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Chat Log for Omnip)o(tentS 2.0 Onslaught - ONS-MinusBadgerMeUp-Beta23
on Thu, Jan 11 2024, 7:06:59 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0m 50s GuythatkillsU Connected
-0m 50s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 50s Man_Bear_Pig Connected
-0m 50s Man_Bear_Pig Team Change to Red Team
-0m 48s Racer_X Connected
-0m 48s Racer_X Team Change to Red Team
-0m 48s McL)o(vin Connected
-0m 48s McL)o(vin Team Change to Blue Team
-0m 30s GuythatkillsU balance
-0m 24s Man_Bear_Pig balance
-0m 22s Man_Bear_Pig teams
-0m 20s McL)o(vin It shuffles at game start.
-0m 16s Man_Bear_Pig OK
-0m 06s Man_Bear_Pig We'll see
0m 00s Game Start
0m 00s GuythatkillsU Team Change to Red Team
0m 00s Man_Bear_Pig Team Change to Blue Team
0m 47s ROGER Connected
0m 47s ROGER Team Change to Red Team
0m 49s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
1m 07s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
1m 29s McL)o(vin Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
1m 44s McL)o(vin Killed ROGER with a MegabadgerKill
1m 45s Man_Bear_Pig Which one of you fucktards shot up our core?
2m 03s GuythatkillsU not me
2m 19s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
2m 34s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
2m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
2m 49s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
2m 55s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
2m 59s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
3m 06s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
3m 07s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with a Rocket Launcher
3m 23s McL)o(vin Killed ROGER with a MegabadgerKill
3m 38s McL)o(vin Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
3m 43s ROGER someoen else should join
4m 00s candylick Connected
4m 00s candylick Team Change to Blue Team
4m 01s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with an Ion Plasma Tank
4m 08s McL)o(vin Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
4m 36s McL)o(vin Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
4m 51s McL)o(vin Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
5m 44s ROGER Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a Goliath
5m 49s McL)o(vin Killed ROGER with a MegabadgerKill
5m 56s ROGER dammit
5m 57s Racer_X Killed candylick with a MegabadgerKill
6m 03s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerLaserKill
6m 15s McL)o(vin Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
6m 24s Racer_X hes at 9
6m 32s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
6m 36s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
7m 05s Racer_X Killed candylick with a BadgerCannon_Kill
7m 14s McL)o(vin Killed ROGER with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
7m 23s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with an Ion Plasma Tank
7m 39s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
8m 24s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a Redeemer
8m 25s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Redeemer
8m 25s candylick Killed Racer_X with a BadgerCannon_Kill
8m 51s candylick Killed Racer_X with a BadgerPancake
8m 54s candylick Carjacked a MyBadger
9m 05s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
9m 22s ROGER Killed McL)o(vin with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
9m 25s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
9m 32s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
9m 36s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
9m 37s Racer_X Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
9m 49s ROGER Killed candylick with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
9m 52s ROGER Carjacked a IonPlasmaBadger
10m 04s ROGER Killed candylick with an Ion Plasma Tank
10m 11s McL)o(vin Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
10m 24s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
10m 26s McL)o(vin ns
10m 31s McL)o(vin holy shit ns
10m 37s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
10m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a MegabadgerKill
10m 48s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
10m 58s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
11m 07s ROGER Killed McL)o(vin with an Ion Plasma Tank
11m 13s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
11m 15s d)o(gnuts Connected
11m 15s d)o(gnuts Team Change to Red Team
11m 22s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a MegabadgerKill
11m 29s McL)o(vin FFS? dog really?
11m 33s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
11m 41s d)o(gnuts Died from an UAMDamTypeChangeTeam
11m 41s d)o(gnuts Team Change to Blue Team
11m 41s McL)o(vin Disconnected
11m 44s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a MegabadgerKill
11m 57s d)o(gnuts Died from a Manta
11m 58s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with an Ion Plasma Tank
12m 06s candylick Killed ROGER with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
12m 19s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a MegabadgerKill
12m 28s d)o(gnuts Killed ROGER with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
12m 41s candylick Killed GuythatkillsU with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
12m 50s Racer_X Killed d)o(gnuts with an Ion Plasma Tank
12m 55s d)o(gnuts Suicided with a Flak Cannon
13m 02s candylick Killed Racer_X with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
13m 28s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with a Rocket Launcher
13m 28s Man_Bear_Pig Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
13m 30s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
13m 34s d)o(gnuts Killed ROGER with a MegabadgerKill
14m 02s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
14m 09s candylick Killed Racer_X with an Ion Plasma Tank
14m 30s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
14m 30s d)o(gnuts Suicided with a MegabadgerKill
14m 38s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with an Ion Plasma Tank
15m 15s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
15m 17s d)o(gnuts Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
15m 22s Blue Team Captured a Point!
15m 26s GuythatkillsU wow
15m 31s candylick close
15m 32s candylick damn
15m 58s candylick hit 9
16m 07s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
16m 43s Man_Bear_Pig Killed ROGER with a MegabadgerKill
16m 47s Xexx Connected
16m 47s Xexx Team Change to Red Team
16m 53s McL)o(vin Connected
16m 59s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
17m 02s Man_Bear_Pig Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
17m 19s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
17m 20s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
17m 22s candylick Killed Xexx with an Ion Plasma Tank
17m 23s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
17m 35s Racer_X Killed d)o(gnuts with a MegabadgerKill
17m 44s Player 14 Connected
17m 51s candylick Killed ROGER with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
17m 53s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
17m 54s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with an Ion Plasma Tank
18m 00s Xexx Killed d)o(gnuts with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
18m 07s Player 14 Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerCannon_Kill
18m 14s Player 14 Killed McL)o(vin with a BadgerCannon_Kill
18m 17s Player 14 Carjacked a MyBadger
18m 21s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
18m 23s Player 29 Connected
18m 23s candylick Killed Xexx with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
18m 34s Racer_X Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
18m 43s ROGER Suicided with a Flak Cannon
18m 53s ROGER Suicided with a Flak Cannon
19m 04s ROGER Killed candylick with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
19m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
19m 10s McL)o(vin Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
19m 13s McL)o(vin Carjacked a HoverBadger
19m 22s ROGER Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
19m 33s ROGER Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
19m 40s Racer_X Killed candylick with a BioBadgerBeamKill
19m 41s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerCannon_Kill
19m 52s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Player 14 with an Ion Plasma Tank
19m 55s Player 29 Killed ROGER with a BadgerPancake
20m 01s Racer_X Killed Player 29 with a BiotankKill
20m 19s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
20m 19s ROGER Killed McL)o(vin with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
20m 22s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
20m 24s Racer_X Killed candylick with a BioBadgerBeamKill
20m 37s Racer_X Killed Player 29 with a BiotankKill
20m 39s Racer_X Killed d)o(gnuts with a BiotankKill
20m 42s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with a BadgerCannon_Kill
20m 43s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BiotankKill
20m 48s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Shock Rifle
20m 53s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
21m 09s d)o(gnuts Killed Racer_X with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
21m 10s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a MegabadgerKill
21m 13s candylick Killed Player 14 with a MegabadgerKill
21m 26s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a MegabadgerKill
21m 29s GuythatkillsU Killed d)o(gnuts with a MegabadgerKill
21m 32s ROGER Killed Player 29 with an Ion Plasma Tank
21m 41s Man_Bear_Pig Telefragged Player 29
21m 47s d)o(gnuts Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
21m 50s Player 14 Killed d)o(gnuts with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
22m 16s candylick Killed Xexx with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
22m 27s Xexx Killed d)o(gnuts with an Ion Plasma Tank
22m 35s ROGER Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
22m 38s GuythatkillsU Killed candylick with a MegabadgerKill
22m 45s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
22m 48s McL)o(vin Killed Racer_X with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
22m 51s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
23m 01s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
23m 05s GuythatkillsU Killed d)o(gnuts with a MegabadgerKill
23m 05s Player 14 Killed candylick with a BadgerCannon_Kill
23m 08s Player 29 Killed Xexx with a BadgerCannon_Kill
23m 08s Player 29 Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
23m 22s d)o(gnuts Killed Player 14 with a MegabadgerKill
23m 22s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
23m 24s d)o(gnuts Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
23m 34s d)o(gnuts Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
23m 57s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
24m 01s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Flak Cannon
24m 04s Xexx Killed Man_Bear_Pig with an Ion Plasma Tank
24m 07s Xexx Killed candylick with an Ion Plasma Tank
24m 22s candylick damn I have to go
24m 23s McL)o(vin Killed ROGER with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
24m 23s d)o(gnuts Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
24m 25s candylick Suicided
24m 25s candylick Disconnected
24m 26s Player 14 Killed Player 29 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
24m 28s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
24m 38s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
24m 44s Xexx Killed Man_Bear_Pig with an Ion Plasma Tank
24m 51s Player 14 Killed Player 29 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
24m 51s ChickenNugget Connected
25m 04s d)o(gnuts Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
25m 08s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
25m 10s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
25m 18s d)o(gnuts Killed ROGER with a MegabadgerKill
25m 19s Man_Bear_Pig Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
25m 26s Man_Bear_Pig Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerCannon_Kill
25m 33s Man_Bear_Pig Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerCannon_Kill
25m 38s d)o(gnuts Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
25m 41s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
25m 52s d)o(gnuts Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
25m 54s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
25m 54s Javiar Connected
25m 54s Javiar Team Change to Blue Team
25m 59s ChickenNugget Killed Racer_X with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
26m 03s Red Team Captured a Point!
26m 07s Player 14 gg
26m 11s d)o(gnuts gg
27m 09s GuythatkillsU Killed ChickenNugget with a MegabadgerKill
27m 10s d)o(gnuts ffs this many ppl and only two starting nodes
27m 12s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
27m 17s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
27m 20s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a MegabadgerKill
27m 20s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
27m 24s d)o(gnuts Killed ROGER with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
27m 30s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a MegabadgerKill
27m 33s Man_Bear_Pig Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
27m 34s Player 14 Killed d)o(gnuts with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
27m 42s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
27m 48s ChickenNugget Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
27m 54s ChickenNugget Killed Player 14 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
27m 55s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Xexx with a MegabadgerKill
27m 56s Javiar Killed GuythatkillsU with an Ion Plasma Tank
28m 11s Man_Bear_Pig Killed GuythatkillsU with a MegabadgerKill
28m 12s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
28m 20s Racer_X dead
28m 27s Player 29 Killed ROGER with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
28m 27s d)o(gnuts Killed Player 14 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
28m 28s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a BadgerCannon_Kill
28m 33s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
28m 41s GuythatkillsU Suicided from Reckless Driving
28m 50s ChickenNugget Killed Player 14 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
28m 53s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
28m 59s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Shock Rifle
29m 11s Xexx Killed d)o(gnuts with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
29m 14s Xexx Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
29m 16s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with a BadgerCannon_Kill
29m 17s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a BadgerCannon_Kill
29m 19s GuythatkillsU Killed ChickenNugget with a BadgerCannon_Kill
29m 21s Xexx Killed McL)o(vin with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
29m 26s Xexx Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
29m 26s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
29m 29s Xexx Carjacked a ReverseBadger
29m 35s ROGER Killed d)o(gnuts with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
29m 39s ChickenNugget Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
29m 43s Javiar Killed Player 14 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
29m 43s Xexx Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
29m 45s Xexx Killed McL)o(vin with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
29m 51s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
29m 54s Racer_X Killed ChickenNugget with a MegabadgerKill
30m 00s Racer_X Killed Javiar with a MegabadgerKill
30m 04s Xexx Killed Player 29 with an Ion Plasma Tank
30m 12s ChickenNugget Killed Player 14 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
30m 15s ROGER Killed d)o(gnuts with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
30m 19s Xexx Killed McL)o(vin with an Ion Plasma Tank
30m 23s Racer_X Killed d)o(gnuts with a MegabadgerKill
30m 23s Xexx Killed Player 29 with an Ion Plasma Tank
30m 25s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
30m 30s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Xexx with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
30m 31s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
30m 35s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerRoadkill
30m 39s Racer_X Killed d)o(gnuts with a MegabadgerKill
30m 50s ROGER Killed Player 29 with an Ion Plasma Tank
30m 56s McL)o(vin Suicided with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
31m 01s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
31m 04s Player 14 Killed ChickenNugget with a BiotankKill
31m 15s ChickenNugget Killed Player 14 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
31m 18s Racer_X Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
31m 24s Javiar Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
31m 24s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
31m 32s ChickenNugget Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
31m 32s Racer_X Killed d)o(gnuts with a MegabadgerKill
31m 34s Xexx Carjacked a IonPlasmaBadger
31m 35s Player 29 Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
31m 39s Player 14 Killed Javiar with a BadgerCannon_Kill
31m 44s d)o(gnuts Died from a Manta
31m 48s ChickenNugget Killed Racer_X with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
31m 55s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
31m 55s Player 14 Killed Javiar with a BadgerCannon_Kill
31m 59s Xexx Killed ChickenNugget with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 00s Racer_X both mega down
32m 07s Xexx Killed Player 29 with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 15s Xexx Killed d)o(gnuts with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 21s Player 14 Killed d)o(gnuts with a BadgerCannon_Kill
32m 24s Racer_X Killed McL)o(vin with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
32m 28s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
32m 33s d)o(gnuts Killed Player 14 with a BadgerCannon_Kill
32m 37s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
32m 39s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a Link Gun
32m 42s Xexx Killed Javiar with an Ion Plasma Tank
32m 43s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
32m 56s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
33m 08s ROGER Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
33m 12s Xexx Killed ChickenNugget with an Ion Plasma Tank
33m 12s Javiar Killed Racer_X with a BadgerCannon_Kill
33m 18s McL)o(vin Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
33m 37s ROGER Killed Player 29 with a Redeemer
33m 40s ChickenNugget Killed Xexx with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
33m 45s Player 14 Killed d)o(gnuts with a BadgerCannon_Kill
33m 48s Player 14 Killed ChickenNugget with a BadgerCannon_Kill
33m 52s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Racer_X with a BadgerCannon_Kill
34m 08s ChickenNugget Killed ROGER with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
34m 13s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a MegabadgerKill
34m 13s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
34m 15s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a MegabadgerKill
34m 23s GuythatkillsU Killed ChickenNugget with a MegabadgerKill
34m 31s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Player 14 with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
34m 31s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a MegabadgerKill
34m 34s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
34m 34s Javiar Killed ROGER with a BadgerRoadkill
34m 39s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
34m 43s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a MegabadgerKill
34m 44s Racer_X Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerRoadkill
34m 50s ROGER Killed Javiar with a BadgerCannon_Kill
34m 50s ChickenNugget Killed Xexx with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
34m 52s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
34m 54s d)o(gnuts Killed Player 14 with a MegabadgerKill
34m 57s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
35m 01s d)o(gnuts Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
35m 10s Player 29 Killed ROGER with a BadgerRoadkill
35m 20s d)o(gnuts Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
35m 21s Xexx Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
35m 23s d)o(gnuts Killed Player 14 with a MegabadgerKill
35m 25s Man_Bear_Pig Killed Xexx with a BadgerCannon_Kill
35m 31s d)o(gnuts Killed Player 14 with a MegabadgerKill
35m 34s d)o(gnuts Killed ROGER with a MegabadgerKill
35m 50s Xexx Killed Javiar with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
35m 51s Man_Bear_Pig Suicided from Reckless Driving
35m 51s Xexx Died from an Ion Plasma Tank
35m 53s d)o(gnuts Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
35m 58s d)o(gnuts Killed Player 14 with a MegabadgerKill
36m 00s GuythatkillsU Killed Player 29 with a MegabadgerKill
36m 07s ROGER Killed d)o(gnuts with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
36m 08s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
36m 13s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
36m 14s ChickenNugget Killed ROGER with an Ion Plasma Tank
36m 16s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a MegabadgerKill
36m 17s ChickenNugget Killed Player 14 with an Ion Plasma Tank
36m 20s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
36m 22s GuythatkillsU Killed Javiar with a MegabadgerKill
36m 27s Xexx Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
36m 28s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a MegabadgerKill
36m 28s ChickenNugget Killed Racer_X with an Ion Plasma Tank
36m 35s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a MegabadgerKill
36m 35s GuythatkillsU Suicided with a MegabadgerKill
36m 39s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
36m 44s d)o(gnuts Killed Xexx with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
37m 00s McL)o(vin Killed Player 14 with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
37m 03s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
37m 05s ROGER Killed ChickenNugget with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
37m 10s McL)o(vin Killed GuythatkillsU with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
37m 15s Xexx Killed Player 29 with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
37m 18s McL)o(vin Killed Racer_X with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
37m 19s Xexx Killed d)o(gnuts with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
37m 26s ROGER Killed Javiar with a DamTypeLinkTankBeam
37m 27s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a BadgerCannon_Kill
37m 30s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
37m 34s ChickenNugget Killed Xexx with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
37m 39s ChickenNugget Killed GuythatkillsU with a BadgerMinigun_Kill
38m 00s GuythatkillsU Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a BadgerCannon_Kill
38m 00s ROGER Killed d)o(gnuts with a DamTypeLinkTankPlasma
38m 03s Xexx Killed ChickenNugget with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
38m 11s GuythatkillsU Killed McL)o(vin with a BadgerCannon_Kill
38m 23s McL)o(vin Suicided with a Shock Rifle
38m 28s Xexx Killed Man_Bear_Pig with a HoverBadgerCannonKill
38m 30s d)o(gnuts Killed Racer_X with a MegabadgerKill
38m 32s ChickenNugget Killed GuythatkillsU with a Vehicle Explosion
38m 34s Xexx Killed ChickenNugget with a Rocket Launcher
38m 34s Xexx Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
38m 39s Blue Team Captured a Point!
38m 39s Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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