Netspeed and Playing on our Server

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Netspeed and Playing on our Server

Post by pooty »

UT2004 had a hard coded bandwidth limit which has been removed on our server with a Mutator.

To get proper gameplay you need to set your netspeed in the game to 80000 to 100000. You read that right, forget the nonsense in some old guides about setting to 10001 to uncap frame rates -- that's WAY to slow (10kb/s). You need at least 80kb/s to 100kb/s. The traffic during a busy game often goes higher than 50kb/s. So if you're having missing lasers, missing turrets etc, your netspeed is too low.

Hit the ~ to open the console type netspeed 100000 and you're good.

Or edit your ini files.
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Re: Netspeed and Playing on our Server

Post by McLovin »

If they use the console entry method, is it a one-shot, or do they need to reenter each time they join?
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Re: Netspeed and Playing on our Server

Post by pooty »

It should be a one shot unless they change it again.
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