Spectating to force team switching..

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Spectating to force team switching..

Post by pooty »

Reporting a complaint on behalf of FuriousRabbit.
Apparently several players last night, allegedly 11:11, Kronix, Leon and others, went to spectate to force a team switch and then came back...

I want to re-iterate that ( viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4&sid=5b704d79f640 ... 94b78e17a2 )
Team switching : Stay on the team the server decided to put you on. Period. We do not care whether you do not like the color of the team you are on or a friend you want to play with is on the other team. This includes when the server or admin switches you..suck it up and help your new team. This includes trying to work the system, by leaving/spectating to force an imbalance so that a new join to gets switched and then rejoining the team

As admins we understand that from time to time, you have to refill your beer, empty your beer, tend to the kids/dogs/wife whatever...at times you leave and comeback in short order. But lately it seems its been a bit of an issue where people use specing to force a newly joined player to their team..We will start kicking repeat offenders. Don't try to game the system...just play.

And if you're going to leave a match, please if possible, leave before the balancer "balances". Leaving after hurts the team balance. You have about ~20 seconds to decide you want to play or not.
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Re: Spectating to force team switching..

Post by Enyo »

I think FuriousRabbit is referencing the match I was in late last night or night before with Xexx, Kronix, 11:11, leon and a few other players. What happened was absolutely NOT spectating to force team switching. I joined and there were only about 12-14 total players. I came in on blue, and after helping blue win in OT, I actually got switched 3 times in the span of a minute from players quitting. The only one that came back in was Kronix. By then I was on the red team, the team he left, and he came back in on blue after spectating for about a minute.

Furious starting getting bent out of shape over it, so I got onto Kronix about it and he ultimately ended back up on red and me back on blue. Kronix claimed he went to spectate because at the time his red team had 6 players and our blue team had 5 and he felt that was unfair. But then someone else on red left right after him, which is when I ended up back on red. Now the balance was completely fucked and then Kronix bone-headedly rejoined the blue team.

The whole time this was happening, FuriousRabbit was getting, well, furious about the situation and started claiming I was refusing to do anything about it. I was talking over voice chat to Kronix the whole time while logged in as admin, so not sure why he thought I was ignoring the issue. Furious has stated before that he doesn't hear voice chat, maybe he should get that fixed before accusing a bunch of players of malfeasance. Leon left and did not return, and neither did 11:11. Spectating to force team switches is not behavior I've ever observed from them before, and what Kronix did was a misjudgment on his part.

All that said, for future reference, no players should ever be taking it upon themselves to decide what's balanced or not, and nobody other than admins should be taking any actions to get players switched around in an attempt to balance teams. Spectating to get players switched is a big no no.
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Re: Spectating to force team switching..

Post by pooty »

Sounds about right. Furious was pretty upset when I joined, and was tearing into 11:11 about it. 11:11 actually said he needed a pee break, left and came back. We aren't going to go all nanny about, people leave and comeback for various reasons...its usually pretty clear when people do the spec and switch thing.. Given 11:11 explained himself I didn't see any issue with it.

However, I have noticed a few times that other players want to try to balance as Enyo describes.. and I'll reiterate:
no players should ever be taking it upon themselves to decide what's balanced or not, and nobody other than admins should be taking any actions to get players switched around in an attempt to balance teams. Spectating to get players switched is a big no no.

This is in the server rules and even if well intentioned will get warned, if not kicked.
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Re: Spectating to force team switching..

Post by leon »

Thank you Enyo. I didn't do that.
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Re: Spectating to force team switching..

Post by pooty »

No worries leon. Furious had a complaint so we looked into it. It seems to be OK, as Enyo was there....
I've seen some of the team specing stuff, but from what I've seen it wasn't any one that Furious was complaining about... but to be fair we at least addressed it.
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Re: Spectating to force team switching..

Post by pooty »

so the innocent might be that . don't assume they are doing anything on purpose w/o asking at least.
Usually its pretty easy to tell, and its usually repeat offenders.
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Re: Spectating to force team switching..

Post by Enyo »

COLDCUT wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:10 pm sometimes i will crash as others might.
at the beginning of a game switch.or when shot in head. or when a long sound kicks in .
so at 4.7 ghz i will come back in spectating seconds later.
then join game after stabilizing because when joining i have crashed again clicking the mouse to be in a hurry to rez the game and get me in.
so the innocent might be that . don't assume they are doing anything on purpose w/o asking at least.
in 20 yrs i'v never cleared my cache
i have copied this game over from at least 5 computers over time to this one.
still don't know how to bind a key. color me tupid.
but i bring up the rear with a vengeance and die well .
Don't worry Coldcut, nobody suspects you of being anything other than, well, you.
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