocket
2m 08s Judas Killed phred with a CentaurBeams
2m 09s Player 9 Killed gareau with a Railgun
2m 10s StartupSl1ck Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
2m 12s Judas Killed Merc with a CentaurBeams
2m 15s Player Killed Judas with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 19s Azazel those numbers are way off
2m 20s Player Killed Player with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 21s Player Killed PhRoZeN with a Rocket Launcher
2m 23s Vugluskr Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 23s Vugluskr Killed Javiar with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 23s Po)o(tY rhamp, azale, sanka, judas all on the same team?!
2m 27s SanitariuM Killed ROGER with a Scorpion
2m 29s Rhamp Killed Elon'sMusk with an Energy Turret
2m 29s Merc Killed TFSN with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
2m 31s gareau Killed SanitariuM with a FireBall
2m 32s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
2m 32s PhariZwheel Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeTurretFlames
2m 32s ElonSharpton Killed Rookie with a HeatRay
2m 34s Vugluskr Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 34s Vugluskr Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 34s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
2m 37s BLA$TER Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
2m 37s DanDare Killed Merc with a Link Gun
2m 38s BLA$TER Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
2m 40s Azazel all a scale under u 4
2m 45s Judas Killed Player with a DamTypeHeavyShell
2m 47s BLA$TER Killed Merc with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
2m 47s BLA$TER Suicided with a CSNephthysDamTypeSpawnKiller
2m 49s Player Killed Player 9 with a Grenade Launcher
2m 51s Player Killed Player with a FlameKill
2m 55s bros.Sub-Zero Killed leon with a DamTypeHeavyChainGun
2m 56s Rhamp at least this map goes fast
2m 59s Player Killed Judas with a FireBall
2m 59s Player Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a FireBall
3m 01s V4N Killed Player with a BiotankKill
3m 02s Rhamp Killed Justin with an Energy Turret
3m 02s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
3m 05s phred Killed DanDare with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
3m 07s Po)o(tY Killed ROGER with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
3m 09s phred Killed TFSN with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
3m 11s Azazel not when u are twiddling ur thumbs
3m 12s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
3m 14s Vugluskr Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
3m 14s Vugluskr Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
3m 17s PhariZwheel sure
3m 18s Azazel Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
3m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Merc with a FireBall
3m 21s DanDare Killed Po)o(tY with a BadgerCannon_Kill
3m 24s ElonSharpton Killed phred with a Link Gun
3m 26s gareau Killed Justin with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
3m 27s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a Redeemer
3m 27s BUSCHMASTER Suicided with a Redeemer
3m 27s AnKeeDo Killed StartupSl1ck with a Goliath
3m 30s Techempire2684 Connected
3m 30s Techempire2684 Team Change to Red Team
3m 32s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player with a FireBall
3m 33s leon Killed Player with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
3m 36s PhRoZeN Killed Javiar with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
3m 39s leon Killed ElonSharpton with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
3m 40s PhRoZeN Killed gareau with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
3m 42s Elon'sMusk balance
3m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed PhRoZeN with a HeatRay
3m 42s Azazel Killed Humble_Pie with a Link Gun
3m 44s leon Killed Judas with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
3m 48s Azazel ur welcome
3m 52s Techempire2684 Disconnected
3m 53s Rhamp Killed Merc with an Energy Turret
3m 54s Player 9 Killed DanDare with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
3m 55s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a Goliath
3m 56s PhariZwheel whale cum
3m 57s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a FireBall
3m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed StartupSl1ck with a FireBall
3m 59s PhariZwheel iam
4m 03s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Po)o(tY with a FireBall
4m 04s V4N Killed SanitariuM with a BiotankKill
4m 04s Azazel Killed phred with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
4m 06s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamType_HTankShell
4m 09s Staff_Sergeant Connected
4m 09s Staff_Sergeant Team Change to Red Team
4m 09s Judas Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
4m 13s Po)o(tY Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
4m 13s Azazel Knocked PhariZwheel off a ledge
4m 14s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamType_HTankShell
4m 18s Po)o(tY Killed DanDare with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
4m 32s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a MBDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
4m 32s V4N Killed Humble_Pie with a BiotankKill
4m 33s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a DamType_HTankShell
4m 33s ElonSharpton Killed Player 9 with a DamType_HTankShell
4m 36s Elon'sMusk Killed Azazel with a DamType_HTankShell
4m 37s Rookie Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
4m 37s Rookie Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
4m 40s Player Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
4m 40s Player Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
4m 46s Player Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 51s Humble_Pie Killed DanDare with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
4m 52s leon Killed V4N with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
4m 54s Player Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
4m 55s Player Killed Javiar with a DamTypeHeavyShell
4m 57s Humble_Pie Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
4m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a KingHellHoundBeams
4m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a KingHellHoundBeams
5m 00s Vugluskr Headshot TFSN with a Manta
5m 03s PhariZwheel Killed phred with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
5m 05s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed phred with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Staff_Sergeant with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 13s Elon'sMusk Killed V4N with a DamType_HTankRocket
5m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Killed phred with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 15s Elon'sMusk Killed Azazel with a DamType_LaserBeam
5m 16s BLA$TER Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 17s Merc Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
5m 18s Judas Killed PhRoZeN with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
5m 19s Elon'sMusk Killed Javiar with a DamType_LaserBeam
5m 21s Judas Killed Rookie with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
5m 21s Azazel no point
5m 21s Merc Killed ElonSharpton with a BadgerCannon_Kill
5m 21s ROGER Killed leon with an AVRiL
5m 24s Azazel 5vs2 all the time
5m 26s Judas Killed Vugluskr with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
5m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed Judas with a Link Gun
5m 31s StartupSl1ck Killed AnKeeDo with an Ion Plasma Tank
5m 33s Po)o(tY Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
5m 33s Merc Killed DanDare with a BadgerCannon_Kill
5m 36s BLA$TER Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 36s PhariZwheel Killed Merc with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
5m 37s V4N Killed StartupSl1ck with a FireKill
5m 44s leon Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
5m 45s BLA$TER Killed leon with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 47s Player Killed V4N with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 47s Player Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 48s Justin Killed Azazel with a Goliath
5m 48s Justin Killed TFSN with a Goliath
5m 49s Player Killed Javiar with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 51s PhariZwheel -ab-meathead
5m 51s Justin Killed PhariZwheel with a Goliath
5m 52s Humble_Pie Killed Player with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
5m 53s BLA$TER Killed Rookie with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 56s Justin Killed PhariZwheel with a Goliath
5m 56s Player Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeHeavyShell
5m 59s Azazel do the team balancer thing plz
5m 59s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeHeavyShell
6m 00s Staff_Sergeant hi
6m 03s ROGER Killed Player with an AVRiL
6m 04s Merc Killed gareau with a Destroyed Vehicle
6m 04s ElonSharpton Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
6m 05s Justin Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
6m 05s Justin Killed PhariZwheel with a Goliath
6m 07s Player 9 Killed AnKeeDo with a CentaurBeams
6m 08s Justin Suicided with a Goliath
6m 09s PhRoZeN Killed DanDare with a Leviathan
6m 10s Player 9 Killed ElonSharpton with a CentaurBeams
6m 11s SanitariuM Suicided with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
6m 13s Azazel tfsn stop
6m 15s V4N Killed Player 9 with a Scorpion
6m 16s Elon'sMusk Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
6m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Elon'sMusk with a Lightning Gun
6m 25s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Staff_Sergeant with a Shock Rifle
6m 26s Merc Killed BLA$TER with a CentaurBeams
6m 27s PhRoZeN Killed Player with a Leviathan
6m 32s Staff_Sergeant -plainzero
6m 33s phred Killed TFSN with a BadgerCannon_Kill
6m 38s Merc Killed gareau with a CentaurBeams
6m 40s Merc Killed AnKeeDo with a Scorpion
6m 42s Judas Killed Player with a Shock Rifle
6m 45s Player Killed PhRoZeN with a Rocket Launcher
6m 46s Vugluskr Killed V4N with an AVRiL
6m 46s Rhamp Killed Po)o(tY with an Energy Turret
6m 48s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a BadgerCannon_Kill
6m 49s Judas Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
6m 52s Elon'sMusk Killed ROGER with a DamTypeCSTrickboardKickflip
6m 54s Judas Killed phred with a Railgun
6m 56s ElonSharpton Killed Player with a FireKill
6m 56s Judas Killed Elon'sMusk with a Railgun
6m 57s PhariZwheel az duz cyrogenics is douchebag
7m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a Redeemer
7m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Redeemer
7m 06s Player Killed ElonSharpton with an AVRiL
7m 07s ElonSharpton Killed SanitariuM with a FireKill
7m 08s gareau Killed Rookie with a BiotankKill
7m 11s phred Killed gareau with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
7m 15s Vugluskr Killed AnKeeDo with a FireKill
7m 15s Po)o(tY Killed V4N with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
7m 16s BLA$TER Killed Player with a Goliath
7m 16s phred Killed Player with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
7m 17s Rhamp Killed Merc with an Energy Turret
7m 21s DanDare Killed Rookie with a DamTypeRhinoLasers
7m 24s BLA$TER Killed Player with a Goliath
7m 25s leon Killed Player with a FireKill
7m 28s Player 9 Killed ElonSharpton with a Destroyed Vehicle
7m 29s Vugluskr Killed Javiar with a FireBall
7m 29s BLA$TER Killed Player with a Goliath
7m 30s PhRoZeN Killed gareau with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
7m 32s Elon'sMusk Killed Judas with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
7m 33s Player Killed Elon'sMusk with an AVRiL
7m 33s PhRoZeN Killed Player with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
7m 34s Po)o(tY Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeLinkTank3TurretLasers
7m 35s GuythatkillsU Killed V4N with a Shock Rifle
7m 35s BLA$TER Killed Rookie with a Goliath
7m 35s Azazel Killed PhRoZeN with a KingHellHoundBeams
7m 36s ElonSharpton Carjacked a LinkScorpion3Omni
7m 39s ROGER Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
7m 43s gareau Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireBall
7m 43s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a FireBall
7m 44s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
7m 48s gareau Killed Merc with a FireBall
7m 53s Red Team Captured a Point!
7m 54s Player for what? time's up
7m 55s PhariZwheel he nmeeds to reduce the bullshit in his .ini file
7m 58s Rhamp -leon-gonext
7m 58s TFSN gg
8m 09s PhariZwheel Suicided
8m 09s PhariZwheel Disconnected
8m 10s 11:11 Connected
8m 29s ROGER Headshot Humble_Pie with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
8m 37s Player 9 Killed TFSN with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
8m 38s Player 9 Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
8m 39s Rhamp Knocked phred off a ledge
8m 41s ROGER Headshot GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
8m 43s ROGER Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeCSTrickboardPancake
8m 48s Judas Killed Player with a BioBeam
8m 48s Staff_Sergeant Died from a Goliath
8m 49s Merc Killed Javiar with a Rocket Launcher
8m 50s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
8m 50s Justin Killed Player with a Goliath
8m 52s Azazel Killed leon with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
8m 54s Player Killed Player with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
8m 56s Player Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
8m 57s Player 9 Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
8m 58s Azazel Killed Merc with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
9m 02s Humble_Pie Killed DanDare with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
9m 03s Azazel Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
9m 04s Vugluskr Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 08s Azazel Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
9m 10s StartupSl1ck Suicided with an AVRiL
9m 11s Humble_Pie Killed V4N with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
9m 12s Azazel Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
9m 14s Merc Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
9m 14s Merc Killed Rhamp with an AVRiL
9m 15s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
9m 17s Vugluskr Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 19s BLA$TER Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 19s Judas Killed GuythatkillsU with a BioBeam
9m 22s Merc Killed gareau with a Shock Rifle
9m 24s Judas Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
9m 26s SanitariuM Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
9m 27s 11:11 Killed Vugluskr with a Bio Rifle
9m 27s Rookie Killed Judas with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
9m 29s BLA$TER Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 29s AnKeeDo Killed Po)o(tY with a Leviathan
9m 34s BLA$TER Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 35s GuythatkillsU Killed 11:11 with a Rocket Launcher
9m 36s Staff_Sergeant Killed TFSN with a DamType_HTankShell
9m 37s DanDare Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
9m 42s Judas Killed GuythatkillsU with a CentaurBeams
9m 46s AnKeeDo Killed SanitariuM with a Leviathan
9m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Suicided
9m 47s Player 9 Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
9m 50s BLA$TER Killed Player with a DamTypeHeavyShell
9m 50s Player 9 Killed Javiar with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
9m 51s Azazel Killed leon with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
9m 52s AnKeeDo Killed StartupSl1ck with a Leviathan
9m 59s DanDare Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
10m 01s Judas Killed PhRoZeN with a CentaurBeams
10m 01s ROGER Headshot GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
10m 05s BLA$TER Killed Rookie with a DamTypeHeavyShell
10m 05s Po)o(tY Killed DanDare with a FireKill
10m 17s Justin Headshot Player with a Manta
10m 19s Player 9 Killed DanDare with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
10m 19s 11:11 Killed Elon'sMusk with a KingHellHoundBeams
10m 19s 11:11 Killed leon with a KingHellHoundBeams
10m 20s Azazel Killed SanitariuM with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
10m 23s Merc Killed Rhamp with a Rocket Launcher
10m 23s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Staff_Sergeant with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
10m 23s BUSCHMASTER Killed StartupSl1ck with a Shock Rifle
10m 24s Javiar Killed SanitariuM with a NovaBlast
10m 27s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
10m 31s Humble_Pie Killed Javiar with a DamTypeTyrantCannon
10m 33s ROGER Headshot Merc with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
10m 34s Po)o(tY Killed AnKeeDo with a HeatRay
10m 40s ROGER Carjacked a LinkScorpion3Omni
10m 42s Azazel Killed Elon'sMusk with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
10m 43s Rhamp Killed PhRoZeN with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
10m 44s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player with a Paladin
10m 45s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
10m 45s GuythatkillsU Killed TFSN with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
10m 45s Po)o(tY Killed Judas with a FireBall
10m 47s gareau Killed Po)o(tY with a FireBall
10m 48s phred Killed ROGER with a CentaurBeams
10m 52s Rhamp Killed phred with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
10m 53s AnKeeDo Killed Vugluskr with a FireKill
10m 53s 11:11 Killed SanitariuM with a KingHellHoundCombo
10m 53s Merc Suicided with an AVRiL
10m 54s BLA$TER Killed leon with a DamTypeHeavyShell
10m 54s Justin Headshot Javiar with a Manta
10m 55s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a FlameKill
10m 57s Player Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Railgun
11m 00s GuythatkillsU Killed DanDare with an AVRiL
11m 01s AnKeeDo Killed Humble_Pie with a FireKill
11m 03s Judas Killed Justin with a FireBall
11m 05s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Staff_Sergeant with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
11m 08s Merc Killed bros.Sub-Zero with an AVRiL
11m 12s Javiar Killed Player 9 with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
11m 14s Player Carjacked a FireManta
11m 14s Player Killed gareau with a Railgun
11m 20s Player Killed Player with a Railgun
11m 23s Vugluskr Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
11m 23s Vugluskr Killed TFSN with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
11m 23s leon Killed BLA$TER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
11m 26s ROGER Suicided with a Redeemer
11m 26s Rhamp Killed phred with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
11m 27s 11:11 Killed Vugluskr with a KingHellHoundBeams
11m 27s Javiar Killed StartupSl1ck with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
11m 28s Javiar Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
11m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a BadgerGrenade_Kill
11m 30s Rhamp Killed Merc with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
11m 33s Judas Killed leon with a HeatRay
11m 35s 11:11 Killed PhRoZeN with a KingHellHoundBeams
11m 38s Player 9 Killed DanDare with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
11m 38s Judas Killed Po)o(tY with a FireBall
11m 39s Elon'sMusk Killed 11:11 with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
11m 39s Rhamp Killed Rookie with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
11m 40s ElonSharpton Killed GuythatkillsU with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
11m 40s leon Killed gareau with a DamTypeIonTankShockwave
11m 42s ElonSharpton Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
11m 43s Judas Killed Elon'sMusk with a HeatRay
11m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
11m 48s Elon'sMusk Killed AnKeeDo with a Lightning Gun
11m 49s Player it's almost listening to a solitary bit of complaint/feedback before moving the amp to cores...
11m 51s ElonSharpton Killed GuythatkillsU with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
11m 52s Player ...was a bad idea
11m 54s AnKeeDo Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
11m 56s Azazel Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
11m 56s Player as if*
11m 57s phred Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeTyrantCannon
11m 58s SanitariuM Killed Azazel with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
11m 58s Judas Killed leon with a FireBall
11m 58s Rhamp Killed Merc with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
12m 06s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 9 with a Goliath
12m 08s Rhamp Killed Merc with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
12m 09s BUSCHMASTER Killed Rookie with a Goliath
12m 12s Judas Killed SanitariuM with a FireKill
12m 13s 11:11 Killed phred with a Railgun
12m 15s Judas Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
12m 17s BUSCHMASTER Killed Po)o(tY with a Goliath
12m 17s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a Paladin
12m 17s Justin Killed gareau with a FlameKill
12m 21s DanDare Suicided with an AVRiL
12m 21s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with an Ion Plasma Tank
12m 25s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a Paladin
12m 25s StartupSl1ck Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
12m 27s Judas Suicided with a FlameKill
12m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Po)o(tY with an Ion Plasma Tank
12m 28s Player Killed Justin with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
12m 30s GuythatkillsU Headshot TFSN with a Manta
12m 31s Rhamp Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
12m 32s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player with a Goliath
12m 32s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a Scorpion
12m 33s PhRoZeN Killed AnKeeDo with a Goliath
12m 35s ROGER Headshot Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
12m 37s Rhamp Killed Rookie with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
12m 41s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with an Ion Plasma Tank
12m 42s Justin Killed BLA$TER with a Link Gun
12m 42s Judas Killed StartupSl1ck with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
12m 43s Azazel Killed Staff_Sergeant with a BadgerCannon_Kill
12m 44s 11:11 Killed Po)o(tY with a Railgun
12m 46s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeHeavyShell
12m 48s Azazel Killed Po)o(tY with a BadgerCannon_Kill
12m 48s TFSN Killed Humble_Pie with a LIPDamTypePlasmaFried
12m 55s BUSCHMASTER Killed SanitariuM with a Goliath
12m 57s Judas Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
12m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
12m 58s StartupSl1ck Killed 11:11 with an AVRiL
12m 59s gareau Killed PhRoZeN with a FireKill
13m 00s Elon'sMusk Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeHeavyShockCannon
13m 02s Player 9 Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 03s gareau Carjacked a ONSMobreaker
13m 03s Player 9 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 07s ElonSharpton Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
13m 10s Player 9 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 15s GuythatkillsU Killed ElonSharpton with a Paladin
13m 16s Judas Killed Humble_Pie with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 19s Staff_Sergeant SPEED IS IMPORTANT TOO
13m 21s Justin Killed TFSN with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
13m 22s Justin Killed gareau with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
13m 23s Player 9 Killed Javiar with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 25s Elon'sMusk Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeHeavyShell
13m 27s Judas Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 29s Judas Killed Merc with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 31s Judas Killed SanitariuM with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 35s Po)o(tY Killed Rhamp with a Rocket Launcher
13m 35s StartupSl1ck Killed DanDare with an AVRiL
13m 36s Judas Killed GuythatkillsU with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 37s ElonSharpton Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerCannon_Kill
13m 37s Rhamp fuck
13m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeRhinoLasers
13m 39s BLA$TER Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeHeavyShell
13m 46s PhRoZeN Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
13m 47s Azazel noty
13m 49s Player 9 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
13m 52s BUSCHMASTER Killed phred with a Railgun
13m 53s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeHeavyShell
13m 54s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
13m 56s Judas Killed SanitariuM with a Flak Cannon
13m 56s gareau Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
14m 00s Humble_Pie Killed 11:11 with a FlameKill
14m 02s Po)o(tY Killed V4N with a Leviathan
14m 02s BUSCHMASTER Killed Rookie with a Railgun
14m 03s gareau Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
14m 06s ElonSharpton Killed Staff_Sergeant with a BadgerCannon_Kill
14m 07s AnKeeDo Killed Humble_Pie with a DamType_HTankShell
14m 08s Player Killed Azazel with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
14m 08s Rhamp Killed SanitariuM with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
14m 09s DanDare Killed leon with a NovaBlast
14m 10s phred Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
14m 11s Azazel Carjacked a FirebugV2Omni
14m 13s PhRoZeN Killed gareau with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
14m 13s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
14m 16s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a Rocket Launcher
14m 16s phred Killed TFSN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
14m 18s Merc Killed Judas with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
14m 18s BUSCHMASTER Killed Elon'sMusk with a Railgun
14m 19s Humble_Pie Killed AnKeeDo with a CentaurBeams
14m 20s Player Killed PhRoZeN with a Vehicle Explosion
14m 20s Player Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
14m 20s BUSCHMASTER Killed phred with a Railgun
14m 21s Po)o(tY Killed ElonSharpton with a Rocket Launcher
14m 24s Rhamp Killed Player with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
14m 29s Rhamp Killed Humble_Pie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
14m 31s Player Killed Merc with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
14m 36s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
14m 45s Judas Killed Player 9 with a FireBall
14m 47s Po)o(tY Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Rocket Launcher
14m 49s BUSCHMASTER Killed Rookie with a Railgun
14m 49s Judas Killed Justin with a FireBall
14m 55s Vugluskr Killed BLA$TER with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
14m 55s Vugluskr Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
14m 55s Vugluskr Suicided with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
14m 58s GuythatkillsU Killed Azazel with a BiotankKill
14m 59s Rhamp Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
15m 03s AnKeeDo Killed Humble_Pie with a Leviathan
15m 07s gareau Killed Vugluskr with a BiotankKill
15m 10s AnKeeDo Killed phred with a Leviathan
15m 11s Judas Killed Rookie with a FireBall
15m 14s 11:11 Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
15m 18s gareau Killed phred with a BiotankKill
15m 21s StartupSl1ck Suicided with an AVRiL
15m 21s ROGER Killed Justin with a Minigun
15m 22s Merc Killed ROGER with a CerberusChainGun
15m 25s Merc Killed Player with a CerberusChainGun
15m 27s SanitariuM Killed TFSN with a FireBall
15m 27s Player 9 Killed 11:11 with a FlameKill
15m 27s Rookie Killed ElonSharpton with a FireBall
15m 30s AnKeeDo Killed SanitariuM with a Leviathan
15m 33s phred Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
15m 35s Vugluskr Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
15m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
15m 41s Player Killed Justin with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 41s Rookie Killed DanDare with a FireBall
15m 43s Rhamp Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
15m 45s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a Goliath
15m 45s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
15m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Merc with a Goliath
15m 48s Elon'sMusk Killed Rhamp with a Railgun
15m 50s Player Killed Justin with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 52s GuythatkillsU Killed BLA$TER with a BioBeam
15m 56s ElonSharpton Killed Player with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
15m 56s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Elon'sMusk with a Goliath
15m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Merc with a Goliath
15m 59s ROGER Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeCSTrickboardPancake
15m 59s SanitariuM Killed V4N with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
16m 00s Humble_Pie Killed ROGER with a Redeemer
16m 03s BUSCHMASTER Killed phred with a Railgun
16m 04s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Merc with a Goliath
16m 05s ElonSharpton Killed PhRoZeN with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
16m 10s Azazel Killed Rookie with a Link Gun
16m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Merc with a Goliath
16m 10s Vugluskr Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Goliath
16m 12s ElonSharpton Killed SanitariuM with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
16m 12s Justin Killed TFSN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
16m 16s ElonSharpton Killed Staff_Sergeant with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
16m 16s leon Killed 11:11 with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
16m 19s ElonSharpton Killed Justin with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
16m 23s Judas Killed phred with a CerberusChainGun
16m 29s BUSCHMASTER Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
16m 30s Javiar Killed leon with a NovaBlast
16m 32s Merc Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
16m 34s Judas Killed GuythatkillsU with a CerberusChainGun
16m 34s Player Killed Elon'sMusk with an Ion Plasma Tank
16m 40s 11:11 Killed PhRoZeN with a CentaurBeams
16m 41s Judas Killed Player 9 with a CerberusChainGun
16m 45s Player Killed Po)o(tY with a Shock Rifle
16m 49s Vugluskr Killed 11:11 with a Goliath
16m 49s Merc Killed Player with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
16m 52s gareau Killed Rookie with a BiotankKill
16m 52s Judas Killed Humble_Pie with a Shock Rifle
16m 52s phred Killed 11:11 with a Paladin
16m 55s phred Killed 11:11 with a Paladin
16m 55s Vugluskr Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Goliath
16m 58s phred Killed 11:11 with a Paladin
16m 58s Player Killed Merc with an AVRiL
16m 58s Elon'sMusk Killed V4N with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
17m 01s phred Killed 11:11 with a Paladin
17m 03s Player Killed DanDare with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 03s Player Killed gareau with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 05s Vugluskr Killed Player with a Goliath
17m 11s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a BioTank
17m 11s BLA$TER Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 11s BLA$TER Killed leon with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 11s BUSCHMASTER Killed Merc with a Railgun
17m 14s BLA$TER Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 17s BLA$TER Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 17s phred Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Paladin
17m 21s Po)o(tY Killed Javiar with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
17m 24s 11:11 Killed phred with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
17m 25s Po)o(tY Killed AnKeeDo with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
17m 27s Humble_Pie Killed TFSN with a Rocket Launcher
17m 28s BUSCHMASTER Killed Po)o(tY with a Railgun
17m 28s Player Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
17m 29s BLA$TER Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 30s Azazel Killed Player with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
17m 33s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
17m 33s gareau Killed Player 9 with a Rocket Launcher
17m 34s 11:11 Killed Rookie with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
17m 34s Vugluskr Killed 11:11 with a Goliath
17m 41s Vugluskr Killed Rhamp with a Goliath
17m 47s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a Railgun
17m 48s BLA$TER Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeHeavyShell
17m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
17m 49s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
17m 50s Player Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
17m 51s Azazel Killed leon with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
17m 52s BUSCHMASTER Killed PhRoZeN with a Railgun
17m 53s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Staff_Sergeant with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
17m 53s ROGER Killed Justin with an Ion Cannon
17m 55s Azazel hi leon
17m 56s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
18m 00s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
18m 00s Merc Killed V4N with an AVRiL
18m 02s SanitariuM Killed DanDare with a CentaurBeams
18m 02s AnKeeDo Killed SanitariuM with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
18m 02s Player 9 Killed Azazel with an AVRiL
18m 03s phred Killed gareau with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
18m 07s Elon'sMusk Killed AnKeeDo with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
18m 07s phred Killed Azazel with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
18m 10s Player Killed Azazel with a Redeemer
18m 10s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
18m 14s BLA$TER Killed Player with a DamTypeHeavyShell
18m 15s Elon'sMusk Killed Judas with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
18m 19s Rhamp Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeRailTurret
18m 20s StartupSl1ck Killed 11:11 with a Leviathan
18m 23s Vugluskr Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a FireBall
18m 24s phred Killed gareau with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
18m 24s Rhamp Killed Po)o(tY with a Rocket Launcher
18m 24s ElonSharpton Killed Merc with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
18m 25s StartupSl1ck Killed TFSN with a Leviathan
18m 25s StartupSl1ck Killed Azazel with a Leviathan
18m 28s DanDare Suicided
18m 30s Vugluskr Killed ElonSharpton with a FireKill
18m 30s gareau Killed phred with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
18m 32s 11:11 Killed StartupSl1ck with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
18m 34s GuythatkillsU Killed 11:11 with a FireKill
18m 36s Vugluskr Killed BUSCHMASTER with a FireKill
18m 37s DanDare Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
18m 37s Staff_Sergeant Killed Azazel with a Paladin
18m 39s Merc Killed ROGER with a BiotankKill
18m 40s Staff_Sergeant Killed 11:11 with a Paladin
18m 41s Player Killed Justin with a Destroyed Vehicle
18m 41s Azazel i had no time until then
18m 46s phred Killed DanDare with a KingHellHoundBeams
18m 47s bros.Sub-Zero Killed GuythatkillsU with a KingHellHoundCombo
18m 51s Azazel Killed Staff_Sergeant with a Rocket Launcher
18m 58s 11:11 Killed Rookie with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
18m 59s AnKeeDo Killed Justin with a Goliath
19m 00s BUSCHMASTER Killed phred with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
19m 00s Player Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
19m 02s BLA$TER Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeHeavyShell
19m 03s StartupSl1ck Killed 11:11 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
19m 03s Player Killed Justin with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
19m 04s bros.Sub-Zero Killed phred with a KingHoundSkyMine
19m 05s Merc Killed V4N with a BiotankKill
19m 05s Player Killed Judas with a Redeemer
19m 05s Player Suicided with a Redeemer
19m 06s V4N Killed Merc with a FireKill
19m 06s PhRoZeN Killed gareau with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
19m 08s Player Killed phred with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
19m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a KingHellHoundCombo
19m 11s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
19m 12s Po)o(tY Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeHeavyShell
19m 15s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeRailTurret
19m 19s Player Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
19m 20s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a Goliath
19m 20s Azazel Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
19m 20s Rookie Killed DanDare with a FireKill
19m 24s AnKeeDo Killed Po)o(tY with a Goliath
19m 25s Player Killed SanitariuM with a Vehicle Explosion
19m 25s Vugluskr Killed Javiar with a DamType_HTankShell
19m 29s Elon'sMusk Fell to their death
19m 30s GuythatkillsU Died from a DamTypeHeavyTankDrone
19m 32s Rookie Killed BUSCHMASTER with a LIPDamTypePlasmaTankPANCAKE
19m 32s AnKeeDo Killed Player 9 with a Goliath
19m 33s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a DamType_HTankShell
19m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Merc with a Railgun
19m 35s Rookie Killed TFSN with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
19m 36s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a Goliath
19m 36s 11:11 Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
19m 38s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
19m 40s AnKeeDo Killed phred with a Goliath
19m 40s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Railgun
19m 41s Po)o(tY Killed 11:11 with an Energy Turret
19m 41s Player Killed BLA$TER with a DamType_PredatorRocket
19m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed leon with a Railgun
19m 47s V4N Killed PhRoZeN with a DamType_HTankRocket
19m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
19m 50s Rhamp Killed Player with a CentaurBeams
19m 52s bros.Sub-Zero Killed phred with a Railgun
19m 53s SanitariuM Killed Javiar with a Paladin
19m 56s AnKeeDo Killed Po)o(tY with a Goliath
19m 57s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a Railgun
19m 58s Elon'sMusk Killed Player with a FlameKill
20m 01s Judas Killed GuythatkillsU with a FireBall
20m 07s Azazel Killed SanitariuM with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
20m 09s Judas Killed Merc with a FireBall
20m 10s Azazel Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
20m 14s leon Killed ElonSharpton with an AVRiL
20m 14s Po)o(tY Killed Judas with a FireBall
20m 16s BLA$TER Suicided from Reckless Driving
20m 18s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a DamType_HTankRocket
20m 18s Player Killed DanDare with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
20m 20s BUSCHMASTER Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
20m 21s Player 9 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
20m 21s Rookie Killed 11:11 with a FireBall
20m 22s Elon'sMusk Killed Azazel with a FlameKill
20m 24s AnKeeDo Killed Po)o(tY with a Goliath
20m 24s StartupSl1ck Killed BUSCHMASTER with an AVRiL
20m 25s DanDare Suicided
20m 27s Judas Killed PhRoZeN with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
20m 27s Judas Killed Player 9 with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
20m 27s SanitariuM Carjacked a Badger
20m 29s Player Killed Elon'sMusk with a CentaurBeams
20m 31s Judas Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
20m 35s GuythatkillsU Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
20m 35s Judas Killed SanitariuM with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
20m 38s AnKeeDo Suicided with a Goliath
20m 38s Rookie Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Goliath
20m 38s Rookie Suicided with a FireBall
20m 39s Vugluskr Killed Javiar with a DamType_HTankShell
20m 41s ROGER Killed GuythatkillsU with an AVRiL
20m 43s gareau Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
20m 44s Judas Killed Player 9 with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
20m 46s Player Killed Player with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
20m 48s V4N Killed Po)o(tY with a DamType_HTankRocket
20m 50s Staff_Sergeant Killed TFSN with a Minigun
20m 50s DanDare Killed Player with a DamTypeFlakRatOmniChunk
20m 55s gareau Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
20m 57s gareau Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
20m 59s 11:11 Killed phred with an Ion Plasma Tank
20m 59s Elon'sMusk Killed Judas with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
20m 59s Humble_Pie Killed Azazel with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
21m 01s Player 9 Killed V4N with a CentaurBeams
21m 01s Rhamp Killed GuythatkillsU with a Redeemer
21m 02s Rhamp Suicided with a Redeemer
21m 02s Player 9 Killed gareau with a CentaurBeams
21m 04s ElonSharpton Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
21m 04s Humble_Pie Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
21m 05s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a DamType_PredatorMissile
21m 06s phred Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
21m 08s 11:11 Killed Player 9 with an Ion Plasma Tank
21m 11s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
21m 14s bros.Sub-Zero Killed phred with a Railgun
21m 17s Elon'sMusk Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
21m 18s 11:11 Killed Merc with an Ion Plasma Tank
21m 22s Player Killed ROGER with a Rocket Launcher
21m 26s Judas Killed leon with a Shock Rifle
21m 26s StartupSl1ck Killed ElonSharpton with a LIPDamTypePlasmaFried
21m 28s Elon'sMusk Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
21m 28s Azazel Killed Staff_Sergeant with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
21m 29s Po)o(tY Killed DanDare with a DamTypeHeavyShell
21m 30s Player 9 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Paladin
21m 32s Elon'sMusk Killed Azazel with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
21m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
21m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Elon'sMusk with a Railgun
21m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
21m 42s Rookie Killed Judas with a Lightning Gun
21m 44s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
21m 45s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
21m 48s Justin Killed ROGER with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
21m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Staff_Sergeant with a Railgun
21m 50s BUSCHMASTER Killed Humble_Pie with a KingHellHoundCombo
21m 53s Vugluskr Killed 11:11 with a FireKill
21m 56s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
21m 57s AnKeeDo Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
21m 58s BUSCHMASTER Killed SanitariuM with a KingHellHoundCombo
21m 59s PhRoZeN Killed V4N with a BiotankKill
22m 00s AnKeeDo Killed Merc with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
22m 00s DanDare Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
22m 00s Javiar Killed phred with a Shock Rifle
22m 02s Merc Knocked BLA$TER off a ledge
22m 03s ElonSharpton Killed Po)o(tY with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
22m 07s Justin Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
22m 10s TFSN Killed Justin with an AVRiL
22m 12s Elon'sMusk Killed 11:11 with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
22m 12s DanDare Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
22m 15s GuythatkillsU Carjacked a FireManta
22m 15s GuythatkillsU Headshot Player with a Manta
22m 17s GuythatkillsU Headshot Javiar with a Manta
22m 18s Azazel Killed Player with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
22m 21s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a CentaurBeams
22m 22s Rhamp Killed phred with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
22m 22s Player 9 Killed DanDare with a Shock Rifle
22m 24s BUSCHMASTER Killed SanitariuM with a KingHellHoundCombo
22m 25s V4N wait for me :p
22m 30s StartupSl1ck Killed ElonSharpton with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
22m 31s leon Killed 11:11 with a Minigun
22m 33s Judas Killed Justin with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
22m 36s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
22m 36s Player janky-ass shit, levi literally gets stuck ong eometry as soon as it touches the train
22m 36s Judas Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
22m 40s 11:11 Headshot leon with a Lightning Gun
22m 45s ElonSharpton Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
22m 45s Javiar Suicided with a Flak Cannon
22m 45s Judas Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
22m 46s Elon'sMusk Killed 11:11 with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
22m 49s Judas Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
22m 50s ROGER Killed SanitariuM with a Leviathan
22m 50s BUSCHMASTER Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
22m 53s Rookie Killed ElonSharpton with a FireBall
22m 54s AnKeeDo Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
22m 55s ROGER Killed leon with a Leviathan
22m 57s Azazel Killed Po)o(tY with a Link Gun
23m 01s ROGER Killed GuythatkillsU with a Leviathan
23m 01s ROGER Killed leon with a Leviathan
23m 03s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a Railgun
23m 03s Player Killed Azazel with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
23m 04s StartupSl1ck Killed Judas with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
23m 06s SanitariuM Died from a Leviathan
23m 09s 11:11 Killed Merc with a KingHellHoundCombo
23m 11s Player Killed 11:11 with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
23m 12s PhRoZeN Killed Judas with a Goliath
23m 12s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeHeavyShell
23m 12s leon Killed ROGER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
23m 14s Blue Team Captured a Point!
23m 24s TFSN Suicided
23m 24s TFSN Disconnected
23m 27s ws.snarf Connected
23m 29s 11:11 Disconnected
23m 31s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
23m 32s Player this edit really is a dog's breakfast compared to vclassic TMU
23m 42s Staff_Sergeant Suicided
23m 42s Staff_Sergeant Disconnected
23m 43s Techempire2684 Connected
24m 01s Rhamp Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
24m 02s Merc Killed Javiar with a DamType_PredatorRocket
24m 05s Player Killed Justin with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
24m 07s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Elon'sMusk with a Railgun
24m 07s StartupSl1ck Killed BUSCHMASTER with a NovaBlast
24m 13s Player Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
24m 13s Player Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
24m 13s Po)o(tY Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
24m 13s Player Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
24m 14s Player 9 Killed Rhamp with a DamType_LaserBeam
24m 19s Vugluskr Killed V4N with a DamTypeHeavyShell
24m 24s Techempire2684 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
24m 28s leon Killed DanDare with a Goliath
24m 28s Judas Killed Merc with a DamTypeHeavyChainGun
24m 28s Merc Killed Player with a DamType_PredatorRocket
24m 31s ws.snarf Killed phred with a Leviathan
24m 32s Judas Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeHeavyShell
24m 33s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Justin with a HeatRay
24m 35s gareau Killed Player with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
24m 36s Elon'sMusk Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Shock Rifle
24m 36s ws.snarf Killed Elon'sMusk with a Leviathan
24m 37s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
24m 37s leon Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Goliath
24m 37s leon Suicided with a Goliath
24m 39s Player 9 Killed BLA$TER with a DamType_HTankShell
24m 39s Rhamp Killed Rookie with a Flak Cannon
24m 42s V4N dd 3eadw
24m 42s ws.snarf Killed Merc with a Leviathan
24m 44s ws.snarf Killed phred with a DamTypeRailTurret
24m 44s Player 9 Killed gareau with a DamType_LaserBeam
24m 46s ElonSharpton Killed PhRoZeN with a Goliath
24m 57s Po)o(tY Killed Player with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
25m 01s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeRailTurret
25m 01s ws.snarf Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeRailTurret
25m 02s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a Shock Rifle
25m 05s ElonSharpton Killed Humble_Pie with a Goliath
25m 06s Judas Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeHeavyShell
25m 06s V4N Killed Justin with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
25m 09s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player with a Shock Rifle
25m 09s Rhamp Killed Techempire2684 with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProjSmall
25m 10s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an AVRiL
25m 13s ROGER Suicided from Reckless Driving
25m 14s Azazel Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
25m 14s Player 9 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamType_HTankShell
25m 14s Player 9 Killed gareau with a DamType_HTankShell
25m 19s StartupSl1ck Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Railgun
25m 22s Azazel Killed phred with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
25m 23s DanDare Killed Player 9 with a CentaurBeams
25m 25s V4N ty
25m 25s Judas Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeHeavyShell
25m 25s SanitariuM Killed Javiar with a BadgerCannon_Kill
25m 26s ws.snarf Killed SanitariuM with a Leviathan
25m 28s ElonSharpton Killed Vugluskr with a Goliath
25m 34s Judas Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeHeavyShell
25m 39s Judas Killed phred with a DamTypeHeavyShell
25m 39s Techempire2684 Killed DanDare with a Shock Rifle
25m 39s Azazel Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
25m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Techempire2684 with a KingHellHoundCombo
25m 40s ElonSharpton Killed leon with a Goliath
25m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player with a KingHellHoundCombo
25m 43s V4N Killed Vugluskr with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
25m 45s bros.Sub-Zero Killed PhRoZeN with a KingHellHoundBeams
25m 47s Player Killed Player 9 with an Ion Plasma Tank
25m 47s Justin Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
25m 50s ws.snarf Killed Merc with a Rocket Launcher
25m 51s V4N Killed StartupSl1ck with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
25m 53s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
25m 54s Elon'sMusk Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
25m 54s Justin Killed V4N with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
25m 59s leon Headshot AnKeeDo with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
26m 00s Humble_Pie Killed gareau with an Energy Turret
26m 01s gareau Killed Humble_Pie with a Rocket Launcher
26m 01s leon Carjacked a FirebugV2Omni
26m 01s Rhamp Killed Merc with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
26m 02s Player Killed SanitariuM with an Ion Plasma Tank
26m 03s leon Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeFirebugRoadkill
26m 03s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a KingHellHoundCombo
26m 05s ROGER Killed StartupSl1ck with a Redeemer
26m 08s Rhamp Killed Merc with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
26m 12s Player Killed ROGER with a DamTypeHeavyShell
26m 12s Rhamp Knocked bros.Sub-Zero off a ledge
26m 13s Rookie Killed Rhamp with a FlameKill
26m 16s BLA$TER Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
26m 17s Player Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeHeavyShell
26m 18s Rookie Knocked Azazel off a ledge
26m 18s AnKeeDo Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
26m 21s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a DamTypeIonTankShockwave
26m 24s Po)o(tY Killed DanDare with a Shock Rifle
26m 26s AnKeeDo Killed leon with an Ion Plasma Tank
26m 27s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
26m 32s Elon'sMusk Killed BLA$TER with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
26m 32s AnKeeDo Killed Justin with an Ion Plasma Tank
26m 35s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Techempire2684 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
26m 35s Unicorn_Vomit Killed phred with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
26m 35s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a CSRhinoSecondaryTurretKill
26m 37s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeHeavyChainGun
26m 39s Player Killed Player with a DamTypeHeavyShell
26m 49s gareau Killed Rookie with a DamType_HTankRocket
26m 50s V4N Killed Player 9 with a BiotankKill
26m 51s leon Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Goliath
26m 56s ws.snarf Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeHeavyChainGun
27m 01s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with an Ion Plasma Tank
27m 02s gareau Killed Vugluskr with a DamType_HTankShell
27m 02s SanitariuM Killed DanDare with a BadgerCannon_Kill
27m 07s BUSCHMASTER Killed phred with a Railgun
27m 08s Azazel Killed StartupSl1ck with a Shock Rifle
27m 09s Rhamp Killed SanitariuM with a BioBeam
27m 11s leon Killed Javiar with a Goliath
27m 13s Merc Killed AnKeeDo with an AVRiL
27m 13s Judas Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeHeavyShell
27m 15s Justin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
27m 17s DanDare Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
27m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a KingHellHoundCombo
27m 20s Player it's making the map's border so easy for heavier vecs to cliumb that's the problem
27m 24s phred Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
27m 25s Merc Killed gareau with an AVRiL
27m 26s Techempire2684 Killed Azazel with a BiotankKill
27m 26s BLA$TER Killed Merc with a DamType_PredatorMissile
27m 28s Techempire2684 Killed BUSCHMASTER with a BiotankKill
27m 30s Po)o(tY no that's the feature
27m 34s Player Killed Azazel with a DamTypeHeavyShell
27m 37s AnKeeDo Headshot Rookie with a Manta
27m 37s Vugluskr Killed ROGER with a FireBall
27m 37s DanDare Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
27m 38s Judas Killed Techempire2684 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
27m 38s Player yeah, a bad feature
27m 39s PhRoZeN Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
27m 41s Player 9 Killed V4N with a CentaurBeams
27m 41s Elon'sMusk Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
27m 41s DanDare Killed phred with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
27m 42s V4N Killed Po)o(tY with a BiotankKill
27m 42s V4N Killed leon with a BiotankKill
27m 43s ElonSharpton Killed Justin with a Goliath
27m 43s Judas Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
27m 49s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Player with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
27m 53s Azazel Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeGoliathIIaChainGun
28m 03s PhRoZeN Killed ws.snarf with a Vehicle Explosion
28m 04s Azazel Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaChainGun
28m 04s Azazel Killed Techempire2684 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaChainGun
28m 04s leon Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
28m 06s phred Killed BUSCHMASTER with a FireBall
28m 10s Player 9 Killed Azazel with a NovaBlast
28m 10s Player 9 Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a NovaBlast
28m 12s Humble_Pie Killed V4N with a Rocket Launcher
28m 13s Elon'sMusk Killed DanDare with a Grenade Launcher
28m 13s DanDare Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 14s Justin Killed gareau with a CentaurBeams
28m 14s BUSCHMASTER Killed phred with a CentaurBeams
28m 18s Player how about we do this for fucken once: we nerf BOTH tanks AND flyers? as in de-omnifying shit
28m 20s Player Killed GuythatkillsU with a Lightning Gun
28m 21s ROGER Killed phred with a Redeemer
28m 21s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a CentaurBeams
28m 21s Player 9 Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
28m 26s Rhamp Killed StartupSl1ck with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
28m 26s leon Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
28m 26s ElonSharpton Killed Player 9 with a Goliath
28m 27s Player how about we do this for fucken once: we nerf BOTH tanks AND flyers? as in de-omnifying shit
28m 28s ElonSharpton Killed SanitariuM with a Goliath
28m 31s ROGER Killed Rookie with a Minigun
28m 32s Judas Killed Elon'sMusk with a Shock Rifle
28m 35s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Techempire2684 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
28m 35s Player enyo no
28m 38s Vugluskr Killed DanDare with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
28m 39s Judas Killed PhRoZeN with a Shock Rifle
28m 39s Po)o(tY Killed Rhamp with a Shock Rifle
28m 40s Vugluskr Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
28m 41s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
28m 43s leon Killed ROGER with a Raptor
28m 45s Player how bout we dont
28m 45s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Flak Cannon
28m 46s Vugluskr Killed Azazel with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
28m 46s Vugluskr Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
28m 46s Player Knocked Po)o(tY off a ledge
28m 52s Elon'sMusk Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
28m 52s Player 9 Suicided with an AVRiL
28m 57s StartupSl1ck Killed Javiar with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
28m 57s ws.snarf we have maps with regular vehicles, vote for them
29m 01s Azazel how about we randomify dmg numbers :D
29m 05s Player Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 05s Player Killed phred with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 06s Player Killed Techempire2684 with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 08s ElonSharpton Killed Player 9 with a Goliath
29m 12s Merc Killed V4N with an AVRiL
29m 14s Rhamp Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
29m 15s Rookie Killed Rhamp with a FireBall
29m 15s Rookie Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a FireBall
29m 16s Judas Killed Merc with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
29m 17s ROGER Killed Humble_Pie with a Rocket Launcher
29m 17s Judas Killed Rookie with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
29m 20s ws.snarf Killed Player 9 with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
29m 22s phred Killed Judas with a Railgun
29m 23s Player Killed Rookie with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 23s Player Killed Techempire2684 with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 28s BUSCHMASTER Killed Techempire2684 with a BadgerRoadkill
29m 28s ROGER Killed phred with a Rocket Launcher
29m 28s Justin Killed DanDare with a Shock Rifle
29m 30s ROGER Killed Justin with a Rocket Launcher
29m 30s SanitariuM Headshot Unicorn_Vomit with a Manta
29m 31s ROGER Died from a Vehicle Explosion
29m 32s Vugluskr Killed gareau with a FireBall
29m 32s Javiar Killed StartupSl1ck with an AVRiL
29m 32s ws.snarf Killed Rookie with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
29m 32s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 9 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
29m 34s Vugluskr Killed AnKeeDo with a FireBall
29m 34s Azazel Carjacked a CSRhino
29m 34s Elon'sMusk Killed Azazel with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
29m 36s Player Killed Humble_Pie with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 38s Rhamp Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
29m 40s ws.snarf Killed Rookie with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
29m 40s Vugluskr Carjacked a FireTankV2Omni
29m 43s Rhamp Killed Player with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
29m 44s Elon'sMusk Killed Javiar with a Shock Rifle
29m 47s BUSCHMASTER Killed Elon'sMusk with a BadgerCannon_Kill
29m 52s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 9 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
29m 55s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a Railgun
29m 57s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
29m 57s AnKeeDo Killed Vugluskr with an Ion Plasma Tank
29m 59s Judas Killed phred with a CentaurBeams
30m 00s Humble_Pie Killed Player with an AVRiL
30m 00s Elon'sMusk Killed V4N with a DamType_HTankShell
30m 01s BLA$TER Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeHeavyShell
30m 03s ElonSharpton Killed leon with a Goliath
30m 07s BLA$TER Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeHeavyShell
30m 07s BLA$TER Killed Techempire2684 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
30m 10s BLA$TER Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeHeavyShell
30m 11s AnKeeDo Killed phred with an Ion Plasma Tank
30m 14s ws.snarf Knocked SanitariuM off a ledge
30m 18s Elon'sMusk Killed Rhamp with a DamType_LaserBeam
30m 18s BLA$TER Killed phred with a DamTypeHeavyShell
30m 22s ws.snarf Killed PhRoZeN with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
30m 22s Unicorn_Vomit Killed StartupSl1ck with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
30m 23s DanDare Killed Player 9 with a DamType_HTankRocket
30m 23s gareau Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
30m 25s gareau Killed phred with a FireBall
30m 26s BLA$TER Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeHeavyShell
30m 29s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Justin with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
30m 29s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Merc with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
30m 29s BLA$TER Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeHeavyShell
30m 29s gareau Killed SanitariuM with a FireBall
30m 29s Humble_Pie Killed BLA$TER with an AVRiL
30m 30s GuythatkillsU Killed ROGER with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
30m 31s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Po)o(tY with a Railgun
30m 32s Rookie Killed AnKeeDo with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
30m 35s ElonSharpton Killed Rookie with a Goliath
30m 35s ElonSharpton Killed Techempire2684 with a Goliath
30m 40s BUSCHMASTER Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
30m 41s Merc Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a NovaBlast
30m 46s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a BadgerCannon_Kill
30m 48s Player Killed gareau with a Goliath
30m 51s ws.snarf Killed Elon'sMusk with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
30m 54s BUSCHMASTER Killed Techempire2684 with a BadgerGrenade_Kill
30m 55s ElonSharpton Killed leon with a Goliath
30m 58s ElonSharpton Killed StartupSl1ck with a Goliath
30m 58s Javiar Suicided from Reckless Driving
30m 58s ROGER Headshot Humble_Pie with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
31m 00s Player Killed AnKeeDo with a Goliath
31m 00s AnKeeDo Killed Player with a FireKill
31m 01s bros.Sub-Zero sup staffaroo
31m 02s Judas Killed Player 9 with a CentaurBeams
31m 03s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
31m 06s DanDare Killed SanitariuM with a DamType_HTankRocket
31m 06s Unicorn_Vomit yes sir we need a new sever
31m 07s Merc Killed Vugluskr with a Scorpion
31m 07s ROGER Headshot Humble_Pie with a DamTypeCSTrickboardHeadshot
31m 10s Player Headshot Justin with a Lightning Gun
31m 11s Player yes, Enyo, it's all a conspiracy to sppite you
31m 13s Player Killed SanitariuM with a Lightning Gun
31m 13s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Rookie with a Railgun
31m 13s Unicorn_Vomit 50 man server
31m 14s Azazel Killed Merc with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
31m 15s Azazel Died from a Destroyed Vehicle
31m 15s ws.snarf Knocked PhRoZeN off a ledge
31m 18s Player lol
31m 19s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
31m 20s GuythatkillsU Killed DanDare with an AVRiL
31m 25s Elon'sMusk Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeRailTurret
31m 26s Player Killed Justin with a Lightning Gun
31m 33s Azazel on a sunday no less
31m 34s Elon'sMusk Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Rocket Launcher
31m 35s Javiar Killed Techempire2684 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
31m 35s Javiar Killed phred with a BadgerCannon_Kill
31m 36s Player Headshot Justin with a Lightning Gun
31m 36s BLA$TER Killed leon with a FireBall
31m 38s Judas Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
31m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Humble_Pie with a Railgun
31m 39s Vugluskr Killed Javiar with a DamTypeBastionProximityExplosion
31m 44s Vugluskr Killed Judas with a Paladin
31m 45s gareau Killed Justin with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
31m 45s Merc Killed ROGER with an AVRiL
31m 45s BLA$TER Killed phred with a FireKill
31m 46s Unicorn_Vomit Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
31m 46s ws.snarf Killed GuythatkillsU with a Shock Rifle
31m 46s ws.snarf Killed Po)o(tY with a Shock Rifle
31m 48s PhRoZeN Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeHeavyShell
31m 53s BLA$TER Killed leon with a FireBall
31m 55s phred Killed gareau with an Energy Turret
31m 55s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
31m 56s Player Killed Azazel with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
31m 56s Rhamp Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeLinkTank3Plasma
31m 59s Player Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexTouch
32m 01s BLA$TER Killed Vugluskr with a FireBall
32m 02s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Merc with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 03s AnKeeDo Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
32m 04s Player Killed BLA$TER with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
32m 04s Player Killed Rhamp with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexExplosion
32m 07s PhRoZeN Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeHeavyShell
32m 12s bros.Sub-Zero Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 13s PhRoZeN Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeHeavyShell
32m 13s Judas Killed Player 9 with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
32m 15s Judas Killed Player with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
32m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed phred with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 19s Judas Killed Justin with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
32m 23s Judas Killed leon with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
32m 29s Player no, now we're doing mech and bomber shit
32m 30s V4N Killed GuythatkillsU with a BiotankKill
32m 33s Judas Killed PhRoZeN with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
32m 36s Rookie Carjacked a CSTrickboardCollision
32m 36s Player Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeLinkTank3Beam
32m 36s Humble_Pie Killed Judas with an AVRiL
32m 39s Rhamp Killed phred with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
32m 40s Techempire2684 Killed Player with a NovaBlast
32m 40s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 42s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
32m 43s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
32m 52s GuythatkillsU Headshot Azazel with a Manta
32m 53s AnKeeDo Killed Humble_Pie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
32m 59s Elon'sMusk Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
32m 59s Rhamp Killed Rookie with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
33m 00s bros.Sub-Zero Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
33m 02s Unicorn_Vomit this is the best 1
33m 05s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
33m 05s GuythatkillsU Headshot Javiar with a Manta
33m 06s Techempire2684 Killed ROGER with a MBDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
33m 06s Rhamp Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeFirebugFlame
33m 09s gareau Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
33m 12s bros.Sub-Zero Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
33m 16s Elon'sMusk Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
33m 19s bros.Sub-Zero Killed phred with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
33m 21s Player Killed ElonSharpton with an AVRiL
33m 21s ElonSharpton Killed leon with a MBDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
33m 23s Elon'sMusk Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerBeam
33m 25s gareau Killed Po)o(tY with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
33m 26s Unicorn_Vomit red, sit down
33m 26s BLA$TER Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeHeavyShell
33m 29s Player 9 Killed Rhamp with a Shock Rifle
33m 31s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Vugluskr with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
33m 32s Elon'sMusk Killed Judas with a DamTypeStirgeFlyerPlasma
33m 33s AnKeeDo Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
33m 36s Justin Killed BLA$TER with a Goliath
33m 37s BLA$TER Killed Justin with a DamTypeHeavyShell
33m 37s BLA$TER Killed Techempire2684 with a DamTypeHeavyShell
33m 38s Unicorn_Vomit Killed SanitariuM with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
33m 39s gareau Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeGoliathIIaShell
33m 39s Player Killed Player with a Redeemer
33m 41s Rookie Killed gareau with a Link Gun
33m 45s ROGER Killed Player with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
33m 49s Rookie Killed V4N with a Link Gun
33m 51s Rookie Suicided from Reckless Driving
33m 52s ROGER Killed Humble_Pie with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
33m 53s bros.Sub-Zero Killed StartupSl1ck with a Shock Rifle
33m 56s Rhamp Killed Elon'sMusk with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
33m 56s BUSCHMASTER Killed Justin with a CentaurBeams
33m 56s BUSCHMASTER Killed Vugluskr with a CentaurBeams
33m 57s Po)o(tY Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
34m 01s DanDare Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
34m 03s Player and ffs, remove those damn vortex tanks; literally the worst vec ever invented
34m 05s Unicorn_Vomit Killed PhRoZeN with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
34m 08s Judas Killed phred with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
34m 12s GuythatkillsU Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeHeavyShockCannon
34m 16s AnKeeDo Killed Humble_Pie with an Ion Plasma Tank
34m 16s Merc Killed Javiar with an AVRiL
34m 17s Rhamp Killed Merc with a DamType_PredatorLaserPlasma
34m 19s ROGER Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
34m 19s ROGER Killed leon with a DamTypeNephthysGravityVortexDischarge
34m 21s Judas Killed Rookie with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
34m 23s AnKeeDo Killed Techempire2684 with an Ion Plasma Tank
34m 23s StartupSl1ck Killed V4N with an Energy Turret
34m 27s Blue Team Captured a Point!
34m 27s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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