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Post by DrScrotey »

I was surprised by Wingnut's douchey behavior tonight. I haven't seen any bad behavior in the past from him. Apparently he was having some fun with the teams balancing at my expense.
I'm coming back tonight after a 3 month hiatus following a death in the family and a move.
On Tyrant I won a round, got switched, won on the other team, then on the last round got switched at the last minute by Wingnut who was spectating. I suspect he was griefing by the comments he was making in the screenshot. I think he mistakenly had some false ideas about voluntary team switching regarding me.
Anyway, it doesn't look like he's on the forum, but if he's lurking: Wingnut, know that I forgive you.
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Re: Wingnut

Post by pooty »

He can provide his prospective, but the
UAdminMod: XXX has balanced the teams, comes from typing 'teams'
It balances the teams by player count, with the player who most recently joined moved (includes spec time).

So likely you were the recent join (as evidenced by Azazel's comment), teams became uneven a few times and you got ping ponged back and forth... it does happen.
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