Happy 20th Birthday UT2004 Still going strong!
The home page for Unreal Tournament UT2004 Onslaught OmnipotentS 2.0 Server. Custom vehicles and mods. Active Forum!
Please NOTE: From EPIC Games: Epic Sucks!
This means once the UT2004 Master Server is shutdown, you won't see that the server is "UP" in either Internet Servers or Favorites. Just connect to us anyway ( and play!
Most play on the server is between 8pm and 1am Eastern US Time
We are also listed on the OpenSpy Master Servers: http://beta.openspy.net/en/server-list/ut2004
Instructions on how to point your UT2004 install to OpenSpy: https://ut2004serverlist.com/
Visit the forums!
Current (08/29/2024 forward) Server/Player Stats This is the current stats.
Archived (08/29/2024 backward) Server/Player Stats This is the archived stats, prior to restart.
UT2004 Redirect
Discord Channel
Looking to get started? Need to install? Look right here for all the instructions
Getting Started Guide, Install UT2004 and Play!