Welcome to OmnipotentS stats database Version 2

Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-Dria-Randomizer-V24
on Sat, Jan 11 2025, 8:35:49 PM
Minutes Player Text
-1m 05s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
-1m 05s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 04s Rookie Connected
-1m 04s Rookie Team Change to Red Team
-1m 04s Judas Connected
-1m 04s Judas Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 04s [HoC]Terminator Connected
-1m 04s [HoC]Terminator Team Change to Red Team
-1m 04s Azazel Connected
-1m 04s Azazel Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 04s BUSCHMASTER Connected
-1m 04s BUSCHMASTER Team Change to Red Team
-1m 03s old_man Connected
-1m 03s old_man Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s Thomas_Jefferson Connected
-1m 02s Thomas_Jefferson Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s Justin Connected
-1m 02s Justin Team Change to Red Team
-1m 02s ws.snarf Connected
-1m 02s ws.snarf Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 02s PhariZwheel Connected
-1m 02s PhariZwheel Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s JohnRedCorn Connected
-1m 01s P4R4D0X Connected
-1m 01s JohnRedCorn Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 01s P4R4D0X Team Change to Red Team
-1m 01s AnKeeDo Connected
-1m 01s AnKeeDo Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s Infected_Toe Connected
-1m 00s Infected_Toe Team Change to Red Team
-1m 00s TFSN Connected
-1m 00s TFSN Team Change to Blue Team
-1m 00s Sharpton Connected
-1m 00s Sharpton Team Change to Red Team
-0m 59s phred Connected
-0m 59s phred Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 58s DOMM Connected
-0m 58s DOMM Team Change to Red Team
-0m 53s bros.Sub-Zero Connected
-0m 53s bros.Sub-Zero Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 47s Anonymous Connected
-0m 47s Anonymous Team Change to Red Team
-0m 45s N.X. Connected
-0m 45s N.X. Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 42s Unicorn_Vomit what the hell is a red corn?
-0m 38s FuriousRabbit Connected
-0m 38s FuriousRabbit Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 28s PhariZwheel ask your grandmother
-0m 28s Judas it's what happens when you don't eat enough fiber
-0m 27s Infected_Toe menstrual cycle of a regular corn
-0m 26s TFSN red corn.... its red
-0m 26s Thomas_Jefferson good, a short map
-0m 19s TFSN lol
-0m 10s JohnRedCorn your moms probably heard of John redcorn
-0m 10s Unicorn_Vomit oh ok, yeah i knew that :-)
-0m 07s bros.Sub-Zero -kryptonite
-0m 05s TFSN lol
-0m 01s gareau Connected
-0m 01s gareau Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s BUSCHMASTER Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Thomas_Jefferson Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s P4R4D0X Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s TFSN Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Sharpton Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s FuriousRabbit Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Rookie Team Change to Blue Team
0m 00s Judas Team Change to Red Team
0m 15s Thomas_Jefferson Suicided
0m 15s Thomas_Jefferson Disconnected
0m 15s Azazel placed a kick vote against Rookie
0m 16s El_Commandante(Co30) Connected
0m 16s El_Commandante(Co30) Team Change to Red Team
0m 24s Azazel rookie noob still not sharing dragon on purpose
0m 26s Thomas_Jefferson Connected
0m 26s Thomas_Jefferson Team Change to Blue Team
0m 43s Unicorn_Vomit 6 66 6
0m 45s BUSCHMASTER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeVenomLasers
0m 45s BUSCHMASTER Killed Justin with a DamTypeVenomLasers
0m 48s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
0m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Killed DOMM with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
0m 52s Anonymous Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a MinotaurKill
0m 54s FuriousRabbit Killed BUSCHMASTER with a FalconPlasma
0m 54s P4R4D0X Disconnected
0m 55s Anonymous Killed N.X. with a MinotaurKill
0m 57s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
1m 00s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
1m 01s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Infected_Toe with a Shock Rifle
1m 04s Rookie had a passenger dip shit
1m 06s [HoC]Terminator Killed AnKeeDo with a KrakenLasers
1m 06s Anonymous Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
1m 08s Azazel Killed old_man with a Rocket Launcher
1m 09s Infected_Toe Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Lightning Gun
1m 09s Unicorn_Vomit 6 6 6
1m 12s Anonymous Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a MinotaurKill
1m 15s [HoC]Terminator Killed Rookie with a KrakenLasers
1m 20s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
1m 20s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Azazel with a WaspFlak
1m 20s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MinotaurKill
1m 21s Infected_Toe Killed Sharpton with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
1m 28s PhariZwheel roie odonell is not a passenger thats cargo
1m 29s DOMM Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeHelix
1m 30s N.X. Killed [HoC]Terminator with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
1m 30s Unicorn_Vomit Killed gareau with a FalconPlasma
1m 35s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Rocket Launcher
1m 36s gareau Killed ws.snarf with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
1m 43s FuriousRabbit Killed N.X. with a FalconPlasma
1m 44s PhariZwheel Suicided from Reckless Driving
1m 45s Judas Killed phred with a DamTypeMantisBeam
1m 47s AnKeeDo Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
1m 48s P4R4D0X Connected
1m 48s P4R4D0X Team Change to Blue Team
1m 49s Judas Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeMantisBeam
1m 51s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
1m 53s FuriousRabbit Killed Rookie with a FalconPlasma
1m 55s AnKeeDo Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurKill
2m 01s Unicorn_Vomit Suicided from Reckless Driving
2m 01s Unicorn_Vomit Killed gareau with a FalconPlasma
2m 04s AnKeeDo Killed Judas with a MinotaurKill
2m 05s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeAlligatorBeam
2m 06s Lehi Connected
2m 06s Lehi Team Change to Red Team
2m 08s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 17s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeAlligatorBeam
2m 20s ws.snarf Killed [HoC]Terminator with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 20s Azazel Killed DOMM with a Shock Rifle
2m 23s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Judas with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
2m 25s JohnRedCorn Killed gareau with an AlligatorFlak
2m 26s Unicorn_Vomit Killed FuriousRabbit with an Energy Turret
2m 26s old_man Killed Azazel with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
2m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a Lightning Gun
2m 35s PhariZwheel Killed Sharpton with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 35s AnKeeDo Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
2m 40s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a Shock Rifle
2m 43s [HoC]Terminator Killed ws.snarf with a Goliath
2m 48s DOMM Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
2m 48s Judas Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
2m 48s Unicorn_Vomit Killed [HoC]Terminator with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
2m 50s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
2m 53s FuriousRabbit Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
2m 53s gareau Killed Rookie with a WaspYJFlak
2m 55s PhariZwheel Killed AnKeeDo with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
2m 57s phred Killed gareau with a KingHellHoundBeams
2m 58s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
3m 01s bros.Sub-Zero Killed DOMM with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
3m 02s Lehi Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeMirageMissle
3m 06s ws.snarf Headshot FuriousRabbit with a Lightning Gun
3m 06s Judas Killed Sharpton with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
3m 07s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Lehi with a DamTypeVenomLasers
3m 10s Anonymous Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
3m 10s [HoC]Terminator Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a FalconPlasma
3m 11s phred Killed TFSN with a KingHellHoundBeams
3m 16s gareau Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Goliath
3m 20s Unicorn_Vomit -deploy
3m 21s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a DamType_LaserBeam
3m 25s Unicorn_Vomit Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
3m 26s Anonymous Killed Sharpton with a DamType_LaserBeam
3m 29s gareau Killed N.X. with a Goliath
3m 30s DOMM Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeDragonBomb
3m 32s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a WaspYJFlak
3m 33s Anonymous Killed Rookie with a DamType_LaserBeam
3m 35s Unicorn_Vomit -deploy
3m 36s PhariZwheel Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
3m 39s Anonymous Killed P4R4D0X with a DamType_LaserBeam
3m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Lehi with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
3m 45s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a DamType_LaserBeam
3m 46s FuriousRabbit Killed phred with a Space Fighter
3m 46s [HoC]Terminator Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeVenomRoadkill
3m 46s [HoC]Terminator Suicided with a DamTypeVenomCrash
3m 47s Judas Killed JohnRedCorn with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
4m 01s Unicorn_Vomit Suicided with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
4m 03s Judas Killed ws.snarf with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
4m 09s Infected_Toe Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyPlasma
4m 10s gareau Killed Sharpton with a Goliath
4m 11s DOMM Suicided from Reckless Driving
4m 16s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an Ion Cannon
4m 19s old_man Killed phred with a MinotaurKill
4m 22s N.X. Killed FuriousRabbit with a Rocket Launcher
4m 23s old_man Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
4m 23s old_man Killed JohnRedCorn with a MinotaurKill
4m 26s Anonymous Killed N.X. with a DamType_LaserBeam
4m 26s DOMM Killed Azazel with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
4m 29s Rookie Killed TFSN with a Flak Cannon
4m 33s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Judas with a Shock Rifle
4m 36s DOMM Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
4m 42s Anonymous Killed Sharpton with a DamType_LaserBeam
4m 45s old_man Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
4m 45s old_man Killed JohnRedCorn with a MinotaurKill
4m 46s Infected_Toe Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
4m 50s Lehi Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a KingHellHoundCombo
4m 51s gareau Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
4m 51s gareau Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a Destroyed Vehicle
4m 51s old_man Killed phred with a MinotaurKill
4m 51s old_man Suicided with a MinotaurKill
4m 52s ws.snarf Killed PhariZwheel with a Lightning Gun
4m 53s Justin Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
4m 53s DOMM Killed N.X. with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
4m 54s PhariZwheel sure
4m 57s PhariZwheel nice aim
4m 57s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
4m 58s BUSCHMASTER Killed DOMM with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
5m 00s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
5m 02s ws.snarf -leon-tyty
5m 04s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a MinotaurKill
5m 04s FuriousRabbit Killed Azazel with a DamTypeVenomLasers
5m 05s Lehi Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 05s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Lehi with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
5m 06s ws.snarf -leon-ty
5m 06s Anonymous -leon-ty
5m 09s Anonymous -leon-ty1
5m 09s PhariZwheel radar
5m 13s [HoC]Terminator Killed AnKeeDo with a Leviathan
5m 15s JohnRedCorn Killed gareau with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
5m 18s Infected_Toe Killed Sharpton with a Shock Rifle
5m 20s old_man Killed Rookie with a Space Fighter
5m 20s PhariZwheel oreilly
5m 22s ws.snarf Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeHelix
5m 22s DOMM Killed Azazel with a WaspYJFlak
5m 28s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a DamTypeHelix
5m 28s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a KingHellHoundCombo
5m 31s Unicorn_Vomit Killed DOMM with a LIPDamTypePlasmaFried
5m 37s Anonymous are you playing without radar today
5m 39s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a KingHellHoundBeams
5m 43s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
5m 45s Infected_Toe Killed Azazel with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
5m 50s FuriousRabbit Killed Sharpton with a DamTypeMantisBeam
5m 54s ws.snarf Headshot TFSN with a Lightning Gun
5m 58s DOMM Killed phred with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
6m 01s BUSCHMASTER Killed DOMM with a Lightning Gun
6m 05s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a Redeemer
6m 08s Unicorn_Vomit Killed FuriousRabbit with a Lightning Gun
6m 13s Rookie Killed Lehi with a Destroyed Vehicle
6m 15s Judas Killed AnKeeDo with an AlligatorFlak
6m 17s Azazel Killed old_man with a DamTypeDragonAA
6m 17s DOMM Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeVenomRoadkill
6m 17s DOMM Suicided with a DamTypeVenomCrash
6m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Judas with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
6m 20s Unicorn_Vomit -haha
6m 20s gareau Killed JohnRedCorn with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
6m 23s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a KingHellHoundBeams
6m 23s Anonymous Killed Sharpton with a KingHellHoundBeams
6m 23s FuriousRabbit Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
6m 23s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeDragonAA
6m 25s Azazel ha
6m 26s Infected_Toe Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
6m 27s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed phred with a WaspYJFlak
6m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
6m 33s Judas Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
6m 34s ws.snarf Killed TFSN with a WaspYJFlak
6m 34s DOMM Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
6m 36s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Anonymous with a Flak Cannon
6m 38s gareau Killed N.X. with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
6m 38s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a WaspYJFlak
6m 43s Anonymous Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a Minigun
6m 44s Player Connected
6m 44s Player Team Change to Blue Team
6m 47s ws.snarf Killed Judas with a WaspYJFlak
6m 49s FuriousRabbit Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
6m 51s P4R4D0X Killed Lehi with a Leviathan
6m 52s Judas Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
6m 53s [HoC]Terminator Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Leviathan
6m 55s Sharpton Killed Justin with a DamTypeWraithLinkPlasma
6m 58s ws.snarf Killed [HoC]Terminator with a WaspYJFlak
6m 58s DOMM Killed phred with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
7m 03s Judas Killed Azazel with a Destroyed Vehicle
7m 09s Infected_Toe Killed P4R4D0X with a WaspFlak
7m 09s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided from Reckless Driving
7m 09s Sharpton Killed Anonymous with a Shock Rifle
7m 10s ws.snarf Killed [HoC]Terminator with a Sniper Rifle
7m 12s DOMM Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a BadgerCannon_Kill
7m 12s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Judas with a Shock Rifle
7m 12s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
7m 16s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
7m 17s Anonymous Killed Sharpton with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
7m 20s JohnRedCorn Killed FuriousRabbit with an AlligatorFlak
7m 21s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
7m 23s Justin Killed JohnRedCorn with a Paladin
7m 23s Justin Died from an AlligatorFlak
7m 23s phred Killed old_man with a KingHellHoundBeams
7m 25s Anonymous Knocked Thomas_Jefferson off a ledge
7m 28s Unicorn_Vomit Killed DOMM with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
7m 31s ws.snarf Killed [HoC]Terminator with a Shock Rifle
7m 32s FuriousRabbit Killed Rookie with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaBolt
7m 39s El_Commandante(Co30) np
7m 42s ws.snarf Killed Lehi with a Lightning Gun
7m 44s TFSN Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
7m 48s TFSN Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
7m 50s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Shock Rifle
7m 50s phred Killed DOMM with a KingHellHoundBeams
7m 56s Anonymous Killed N.X. with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
7m 57s phred Carjacked a LIPAVRiLDisciple
7m 58s P4R4D0X Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeVenomLasers
7m 59s phred Suicided from Reckless Driving
8m 01s BUSCHMASTER Killed gareau with a KingHellHoundBeams
8m 02s Infected_Toe Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
8m 02s JohnRedCorn Killed old_man with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
8m 03s Sharpton Killed Judas with a WaspYJFlak
8m 03s AnKeeDo Killed FuriousRabbit with a MinotaurKill
8m 04s P4R4D0X Suicided with a DamTypeVenomCrash
8m 07s BUSCHMASTER Killed Infected_Toe with a KingHellHoundBeams
8m 08s Player 9 Connected
8m 12s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with an AuroraCombo
8m 12s Azazel Killed PhariZwheel with an AuroraCombo
8m 12s Azazel Killed TFSN with an AuroraCombo
8m 12s AnKeeDo Killed Lehi with a MinotaurKill
8m 13s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Azazel with a MinotaurKill
8m 13s FuriousRabbit Killed Sharpton with a Shock Rifle
8m 14s PhariZwheel fu
8m 17s phred Killed Justin with an AlligatorFlak
8m 20s Unicorn_Vomit Headshot FuriousRabbit with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaHeadshot
8m 22s JohnRedCorn Carjacked a FlakRatOmniGrenadier
8m 26s AnKeeDo Killed [HoC]Terminator with a MinotaurKill
8m 28s gareau Killed Player with a CSLinkNukeDamTypeLinkNuke
8m 32s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Rookie with a MinotaurKill
8m 36s Anonymous Killed P4R4D0X with a DamType_LaserBeam
8m 37s gareau Killed phred with a Rocket Launcher
8m 38s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed JohnRedCorn with a MinotaurKill
8m 38s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
8m 40s ws.snarf Killed DOMM with a DamTypeOmniNukeStrike
8m 46s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
8m 46s Judas Killed Sharpton with a DamTypeLinkTank3HeavyTurretLasers
8m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a MinotaurKill
8m 47s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a MinotaurKill
8m 48s AnKeeDo Killed Infected_Toe with a MinotaurTurretkill
8m 50s JohnRedCorn Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
8m 51s FuriousRabbit Killed AnKeeDo with a WaspFlak
8m 54s FuriousRabbit bmd
8m 54s Azazel Killed gareau with a Link Gun
8m 56s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Anonymous with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
8m 59s TFSN Killed phred with a Goliath
9m 00s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Lehi with a Destroyed Vehicle
9m 05s Judas Killed ws.snarf with a Shock Rifle
9m 06s Player Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
9m 11s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a Shock Rifle
9m 12s Judas Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
9m 15s AnKeeDo Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
9m 23s BUSCHMASTER Killed old_man with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
9m 26s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a Shock Rifle
9m 30s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Anonymous with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
9m 30s AnKeeDo Killed Justin with a LIPDamTypePlasmaExploded
9m 37s gareau Killed AnKeeDo with a Leviathan
9m 37s Judas Killed Rookie with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
9m 39s Azazel Killed [HoC]Terminator with a Shock Rifle
9m 42s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Lehi with a KingHellHoundBeams
9m 42s Lehi Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeDragonBomb
9m 42s Lehi Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeDragonBomb
9m 46s PhariZwheel Headshot N.X. with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaHeadshot
9m 46s gareau Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Kraken_Missile
9m 52s Anonymous Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_LaserBeam
9m 53s Infected_Toe Killed Azazel with a Raptor
9m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Killed FuriousRabbit with a KingHellHoundCombo
9m 58s AnKeeDo Killed [HoC]Terminator with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
10m 02s Player 9 Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
10m 03s Infected_Toe Killed phred with a Link Gun
10m 03s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
10m 04s Thomas_Jefferson Killed TFSN with a KingHellHoundBeams
10m 06s Anonymous Killed Sharpton with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
10m 07s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Goliath
10m 08s Anonymous Killed Rookie with a DamType_LaserBeam
10m 13s ws.snarf Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Shock Rifle
10m 15s Anonymous Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
10m 15s Judas Killed ws.snarf with an AlligatorFlak
10m 22s DOMM Suicided with a Redeemer
10m 25s Infected_Toe Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a LIPDamTypeAVRiLMantaMissile
10m 26s JohnRedCorn Killed Player 9 with an AlligatorFlak
10m 27s Player Killed gareau with a WaspYJFlak
10m 27s Lehi Killed AnKeeDo with a WaspFlak
10m 29s JohnRedCorn Killed [HoC]Terminator with an AlligatorFlak
10m 30s Anonymous Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamType_LaserBeam
10m 36s Sharpton Killed PhariZwheel with a WaspFlak
10m 36s Lehi Suicided from Reckless Driving
10m 39s Judas Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeAlligatorBeam
10m 40s gareau Killed phred with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
10m 43s TFSN Fell to their death
10m 43s PhariZwheel pffft
10m 45s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
10m 45s N.X. Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeMantisBeam
10m 46s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeHelix
10m 50s P4R4D0X Killed Player 9 with a Kraken_Rockets
10m 51s Azazel Killed gareau with a DamTypeDragonBomb
10m 54s old_man Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Destroyed Vehicle
10m 56s FuriousRabbit Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
10m 57s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Sharpton with a Rocket Launcher
10m 57s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Raptor
10m 58s Player Killed [HoC]Terminator with a Raptor
11m 01s Player Carjacked a LIPPulseTraitor
11m 04s Azazel Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeDragonBeam
11m 05s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
11m 07s AnKeeDo Knocked Justin off a ledge
11m 13s bros.Sub-Zero Killed old_man with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
11m 15s JohnRedCorn Killed Judas with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
11m 20s FuriousRabbit Killed N.X. with a DamTypeHelix
11m 21s DOMM Killed Rookie with a Flak Cannon
11m 22s Anonymous Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
11m 22s Azazel Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeDragonBeam
11m 24s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
11m 24s bros.Sub-Zero Killed DOMM with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
11m 31s FuriousRabbit Killed Sharpton with a DamTypeHelix
11m 32s Player Killed gareau with a Flak Cannon
11m 37s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
11m 44s ws.snarf Killed Player 9 with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaBolt
11m 44s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Flak Cannon
11m 45s Thomas_Jefferson Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
11m 50s Anonymous Carjacked a DragonAttackCraft
11m 51s Judas Suicided with a Redeemer
11m 56s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Justin with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
11m 59s Lehi Killed Azazel with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
12m 00s PhariZwheel Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
12m 02s ws.snarf Killed [HoC]Terminator with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaBolt
12m 06s DOMM Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Reckless Driving
12m 06s DOMM Suicided from Reckless Driving
12m 06s PhariZwheel Killed Sharpton with a MinotaurKill
12m 08s TFSN Killed JohnRedCorn with a Rocket Launcher
12m 11s AnKeeDo Killed gareau with an AuroraCombo
12m 12s old_man Killed Rookie with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
12m 13s N.X. Killed Player 9 with a Rocket Launcher
12m 13s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Lightning Gun
12m 23s ws.snarf Killed FuriousRabbit with a Destroyed Vehicle
12m 25s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeAlligatorBeam
12m 30s Judas Killed N.X. with a Destroyed Vehicle
12m 31s Justin Fell to their death
12m 33s BUSCHMASTER Killed Anonymous with a MinotaurKill
12m 37s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaBolt
12m 38s Player Killed Justin with an Ion Cannon
12m 39s bros.Sub-Zero Killed [HoC]Terminator with a Shock Rifle
12m 41s Lehi Killed Sharpton with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
12m 43s Anonymous Killed phred with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
12m 47s Unicorn_Vomit Killed DOMM with an Energy Turret
12m 48s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeVenomLasers
12m 50s BUSCHMASTER Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
12m 53s [HoC]Terminator Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
12m 58s N.X. Carjacked a KingHellHound
13m 00s old_man Killed Player with a WaspYJFlak
13m 01s Azazel Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
13m 02s Sharpton Killed PhariZwheel with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
13m 02s AnKeeDo Killed gareau with a Space Fighter
13m 02s bros.Sub-Zero Killed old_man with a DamTypeVenomLasers
13m 07s Sharpton Killed Lehi with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
13m 07s Judas Knocked Rookie off a ledge
13m 09s Thomas_Jefferson Killed FuriousRabbit with a KingHellHoundBeams
13m 11s Azazel nice healing haxx
13m 14s Judas Carjacked a Wasp_SeriesII
13m 15s Thomas_Jefferson Killed [HoC]Terminator with a KingHellHoundBeams
13m 21s PhariZwheel nice heels azeal
13m 23s Unicorn_Vomit -deploy
13m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Anonymous with a DamTypeVenomLasers
13m 28s bros.Sub-Zero Killed DOMM with a DamTypeVenomLasers
13m 29s PhariZwheel panty hose 2/
13m 33s gareau Knocked bros.Sub-Zero off a ledge
13m 33s old_man Killed ws.snarf with a Goliath
13m 36s Lehi Killed Sharpton with a Rocket Launcher
13m 44s Azazel keep ur fantasies to urself
13m 47s BUSCHMASTER Killed FuriousRabbit with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
13m 47s FuriousRabbit Killed BUSCHMASTER with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
13m 50s PhariZwheel har
13m 53s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Azazel with a FalconPlasma
13m 55s PhariZwheel Killed Rookie with a Goliath
14m 00s Player Killed old_man with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
14m 00s bros.Sub-Zero yo terminator
14m 01s FuriousRabbit Killed AnKeeDo with an Energy Turret
14m 02s [HoC]Terminator Fell to their death
14m 06s TFSN Carjacked a FireMantaV2Omni
14m 06s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Destroyed Vehicle
14m 07s [HoC]Terminator Disconnected
14m 09s Player 9 Headshot bros.Sub-Zero with a LIPDamTypePulseMantaHeadshot
14m 12s gareau Killed Player with a Leviathan
14m 12s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Leviathan
14m 13s Judas i want to be kidnapped by a gang of female clowns in the middle of the night
14m 13s JohnRedCorn Killed gareau with a Bio Rifle
14m 13s bros.Sub-Zero lol
14m 14s P4R4D0X Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Kraken_Rockets
14m 15s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a Lightning Gun
14m 15s Lehi Killed N.X. with a Rocket Launcher
14m 18s Rookie Killed FuriousRabbit with a FlameKill
14m 21s micronova Connected
14m 21s micronova Team Change to Red Team
14m 21s Unicorn_Vomit hell yeah
14m 24s ws.snarf Killed Justin with a Lightning Gun
14m 26s Anonymous Killed Sharpton with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
14m 27s Judas Killed phred with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
14m 29s FuriousRabbit Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
14m 30s PhariZwheel u already r
14m 31s ws.snarf Fell to their death
14m 32s Justin Killed Azazel with a DamType_ArmadilloChainGun
14m 32s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Judas with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
14m 35s Lehi Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Rocket Launcher
14m 36s Rookie Killed Infected_Toe with a FlameKill
14m 37s Unicorn_Vomit Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an Energy Turret
14m 43s Azazel Killed old_man with a KingHellHoundBeams
14m 44s N.X. Killed gareau with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
14m 45s DOMM Killed Rookie with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
14m 46s JohnRedCorn Killed Lehi with a DamTypeMirageTankV3Shell
14m 47s DOMM Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
14m 47s DOMM Suicided with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
14m 48s Anonymous -dui
14m 50s Blue Team Captured a Point!
14m 56s TFSN -dui
15m 01s JohnRedCorn -SPok
15m 01s Anonymous =Beer
15m 03s micronova -smellsomething
15m 07s TFSN lol
15m 27s Azazel sharp stay
15m 39s Azazel Killed old_man with a DamTypeDragonBeam
15m 41s Judas Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeDragonBeam
15m 43s phred Killed TFSN with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
15m 45s JohnRedCorn Killed gareau with a WaspFlak
15m 45s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeDragonShell
15m 47s Infected_Toe Killed N.X. with a DamTypePheonixBurst
15m 47s Judas Killed Azazel with a DamTypeDragonBomb
15m 47s Judas Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamTypeDragonBomb
15m 49s Unicorn_Vomit Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeHelix
15m 50s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Destroyed Vehicle
15m 54s phred Killed Justin with a Destroyed Vehicle
15m 55s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
15m 57s FuriousRabbit Killed Rookie with a Shock Rifle
15m 59s micronova Killed phred with a Shock Rifle
16m 04s ws.snarf Killed Judas with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
16m 04s FuriousRabbit Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
16m 05s phred Knocked micronova off a ledge
16m 07s Anonymous Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
16m 10s old_man Killed ws.snarf with a DamType_LaserBeam
16m 10s AnKeeDo Killed FuriousRabbit with a Rocket Launcher
16m 11s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 9 with a MinotaurKill
16m 11s BUSCHMASTER Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
16m 20s micronova Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeLampreyShockwave
16m 23s Lehi Killed Rookie with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
16m 26s Anonymous Killed JohnRedCorn with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
16m 26s Infected_Toe Suicided from Reckless Driving
16m 31s Lehi Killed Azazel with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
16m 31s Lehi Killed phred with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
16m 31s Sharpton Killed old_man with an ArbalestRocketNova
16m 33s Player Killed micronova with a Lightning Gun
16m 37s BUSCHMASTER Killed Player 9 with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
16m 38s Infected_Toe Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
16m 39s ws.snarf Killed TFSN with a FireBall
16m 39s El_Commandante(Co30) Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
16m 44s old_man Killed N.X. with a DamTypeMantisBeam
16m 44s old_man Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamTypeMantisBeam
16m 44s N.X. Killed micronova with a BallistaShell
16m 45s Unicorn_Vomit Disconnected
16m 47s Sharpton Killed old_man with an ArbalestRocketNova
16m 49s Javiar Connected
16m 49s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
16m 54s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeVenomLasers
16m 54s Unicorn_Vomit Connected
16m 54s Unicorn_Vomit Team Change to Blue Team
16m 56s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Lehi with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
16m 57s BUSCHMASTER Killed TFSN with a MinotaurKill
16m 58s bros.Sub-Zero Killed micronova with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 03s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 04s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 08s BUSCHMASTER Killed micronova with a MinotaurKill
17m 08s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Shock Rifle
17m 11s old_man Killed BUSCHMASTER with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
17m 13s bros.Sub-Zero Killed old_man with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 14s Player Killed TFSN with an AuroraCombo
17m 14s Anonymous Suicided with a Shield Gun
17m 17s Judas Killed Rookie with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 17s JohnRedCorn Killed FuriousRabbit with a Turtlekill
17m 20s 11:11 Connected
17m 20s 11:11 Team Change to Red Team
17m 25s Player Killed Lehi with a Lightning Gun
17m 25s Anonymous the weapon settings are not updated :(
17m 26s bros.Sub-Zero Killed micronova with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 27s BUSCHMASTER Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a HeatRay
17m 27s N.X. Suicided
17m 27s N.X. Disconnected
17m 34s Sharpton Killed gareau with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
17m 34s ws.snarf Killed DOMM with a Minigun
17m 36s Unicorn_Vomit Killed old_man with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
17m 37s Anonymous -leon-givemeavehicle
17m 39s Judas Killed AnKeeDo with a CSHoverMechDamTypeRoadkill
17m 41s ws.snarf Killed PhariZwheel with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 43s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Infected_Toe with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 43s PhariZwheel fu
17m 44s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Flak Cannon
17m 47s FuriousRabbit Killed BUSCHMASTER with a WaspFlak
17m 53s Unicorn_Vomit Killed FuriousRabbit with an AegisDamTypeShockBall
17m 56s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeHelix
17m 59s bros.Sub-Zero Killed micronova with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
17m 59s Justin Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a Redeemer
18m 02s Anonymous Killed phred with a DamTypePersesOmniFragMissile
18m 03s ws.snarf Killed 11:11 with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 08s ws.snarf Killed Judas with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 09s gareau Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
18m 10s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a Destroyed Vehicle
18m 13s gareau Killed Javiar with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
18m 13s Sharpton Killed old_man with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
18m 15s Infected_Toe Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Lightning Gun
18m 15s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Justin with a Paladin
18m 17s Infected_Toe Killed Player with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
18m 19s phred Killed PhariZwheel with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 19s JohnRedCorn Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
18m 21s Infected_Toe Carjacked a Aegis
18m 22s Judas Killed AnKeeDo with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
18m 25s Player 9 Killed phred with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
18m 27s BUSCHMASTER Killed Judas with a HeatRay
18m 27s Infected_Toe Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Paladin
18m 32s Azazel Killed Lehi with a DamTypeDragonBeam
18m 34s BUSCHMASTER Killed old_man with a HeatRay
18m 35s Player Killed TFSN with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
18m 37s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed ws.snarf with a DamTypeDragonAA
18m 39s Anonymous Killed Player with a Goliath
18m 39s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a Goliath
18m 45s FuriousRabbit Killed JohnRedCorn with a WaspFlak
18m 47s Unicorn_Vomit Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 50s Azazel Killed Lehi with a DamTypeDragonBeam
18m 50s Judas Killed Unicorn_Vomit with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 53s Sharpton Killed Infected_Toe with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
18m 55s Azazel Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeDragonBeam
18m 55s Azazel Killed micronova with a DamTypeDragonBeam
18m 56s JohnRedCorn Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
18m 56s Player 9 Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamTypeHeliosNuclearExplosion
18m 58s Azazel Killed Judas with a DamTypeDragonBeam
19m 00s Anonymous Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypePersesOmniMercuryDirectHit
19m 05s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
19m 07s phred Killed Player 9 with a Cicada
19m 08s Azazel Killed old_man with a DamTypeDragonBomb
19m 08s old_man Killed Azazel with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
19m 08s phred Suicided with a Cicada
19m 14s JohnRedCorn Killed micronova with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
19m 17s Lehi Killed Rookie with a DamTypeVenomLasers
19m 19s Judas Killed Javiar with a Shock Rifle
19m 20s Anonymous Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypePersesOmniMercuryDirectHit
19m 29s Sharpton Killed PhariZwheel with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
19m 29s Sharpton Killed DOMM with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
19m 29s Sharpton Killed TFSN with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
19m 32s PhariZwheel fgu
19m 33s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Justin with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
19m 37s ws.snarf Killed Lehi with a Shock Rifle
19m 40s Player Killed FuriousRabbit with a Flak Cannon
19m 41s old_man Killed Azazel with a PVWDamTypeMercuryDirectHit
19m 42s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a Shock Rifle
19m 45s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed Player with a MinotaurKill
19m 45s 11:11 Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a Cicada
19m 51s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed JohnRedCorn with a MinotaurKill
19m 53s BUSCHMASTER Killed Judas with an AuroraCombo
19m 54s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a BallistaBeam
19m 58s Justin Killed phred with a DamTypeHeliosBeam
19m 59s Infected_Toe Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a Rocket Launcher
20m 02s ws.snarf Killed Lehi with a BallistaBeam
20m 02s PhariZwheel Knocked Anonymous off a ledge
20m 03s BUSCHMASTER Killed Justin with an AuroraCombo
20m 04s AnKeeDo Killed Player 9 with a MinotaurKill
20m 04s AnKeeDo Killed micronova with a MinotaurKill
20m 04s Rookie Killed gareau with an ArbalestRocketNova
20m 04s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed JohnRedCorn with a MinotaurKill
20m 08s BUSCHMASTER Killed Justin with an AuroraCombo
20m 08s Rookie Killed 11:11 with an ArbalestRocketNova
20m 08s Anonymous Killed BUSCHMASTER with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
20m 11s AnKeeDo Killed DOMM with a MinotaurKill
20m 11s AnKeeDo Killed FuriousRabbit with a MinotaurKill
20m 13s Sharpton Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
20m 14s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed BUSCHMASTER with a MinotaurKill
20m 14s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed phred with a MinotaurKill
20m 16s Rookie Killed PhariZwheel with an ArbalestRocketNova
20m 18s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
20m 21s PhariZwheel fu
20m 22s old_man Killed Rookie with a DamTypeVenomLasers
20m 24s FuriousRabbit Killed AnKeeDo with a Shock Rifle
20m 26s Lehi Killed Player with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
20m 29s Unicorn_Vomit Suicided with a Paladin
20m 30s Thomas_Jefferson Killed old_man with a Shock Rifle
20m 35s phred Killed Justin with a Shock Rifle
20m 36s Thomas_Jefferson Killed Lehi with a Paladin
20m 36s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
20m 38s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
20m 41s Sharpton Killed Justin with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
20m 41s Judas Killed JohnRedCorn with a Rocket Launcher
20m 43s 11:11 Killed phred with an AuroraCombo
20m 50s BourbonFingBob! Connected
20m 50s BUSCHMASTER Killed Infected_Toe with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
20m 52s DOMM Killed BUSCHMASTER with a Rocket Launcher
20m 58s 11:11 Killed Thomas_Jefferson with an AuroraCombo
21m 00s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a BallistaBeam
21m 03s Anonymous Killed Azazel with a Lightning Gun
21m 04s bros.Sub-Zero Killed DOMM with a Vehicle Explosion
21m 06s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Anonymous with an Energy Turret
21m 06s ws.snarf Killed Player 9 with a BallistaBeam
21m 12s Sharpton Killed FuriousRabbit with a Shock Rifle
21m 15s Unicorn_Vomit Killed 11:11 with an Energy Turret
21m 16s Anonymous Killed Javiar with a Minigun
21m 19s Infected_Toe Killed Player with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
21m 20s JohnRedCorn Killed Justin with a Turtlekill
21m 22s JohnRedCorn Killed Infected_Toe with a Turtlekill
21m 22s El_Commandante(Co30) Killed AnKeeDo with a Rocket Launcher
21m 22s Thomas_Jefferson Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamType_HTankShell
21m 24s ws.snarf Killed gareau with a BallistaBeam
21m 29s Player 9 Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeVenomBBQ
21m 34s FuriousRabbit Killed phred with an Energy Turret
21m 34s BUSCHMASTER Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeHavocCannon
21m 35s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a BallistaBeam
21m 35s Lehi Killed Rookie with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
21m 36s Rookie Knocked Lehi off a ledge
21m 36s FuriousRabbit Killed BUSCHMASTER with an Energy Turret
21m 41s BourbonFingBob! Died from a Leviathan
21m 43s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a CSSpankBadgerDamTypeProj
21m 49s Player 9 Suicided with a DamTypeVenomCrash
21m 50s ws.snarf Killed DOMM with a BallistaBeam
21m 55s ws.snarf Killed Infected_Toe with a BallistaBeam
21m 55s FuriousRabbit Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeMantisBeam
21m 58s gareau Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
22m 00s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a BallistaBeam
22m 05s Judas Killed Player with a HellBender Rear Turret
22m 07s ws.snarf Killed old_man with a BallistaBeam
22m 09s FuriousRabbit Killed Azazel with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 14s FuriousRabbit Killed BourbonFingBob! with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 14s Rookie Killed gareau with a DamTypeVenomLasers
22m 16s ws.snarf Killed Anonymous with a BallistaBeam
22m 18s PhariZwheel lol
22m 23s FuriousRabbit Killed Rookie with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 23s Javiar Killed micronova with an Ion Cannon
22m 25s phred Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with an Energy Turret
22m 32s FuriousRabbit Killed AnKeeDo with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 33s Azazel Died from a DamTypeHydraTankPancake
22m 35s BourbonFingBob! Killed 11:11 with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
22m 37s Javiar Died from a Leviathan
22m 39s old_man Killed ws.snarf with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
22m 44s Infected_Toe Killed JohnRedCorn with a DamTypeBatteryLightning
22m 46s FuriousRabbit Killed Rookie with a DamTypeMantisBeam
22m 46s BUSCHMASTER Killed old_man with a DamTypeLampreyBeam
22m 47s Judas Killed Player with a Paladin
22m 54s gareau Killed BourbonFingBob! with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 56s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Player 9 with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
22m 57s Judas Killed phred with a HellBender Rear Turret
22m 58s Infected_Toe Killed BUSCHMASTER with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
22m 59s Infected_Toe Suicided with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
23m 00s Azazel Killed gareau with a DamTypeHavocCannon
23m 04s Anonymous Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a MinotaurKill
23m 06s bros.Sub-Zero Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
23m 07s Unicorn_Vomit Killed TFSN with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
23m 12s 11:11 Killed Azazel with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
23m 12s 11:11 Suicided with an ArbalestRocketNovaSecondary
23m 13s P4R4D0X Killed Justin with a Rocket Launcher
23m 17s Denial Connected
23m 17s Denial Team Change to Blue Team
23m 22s gareau Killed P4R4D0X with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
23m 25s BUSCHMASTER Killed FuriousRabbit with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
23m 28s ws.snarf Died from a Leviathan
23m 29s Rookie Killed Judas with a DamTypeVenomLasers
23m 34s BUSCHMASTER Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
23m 34s Rookie Killed micronova with a DamTypeVenomLasers
23m 40s bros.Sub-Zero Killed gareau with a CSSniperMechDamTypeSniperShot
23m 41s AnKeeDo Killed Judas with a MinotaurKill
23m 43s AnKeeDo Killed FuriousRabbit with a MinotaurKill
23m 43s AnKeeDo Killed micronova with a MinotaurKill
23m 44s Unicorn_Vomit Killed Justin with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
23m 51s Player 9 Suicided from Reckless Driving
23m 53s old_man Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamTypeDracoFlamethrower
23m 53s AnKeeDo Killed micronova with a MinotaurKill
23m 53s P4R4D0X Killed 11:11 with a DamTypeDragonAA
23m 54s FuriousRabbit Killed Rookie with a DamTypeWraithLinkBeam
23m 55s Azazel Killed Infected_Toe with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
23m 56s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MinotaurKill
24m 03s Anonymous Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a MinotaurKill
24m 05s Anonymous Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a MinotaurKill
24m 06s gareau Killed BourbonFingBob! with a DamTypeDragonBomb
24m 06s gareau Killed Denial with a DamTypeDragonBomb
24m 06s gareau Killed Javiar with a DamTypeDragonBomb
24m 07s BUSCHMASTER Killed TFSN with a FireHoundCombo
24m 11s phred Killed PhariZwheel with an Ion Plasma Tank
24m 12s FuriousRabbit Killed ws.snarf with a PVWDamTypeMercurySplashDamage
24m 13s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeDragonBomb
24m 13s Judas Killed Sharpton with a BallistaShell
24m 17s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeDragonBomb
24m 17s bros.Sub-Zero Killed micronova with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
24m 19s Infected_Toe Killed P4R4D0X with a DamTypeHavocCannon
24m 19s BUSCHMASTER Killed JohnRedCorn with a FireHoundRoadkill
24m 19s BUSCHMASTER Killed FuriousRabbit with a HeatRay
24m 20s gareau Killed Denial with a DamTypeDragonBomb
24m 20s gareau Killed Unicorn_Vomit with a DamTypeDragonBomb
24m 23s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
24m 23s Infected_Toe Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a DamTypeHavocCannon
24m 26s bros.Sub-Zero Killed TFSN with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
24m 29s Unicorn_Vomit fopr fuck sakes
24m 32s bros.Sub-Zero Killed Player 9 with a CSSpankBomberDamTypeProjectile
24m 34s Judas Killed Thomas_Jefferson with a BallistaShell
24m 36s AnKeeDo Killed 11:11 with a MinotaurKill
24m 36s AnKeeDo Suicided with a MinotaurKill
24m 36s Player Killed gareau with a DamTypeHydraTankShell
24m 36s Anonymous Killed bros.Sub-Zero with a MinotaurSecondaryTurretKill
24m 40s Judas Killed Rookie with a BallistaBeam
24m 41s FuriousRabbit Anon, can you get in the LG Mech and fuck them up?
24m 41s Po)o(tY Connected
24m 41s Po)o(tY Team Change to Red Team
24m 42s Player Killed El_Commandante(Co30) with a DamTypeBatteryRocket
24m 44s ws.snarf Killed Infected_Toe with a BallistaBeam
24m 47s Judas Killed Javiar with a BallistaShell
24m 47s Judas Suicided with a BallistaShell
24m 50s Blue Team Captured a Point!
24m 50s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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